Pope's remarks

The second is worthless for the following reasons: Yes, most Muslims refer to their place of worship as Mosque, however, there are still plenty of Islamic "temples" in the world.

Also, many "good Muslims" read the Bible. The Qu'ran in fact references Abraham, Jacob, Moses...Jesus, Mary, etc. These references would be completely worthless were it not for any study of the Bible.

For these reasons, I view the second article you referenced as basically an effort from several Islamic leaders to defer any blame on their faith.
well we will have to disagree on that one. i believe that the muslim world, especially the moderates, represents a powder keg of sorts.

Equating their moderates to a powder keg, somewhat diminishes the idea of them being moderate.
There are 1.4 billion muslims and the world and these weak links denouncing ALL the terrorism and radical acts of Islam are all we can find...where is the voice of Islam? Where is the Unity among Muslims to announce to the world that enough is enough? Where is the concern that the Koran teaches intolerance and conversion by force? Where are the Muslims proclaiming that the West is in fact good and is a promotor of democracy, peace and tolerance?
Percentage how would you break down people that practive Islam?

What percentage are all out ready to kill the "infidels"

What percentage, while not like the above, are more than happy to keep their mouths shut while the above percentage goes about its business?

What percentage are peaceful people readily open to living with people of differernt views?

I don't know as I recall askin' ye for yer thoughts, ye scurvy bilge-drinkin' tar-merchant. Avast yer gob afore I keelhaul ye an' string yer bones from the crow's nest :pirate:
A man in a lower Mississippi town near the LA border, who was Catholic entered the local barber shop as he did every two weeks for years. Inside he greeted all the featured locals who usually frequented the place, including the barber. As he sat in the chair the barber started his job...asking whats new. The man said his wife had won a trip to Rome to meet the Pontiff. Immediately the Barber who was known far and wide for being a nega vol ranted about how Rome was a nasty stinking place this time of year, and how itd be so crowded he'd never see anything. He paid for his cut, said his goodbyes and left. Two weeks later he returned, and sitting in the chair, the barber again asking whats new...he related the highlights of his Vatican trip. The barber said didnt get to see the Pope did ya? Well yes I did....we saw the Papal motorcade go by slowly and he waved, seemed to look straight at me. Soon a man came and spoke to me saying to come with him, the Pope himself wanted to see me! So I finally gained the audience with the Pope, and he blessed me, I knelt and kissed the ring. When I arose I asked of all those thousands of people there in the Vatican square why would he want to see me? He said to bless you my son, and to council you and to ask....where did you get your haircut.......cause thats the worst haircut Ive ever seen in my life!:)
Equating their moderates to a powder keg, somewhat diminishes the idea of them being moderate.

i dont think it does, but only because i am more or less equating the moderates muslims to the population of the balkans circa ww1. they represent a large group of people, that if shaken, could swing another way entirely. if that happens, we lose a lot of allies. this is something we do not need, obviously.
i dont think it does, but only because i am more or less equating the moderates muslims to the population of the balkans circa ww1. they represent a large group of people, that if shaken, could swing another way entirely. if that happens, we lose a lot of allies. this is something we do not need, obviously.
You forget to include in this apparent rationalization that they are not exactly swung in our favor right now. Also, hypothetically, say that the whole Muslim world turns on us, and therefore, every Muslim is our enemy. I believe it makes our job easier, as we would not have to tip toe around worried about collateral damage...
You forget to include in this apparent rationalization that they are not exactly swung in our favor right now. Also, hypothetically, say that the whole Muslim world turns on us, and therefore, every Muslim is our enemy. I believe it makes our job easier, as we would not have to tip toe around worried about collateral damage...
or profiling.
You forget to include in this apparent rationalization that they are not exactly swung in our favor right now. Also, hypothetically, say that the whole Muslim world turns on us, and therefore, every Muslim is our enemy. I believe it makes our job easier, as we would not have to tip toe around worried about collateral damage...

I wish we would go ahead and take this attitude somewhat. War has already been declared against the US. The majority of Americans just don't seem to or want to believe it.
I don't know as I recall askin' ye for yer thoughts, ye scurvy bilge-drinkin' tar-merchant. Avast yer gob afore I keelhaul ye an' string yer bones from the crow's nest :pirate:

Pirate day huh, that nonsense you posted doesn't look any different than your postings from the 364 non-pirate days a year.
Another glorious find...I can imagine that this will only inflame emainvol.
Pope: "Islam Can Suck It"

ROME -- In a televised statement this morning, Pope Benedict XVI lashed out at critics of his earlier comments on Muslims, referring to said critics as a "pack of crybaby snake-charmers" and recommending they perform various humanly impossible feats of flexibility and colonic accommodation.
"F*** you," he added.
"Why don't you have a seat on my pointy-*** hat," continued the Bishop of Rome. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Abdul? We all know how you camel-jockeys swing, out there in the desert. Yeah, those long cold lonely nights out among the dunes. You bunch of ****ots. We [Catholics] might **** little kids, but at least we don't strap bombs on them when we're done and drop them off at the bagel shop. Sure, we treat our women like ****, but if we made them all dress like fat ninjas, there wouldn't be a single full pew in the whole ****ing world. I mean, it's 2006, how do you ***holes get away with it? That part I kind of admire, actually. Jesus H. Christ, this stuff is good."
After pausing to drink deeply from a bejeweled chalice, His Holiness then closed his statement with, "I got your Allah right here," emphasizing his point by tugging sharply through his robes at his own scrotum.
"Pope out."
I had these two thoughts...

1. Somebody polish the pope's damn cross? Please? Ish needs to be CLEAN.

2. That is WAY too much color to be involved with any photo featuring Hitler.

But, I'm working with Google magic. There's only so much one can do... When you're lazy.

Did someone mention the Byzantine Empire?

Assaulted by the moslems numerous times. Was finally conquored by the Islamic Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1453. Byzantium was in the middle ages what the U.S is today: the dominant Christian superpower.

First Constantinople. Next Washington?

Delayed gratification is it alright. But those are the kinds of historical terms that some quarters of the Islamic world think in.

The fiery spread of Islam in the 600s saw them seize a lot of territory from the Byzantines (as well as the Persians and others), including North Africa and the Levant. They first beseiged Constantinople in 674 AD and were repelled. They attacked again in 717-718 with a force some 200,000 strong. Again they were repelled. They might have attacked again in the meantime. They certainly fought numerous battles, such as Manzikert in 1071 where the Byzantines got their asses handed to them by the Seljuk turks. The Byzantines turned to the west for aid, their answer was the first crusade.

It took them 700+ years to defeat Byzantium. But these are incredibly tenacious and patient people.

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