Please get off "the couch".

0.2% of collegiate players actually make it into the NFL, not so much of a good career choice for 99.8% of NCAA Football players..

Then they're still graduating well ahead of their peers given they aren't shackled to 6 figures of debt.

Again, this isn't a bad bargain for the 98.2% of college football players that don't make millions in the NFL. They're getting something a good number of them wouldn't get that is very expensive and they're getting it for free.
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You just lost me.

All I can say is that having been through the student athlete wringer at a much lower level, it's not the picnic that some are making it out to be.

Nope. Lot of peanut butter sandwiches and iced tea.
I'm not going to bash him but I'm not going to cry him a river either; he knows the rules (or at least should).

He made a mistake, he's seemingly paying for it (no pun intended) but that doesn't make him a horrible person.

^^^they should just sticky this and close the thread.^^^
The reason I feel bad for Couch is explained by Eminem pretty well,

"I can't provide the right type of
Life for my family, cause man, these damn
Food stamps don't buy diapers"

Just replace food stamps with Pell Grants.

and it still rhymes.... weird.
Go take a class load, practice/play 20 hrs a week, spend extra time in the weight room and study and then I'll listen.

I agree this is not easy at all. I wasn't talented enough to play college sports but worked a full time job to pay for college while going to school. It took 6 years to get a degree and 7 more to pay back student loans. I think players are paid quite a bit but I am not opposed to players getting paid $300-$500 a week, the amount they could make working a part time job, to help them out with miscellaneous expenses. This money comes from the NCAA and they money they make from these players. With that in mind, players should be suspended for a season if they take money from boosters or agents. A second offense should result in permanent suspension of a scholarship and eligibility. Agents should also be subject to similar sanctions and the NCAA and professional teams should agree to enforce these issues.
Well, of course it is.

However, that's how every industry in this country is. It shouldn't be a shock that College sports and higher education as a whole are nothing more than an industry.

For instance, an engineer that invents a new leading edge design for Boeing won't benefit from the billions of revenue that will generate. That's just how it works.

Bet he gets a pretty good 6 figure salary to design it. These players are forgoing 3 years of any pay during what, for some, will be their best years. Meanwhile, that annual $10k scholarship will earn the school over $150k per year.

Many of these athletes will get hurt and spend the rest of their lives crippled because of their service. There is no trust set up for alumni with head injuries, no pension for retirees, no health care after graduation. For every Inky there are thousands of John Does who are limited by injuries they suffered.
Then they're still graduating well ahead of their peers given they aren't shackled to 6 figures of debt.

Again, this isn't a bad bargain for the 98.2% of college football players that don't make millions in the NFL. They're getting something a good number of them wouldn't get that is very expensive and they're getting it for free.

Very true. I got my degree debt free and all I had to do was kill Afghans and Iraqi's. win -win
Bet he gets a pretty good 6 figure salary to design it. These players are forgoing 3 years of any pay during what, for some, will be their best years. Meanwhile, that annual $10k scholarship will earn the school over $150k per year.

Many of these athletes will get hurt and spend the rest of their lives crippled because of their service. There is no trust set up for alumni with head injuries, no pension for retirees, no health care after graduation. For every Inky there are thousands of John Does who are limited by injuries they suffered.

Going to far, They are not forced to play it is their choice. Universities cannot afford your wish list. If a player can make money on side He can have at and take His chances.
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I get your argument, but a lot of these guys have more to worry about besides making good grades and going to class. Some of them have children to support. Now I'm not going to get on the issue of whether you should have kids or not being a collegiate athlete, but what's done is done, and last I checked, "free room and board" doesn't buy diapers and formula. Just a thought.

Welp....unless I am mistaken, student loans are out there as an option.
Going to far, They are not forced to play it is their choice. Universities cannot afford your wish list. If a player can make money on side He can have at and take His chances.

I don't disagree that they can go work immediately and forego college. But, for many of these kids, there is no other way to go to college. Heck, for a lot of these kids, they wouldnt graduate high school except for the prospect of college and someday the NFL. Im not saying they need six figures, but there should be basic benefits, and I think the multi billion dollar college football machine could certainly afford to take a little better care of their charges.
I don't disagree that they can go work immediately and forego college. But, for many of these kids, there is no other way to go to college. Heck, for a lot of these kids, they wouldnt graduate high school except for the prospect of college and someday the NFL. Im not saying they need six figures, but there should be basic benefits, and I think the multi billion dollar college football machine could certainly afford to take a little better care of their charges.

I would bet that most of this kids cant/dont graduate high school like the rest of us..I mean..have you ever seen Chris Johnson talk? No way that guy made it past 5th grade on his own.
In the real world, people who make this much money get paid for it. It's called a job.

In 4 years, they are getting around $200,000 in benefits including free room, food, free education and all tax free.

In my first 4 years of work, I made $8 an hour or $15360 a year before taxes

So saying they don't get compensated for the 4 years they put on that uniform is ridiculous

They are essentially being compensated an hourly rate of around $20 an hour

Now take that and multiply that by the amount of players on scholarship and you're looking at a 4 year cost of around $16,000,000 dollars to the school

And thats just football. Not counting all other sports
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I think until you walk in the shoes of Mo Couch we should keep judgments to ourselves, life is tuff but life with a young child is difficult. I know this is a choice he made, but I'm sure no one on this board ever did something wrong when no one was looking.

Let CBJ handle it, I'm sure MC is embarrassed over this so MAN UP VOL NATION and support our VFL.
I think until you walk in the shoes of Mo Couch we should keep judgments to ourselves, life is tuff but life with a young child is difficult. I know this is a choice he made, but I'm sure no one on this board ever did something wrong when no one was looking.

Let CBJ handle it, I'm sure MC is embarrassed over this so MAN UP VOL NATION and support our VFL.

Don't have a kid it's simple as that. Why do we fans and alums have to be ok with a guy bringing down the future of the program and the university's reputation because he couldn't wrap it up???

Side note and for the record I'm not surprised Bray's dumbazz is involved in this. He was such a POS cancer on the program the last 3 yrs.

Also...walk into Gibbs Hall during feeding time and tell me u feel bad for these guys, and they are living a rough life. These guys are doing just fine for playing a sport.
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It. Really is simple right = right
And wrong = wrong, wherever he may fall on this line,
Time will tell , and no excuses need apply

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