Possible Missile Attack in Israel

Hmmm...I smell a Persian cat, I mean rat, in all of this. Payback for the cyber torching of Iran’s nuclear facilities a couple of weeks ago.
Russia putting on steam with Ukraine, China steamrolling around the South China Seas playing chicken with shipping lanes and a big middle finger in the air to its Asian neighbors and the US. And here we are $30T in debt almost and another $2.0T on the way in a stimulus/jobs/infrastructure/rainbows/unicorns and Skittles Bill. And what are we gonna do? Absorb another $3 - $5 trillion or so to take on Putin, The Ayatollah and Xi? No, we’re gonna do nothing and like it.
the target appears to be the nuclear site (reactor and weapons). still not clear if the Iron Dome did it's job or the missile got through and missed.
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the target appears to be the nuclear site (reactor and weapons). still not clear if the Iron Dome did it's job or the missile got through and missed.

A Persian version of Operation Opera. Sounds Shakesperean.

Operation Opera (Hebrew: מבצע אופרה‎), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise airstrike conducted by the Israeli Air Force on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor located 17 kilometres (11 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq.

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