Possible war between China and India



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
This has been off the radar for a while now but things seem to be getting serious now. Since June China and India have been disputing over a border region called Doklam which is situated between Bhutan and China. Indian troops stopped the Chinese from finishing a road building project there. Both China and Bhutan lay claim to the area. Indian army entered the area on the request of Bhutan and a standoff between the two armies has continued. China and India haven't been at war with each other since 1962.

I feel I'm getting a clearer picture into the minds and souls (?) of tums and '79.
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I am concerned about my continued support on IT issues and supply of crap that would come with once or twice a year visit to a Wal Mart.
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You probably don't see cuckold bleeding hearts. I understand that can be a troubling thing to see for delicate snowflakes.

The fact that the characteristics and traits you find so admirable in yourself and others on your "team" are the very same ones you most fear and despise in your opponents and enemies obviously escapes you.

Again, no surprise. It would be interesting to be you for a day, but I would worry about getting the bends on my return trip up.
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The fact that the characteristics and traits you find so admirable in yourself and others on your "team" are the very same ones you most fear and despise in your opponents and enemies obviously escapes you.

Again, no surprise. It would be interesting to be you for a day, but I would worry about getting the bends on my return trip up.

I fear nothing from left wingers. You seem to not understand the difference between people like you and I. See..I live in a world where reality is understood, not one where I dream of what could be..you know..fairness..snowflakes in August..triple rainbows..etc.

And I would gladly let you be me for a day but sadly once you experienced the unfettered freedom from your pent up left wing hatred and realized you live in a world where you aren't bossed around by women you probably wouldn't leave..You'd have to learn to walk with proper posture..shoulders back, eyes forward (not at the ground)..and no shuffling of feet...

..and Luther, you might be a good guy, but I don't need a maid. :good!:

And the bends..do you think I am aquaman? That dude is totally a democrat..
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I fear nothing from left wingers. You seem to not understand the difference between people like you and I. See..I live in a world where reality is understood, not one where I dream of what could be..you know..fairness..snowflakes in August..triple rainbows..etc.

And I would gladly let you be me for a day but sadly once you experienced the unfettered freedom from your pent up left wing hatred and realized you live in a world where you aren't bossed around by women you probably wouldn't leave..You'd have to learn to walk with proper posture..shoulders back, eyes forward (not at the ground)..and no shuffling of feet...

..and Luther, you might be a good guy, but I don't need a maid. :good!:

And the bends..do you think I am aquaman? That dude is totally a democrat..

Some of that was pretty funny.

I was not referring to loony liberals but to your perceived enemies from outside of our border. Consider whom you hate and fear and evaluate the traits most prominent among those groups. Careful, much like the solar eclipse, extended direct observation may burn your eyes.
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Some of that was pretty funny.

I was not referring to loony liberals but to your perceived enemies from outside of our border. Consider whom you hate and fear and evaluate the traits most prominent among those groups. Careful, much like the solar eclipse, extended direct observation may burn your eyes.

I dont hate anyone outside of our borders, especially the Chinese or Indian. I just don't care. Not caring doesn't correlate to hate.
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I fear nothing from left wingers. You seem to not understand the difference between people like you and I. See..I live in a world where reality is understood, not one where I dream of what could be..you know..fairness..snowflakes in August..triple rainbows..etc.

And I would gladly let you be me for a day but sadly once you experienced the unfettered freedom from your pent up left wing hatred and realized you live in a world where you aren't bossed around by women you probably wouldn't leave..You'd have to learn to walk with proper posture..shoulders back, eyes forward (not at the ground)..and no shuffling of feet...

..and Luther, you might be a good guy, but I don't need a maid. :good!:

And the bends..do you think I am aquaman? That dude is totally a democrat..



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Hopefully cool heads prevail. If it does come to war, who would benefit and who would suffer?

Both have nukes, I'm not seeing a good outcome for the USA or anyone else.
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Nothing like the thrilling anticipation of the world's two most populace countries facing off in potential war.

You took the words right out of my mouth. The last thing the world needs is an eruption from the geopolitical bubbling caldron while Trump is president. Such an event would likely spin out in the directions of all kinds of horrible consequences for us all.
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You took the words right out of my mouth. The last thing the world needs is an eruption from the geopolitical bubbling caldron while Trump is president. Such an event would likely spin out in the directions of all kinds of horrible consequences for us all.

What a sad panda you'll be if the Trump Admins helps cool down the tensions and negotiates this out of troubled waters.

Of course, you'll say "well, it wasn't Trump, but his Cabinet instead."
We're over due for a culling of the population. North Korea, China, India, Russia, Pakistan should take care of about half of the problem.
Hopefully cool heads prevail. If it does come to war, who would benefit and who would suffer?

Both have nukes, I'm not seeing a good outcome for the USA or anyone else.

The PRC and India have more to lose regardless of the outcome over a situation like this. Regardless if bullets start flying, I'd be willing to bet it's extremely localized and you aren't going to see an all out regional conflict. Neither the PRC or India can afford (or would want) a wider war.

I'd suspect it'd be something along the lines of the battles that India and Pakistan fight in the Kasmir Province.

Best thing for the US to do would be provide an non-biased third party mediator for negotiations.
The PRC and India have more to lose regardless of the outcome over a situation like this. Regardless if bullets start flying, I'd be willing to bet it's extremely localized and you aren't going to see an all out regional conflict. Neither the PRC or India can afford (or would want) a wider war.

I'd suspect it'd be something along the lines of the battles that India and Pakistan fight in the Kasmir Province.

Best thing for the US to do would be provide an non-biased third party mediator for negotiations.

Actually no we don't. China gives us the middle finger when it comes to Korea so lets return the favor. I have no problems with the Indians, they're smart and work hard.
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