Probably so. I was in the process of digging the old field lines up 2 years ago, just to discover they were 7 ft down.. too deep to mess with. The ground had been built up, some time before, by several feet.
So, as a temporary solution, I put a run of infiltrators, over the old field bed, about 3 ft down. Put in a new relocated tank and tied into the infiltrators. It's not ideal, but until I settle on a new drain field location, it's better than nothing.. perc rate is horrible because the ground underneath is shot from the old failed lines. I was really hoping I could get by several years like that, but with the amount of rain we've had, it doesn't seem likely.
The inspection port is useful, that is for sure, will be especially useful when I dump a buttload of lye in there to try to help rejuvenate the old greasy dirt. It's worth a shot.
So, yeah.. It's not something anyone would want to have to do twice on a single property.