Please get off "the couch".

This is a bad argument. The majority of college students have a part time job without a full scholarship and they don't make nearly as much as college football players do each year.

You just lost me.

All I can say is that having been through the student athlete wringer at a much lower level, it's not the picnic that some are making it out to be.
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Alright here's your two options. You quit football that could make you millions of dollars to bag groceries and feed your kid, or you continue to play, working towards the NFL and millions of dollars, and take a couple hundred dollars on the side to feed your kid.

The responsible person wouldn't have had a kid in this situation, but with the deed being done, and those 2 options on the table, I know which one everyone would take, and if you say otherwise, you're lying.

Mama can't work until Couch gets a chance at the NFL? Sorry if I don't have sympathy but I know single mothers who work full-time and go to school full-time.

That's how it is for the nonathletic. Where getting free tuition/food/housing/etc isn't enough... you're alleviated from the normal scope of responsibility now.
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Maybe, but the rules are pretty clear too. It's a risk, and yes maybe most would take it, but he still got caught.

Again he shouldn't be bashed, but I'm not going to feel too sorry for him either.

That's fine. The point of the thread was criticizing those who are bashing him.
my concern is,don't they know to take cash while there being recruited ? don't leave a paper trail,just ask Johnny Football :)
You just lost me.

All I can say is that having been through the student athlete wringer at a much lower level, it's not the picnic that some are making it out to be.

He's implying that the value of a full-cost college degree ($100,000 at a minimum) attained over 4 years is more than most people make that also have to support families.
Mama can't work until Couch gets a chance at the NFL? Sorry if I don't have sympathy but I know single mothers who work full-time and go to school full-time.

That's how it is for the nonathletic. Where getting free tuition/food/housing/etc isn't enough... you're alleviated from any responsibility now.

On top of this he was (allegedly) foolish enough to leave a money trail. The agent is dumb as a box of rocks and the guys who took money, in their names, are dumb as boxes of rocks also.

At least he didn't pull a Fluker/Bray and brag about it.

Guess you've had the roughest road of them all, and pee on everyone who might've squandered a break or two. :hi:
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You just lost me.

All I can say is that having been through the student athlete wringer at a much lower level, it's not the picnic that some are making it out to be.

2 of my cousins were scholarship athletes at Div 1 schools. They didn't have any problems with the athletic/academic requirements and are loving life as mid-20 grads with no debt and high-value degrees.

It's anecdotal, I'll acknowledge that.
2 of my cousins were scholarship athletes at Div 1 schools. They didn't have any problems with the athletic/academic requirements and are loving life as mid-20 grads with no debt and high-value degrees.

It's anecdotal, I'll acknowledge that.

The thing is, we can't bring in some kids who clearly wouldn't be in school otherwise and then complain when they have to be spoon fed academically.
Guess you've had the roughest road of them all, and pee on everyone who might've squandered a break or two. :hi:

If you consider working full-time as a night stocker at a grocery store while maintaining a full academic load and then serving 5 years in the Marines so I could reasonably afford a BS/MS while I maintained a squeaky-clean record to get and then keep my clearance an easy road then... yes, I've had an easy road.

And this was almost 10 years ago when school/housing was a little more affordable.
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The thing is, we can't bring in some kids who clearly wouldn't be in school otherwise and then complain when they have to be spoon fed academically.

I don't mind them getting all the help they need (tutors, aid, etc). Seriously, I don't. That's the advantage they get as an athlete.

I'm just not buying the "they don't get paid" line. They do get paid. That degree is worth a lot of money. In ways, it's like summer internships that don't directly pay the interns anything but interns take those jobs (and many take night jobs to pay rent) due to the power of that internship.

I guess I'm just bitter but I feel they've been given their ample opportunity. Worst case: Keep nose clean, graduate with a degree and no debt. Best case: Make millions in NFL.
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These guys in college don't need cash! Good grief! If they need anything, they can just steal it. Momma always said, Thievery is the best policy! GBO! Kill Ducks!
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I don't mind them getting all the help they need (tutors, aid, etc). Seriously, I don't. That's the advantage they get as an athlete.

I'm just not buying the "they don't get paid" line. They do get paid. That degree is worth a lot of money. In ways, it's like summer internships that don't directly pay the interns anything but interns take those jobs (and many take night jobs to pay rent) due to the power of that internship.

I guess I'm just bitter but I feel they've been given their ample opportunity. Worst case: Keep nose clean, graduate with a degree and no debt. Best case: Make millions in NFL.

The biggest problem I have with that is that a football player has an almost tangible value at a big time program and a 4 year scholarship is a bargain for the school.
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(8) Bust you're tail for a "non profit organization" that makes millions of dollars off of you and your likeness and gives you nothing monetary in return, and also prohibits you from making anything monetary in return, while you watch the kid on an academic scholarship majoring in journalism make money off of his own name writing blogs?

All the previous 7 aforementioned items are worth several thousands of dollars. They are getting paid.
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I'd love to be in the situation of these college football players.

(1) Free room & board! While students with out athletic skills have to have their parents pay for it.

(2) Three free meals per day! While other pay.

(3) Free books! While other pay.

(4) Free tutors! While others would have to pay for it.

(5) Free medical! While other students have to pay for it.

(6) Graduate from college with no debt. While other students have decades of student loan payments.

(7) From late August until early January, you are interviewing for your job, in from of NFL scouts. While others have to enter the "Obama" job market and may not even have a prospect of a job once they graduate.

I, in no rway, shape, form or fashion feel any sympathy for any of these student/athletes.

I am totally on your side! Get real, they don't get adequately reimbursed for their talents is ridiculous. The players that are good enough will get millions and the ones that are not good enough get a free education and the ability to make high level contacts which translates into high paying employment. Sure it is not easy but go tell that to other young men and women who put their lives on the line for educational opportunities.

The pity party about some of these people have children, wives,etc. Really, I bet there are non athletes with the same issues AND are going in debt to get an education.
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The biggest problem I have with that is that a football player has an almost tangible value at a big time program and a 4 year scholarship is a bargain for the school.

Well, of course it is.

However, that's how every industry in this country is. It shouldn't be a shock that College sports and higher education as a whole are nothing more than an industry.

For instance, an engineer that invents a new leading edge design for Boeing won't benefit from the billions of revenue that will generate. That's just how it works.
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(8) Bust you're tail for a "non profit organization" that makes millions of dollars off of you and your likeness and gives you nothing monetary in return, and also prohibits you from making anything monetary in return, while you watch the kid on an academic scholarship majoring in journalism make money off of his own name writing blogs?

I weep

Welcome to the real world
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Go take a class load, practice/play 20 hrs a week, spend extra time in the weight room and study and then I'll listen.

I'd do that for four years to erase my debt I have to pay off over the next 16.

They know what they're getting into.

I do sympathize for Couch though because that man is doing the right things and has a family to provide for on top of it. Doesn't surprise me one bit that he took money.
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(8) Bust you're tail for a "non profit organization" that makes millions of dollars off of you and your likeness and gives you nothing monetary in return, and also prohibits you from making anything monetary in return, while you watch the kid on an academic scholarship majoring in journalism make money off of his own name writing blogs?

Nice stretch there Karl....
Maybe, but the rules are pretty clear too. It's a risk, and yes maybe most would take it, but he still got caught.

Again he shouldn't be bashed, but I'm not going to feel too sorry for him either.

I'm sure Couch is devastated that 'VolsSportsFan' doesn't feel sorry for him. Probably sitting down right now thinking 'What would VolsSportsFan do'?
Alright here's your two options. You quit football that could make you millions of dollars to bag groceries and feed your kid, or you continue to play, working towards the NFL and millions of dollars, and take a couple hundred dollars on the side to feed your kid.

The responsible person wouldn't have had a kid in this situation, but with the deed being done, and those 2 options on the table, I know which one everyone would take, and if you say otherwise, you're lying.

This is a perfect scenario to back up why I support abortions up to the 48th trimester..
Alright here's your two options. You quit football that could make you millions of dollars to bag groceries and feed your kid, or you continue to play, working towards the NFL and millions of dollars, and take a couple hundred dollars on the side to feed your kid.

The responsible person wouldn't have had a kid in this situation, but with the deed being done, and those 2 options on the table, I know which one everyone would take, and if you say otherwise, you're lying.

0.2% of collegiate players actually make it into the NFL, not so much of a good career choice for 99.8% of NCAA Football players..
College athletes get a great opportunity not only for a chance to go on to bigger sports arenas, they get a free education, tutors, room and board, food, etc. Not only that, many of them get to play on TV, give interviews, etc. Most college students and/or their families struggle greatly to pay for an education,room and board. Many of the students take out student loans to pay for a fraction of there costs. It is crazy to think that a student/athlete receive more financial aid. This is college football, its not the NFL. It shames me to know that Couch may have took money on the sly. That's something Bama players do, not UT.
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