Possible war between China and India

Actually no we don't. China gives us the middle finger when it comes to Korea so lets return the favor. I have no problems with the Indians, they're smart and work hard.

Okay, let me rephrase then.

Instead of picking sides in a dispute in a place we have zero strategic or economic interest, we should lead from a neutral party standpoint. Or if we were to get involved, it is from a disinterested third party mediator position to get the two sides to talking and reach a peaceful conclusion.

We have no, zip, nada, zero reason to pick a side here, regardless of what the PRC did or did not do in regards to North Korea.
Actually no we don't. China gives us the middle finger when it comes to Korea so lets return the favor. I have no problems with the Indians, they're smart and work hard.
Plus, they are one of the few places in my town that sell no ethanol gas.
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I thought India had strong ties with Russia, which was why the U.S. chose to develop ties with Pakistan. Would the Russians step in to help their Indian allies against China?
Oh Joy. The two most populous countries in the world. Each with nuclear capabilities.
What could possibly go wrong??
I fear nothing from left wingers. You seem to not understand the difference between people like you and I. See..I live in a world where reality is understood, not one where I dream of what could be..you know..fairness..snowflakes in August..triple rainbows..etc.

And I would gladly let you be me for a day but sadly once you experienced the unfettered freedom from your pent up left wing hatred and realized you live in a world where you aren't bossed around by women you probably wouldn't leave..You'd have to learn to walk with proper posture..shoulders back, eyes forward (not at the ground)..and no shuffling of feet...

..and Luther, you might be a good guy, but I don't need a maid. :good!:

And the bends..do you think I am aquaman? That dude is totally a democrat..

Loony Tunes :crazy:
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Okay, let me rephrase then.

Instead of picking sides in a dispute in a place we have zero strategic or economic interest, we should lead from a neutral party standpoint. Or if we were to get involved, it is from a disinterested third party mediator position to get the two sides to talking and reach a peaceful conclusion.

We have no, zip, nada, zero reason to pick a side here, regardless of what the PRC did or did not do in regards to North Korea.

I'm glad you like the Chinese so much. When North Korea launches their missiles at South Korea and Japan what do you do then?
That little turd in North Korea is a bad haircut away from all out war with us and he thinks he can win it.
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I'm glad you like the Chinese so much. When North Korea launches their missiles at South Korea and Japan what do you do then?
That little turd in North Korea is a bad haircut away from all out war with us and he thinks he can win it.

Well, that escalated quickly. I go from advocating a position of non-interference to being one of those big red commie lovers.

Answer me this, other than giving ourselves a big pat on the back for antagonizing a situation in which we, again, have no interests, what is there to gain for the United States?

"Man, we stuck it to China by siding with India which we didn't even have a defense pact or anything else with! We sure showed them commies who's boss!"

Take a deep breath. Preferably not out of your mouth for a change.
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Well, that escalated quickly. I go from advocating a position of non-interference to being one of those big red commie lovers.

Answer me this, other than giving ourselves a big pat on the back for antagonizing a situation in which we, again, have no interests, what is there to gain for the United States?

"Man, we stuck it to China by siding with India which we didn't even have a defense pact or anything else with! We sure showed them commies who's boss!"

Take a deep breath. Preferably not out of your mouth for a change.

You don't think we have anything to do with India or China and should stay neutral?
The US needs to stay away from this. These two giants aren't going to slay each other over a small regional dispute. Shots may very well be fired but it will likely contain itself to the (relatively) small area around the border.
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You don't think we have anything to do with India or China and should stay neutral?

In a border dispute between the PRC and India, both of which are trading partners of ours, we have zero reason to get involved in picking sides.

What do you want us to do? Send in the 82nd Airborne and back up the Indians?
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The US needs to stay away from this. These two giants aren't going to slay each other over a small regional dispute. Shots may very well be fired but it will likely contain itself to the (relatively) small area around the border.

I do think there is an opportunity to put the US into a third party mediator position here. As much as you'd hate it, it would give Trump a decent foreign policy "win" if he sent in Tillerson to broker a deal and get the two sides to back down.
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The US needs to stay away from this. These two giants aren't going to slay each other over a small regional dispute. Shots may very well be fired but it will likely contain itself to the (relatively) small area around the border.

Totally agree. None of our business.
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This is the last thing we need in East Asia. We no longer come from a position of strength, and we really don't need Trump and Bannon involved in this. They are too volatile and unpredictable to be trusted with being a third party negotiator. Some how, they will screw this up. Trump might stick it to China because they wouldn't purchase his latest hotel or his daughter's trash products.
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This is the last thing we need in East Asia. We no longer come from a position of strength, and we really don't need Trump and Bannon involved in this. They are too volatile and unpredictable to be trusted with being a third party negotiator. Some how, they will screw this up. Trump might stick it to China because they wouldn't purchase his latest hotel or his daughter's trash products.

You are welcome to emigrate someplace else so Trump doesn't hurt your feelings any longer.

Or just run a candidate worth a **** and win the next election. But of the two, I'd think it's probably a more viable option to emigrate, because your party isn't going to run anyone worth a darn.
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You are welcome to emigrate someplace else so Trump doesn't hurt your feelings any longer.

Or just run a candidate worth a **** and win the next election. But of the two, I'd think it's probably a more viable option to emigrate, because your party isn't going to run anyone worth a darn.

He doesn't hurt my feelings, I just fear for our Republic.

Hopefully some one will emerge, but so far the Democratic party is sticking to its normal trash.
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The PRC and India have more to lose regardless of the outcome over a situation like this. Regardless if bullets start flying, I'd be willing to bet it's extremely localized and you aren't going to see an all out regional conflict. Neither the PRC or India can afford (or would want) a wider war.

I'd suspect it'd be something along the lines of the battles that India and Pakistan fight in the Kasmir Province.

Best thing for the US to do would be provide an non-biased third party mediator for negotiations.

Or, we could just mind our own business and let them sort it out...
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I thought India had strong ties with Russia, which was why the U.S. chose to develop ties with Pakistan. Would the Russians step in to help their Indian allies against China?

BRICS... Russia has ties to both China and India, although the ties to China are stronger economically with China as of the last 3-4 years. India is still a a colony of Britain/The West and will do their bidding.
Or, we could just mind our own business and let them sort it out...

Nothing wrong with helping achieve a workable resolution for both parties if that option presented itself.

What would be the problem with the US serving as a mediator and offering to host negotiations for such a thing? If the Russians and Putin offered that kind of service, you'd be happily cheering them on as a fine example of diplomacy.
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I thought India had strong ties with Russia, which was why the U.S. chose to develop ties with Pakistan. Would the Russians step in to help their Indian allies against China?

that whole area is a mess.

there is probably no single answer as to why we are friends with one over the other.

Being tied to the British we are going to side with Pakistan. India and British relations never got that good after their independence.

Afghanistan vs Pakistan vs India. they all fight each other over there. working with the Pakistannies to get rid of AQ; after helping create AQ really blurs the line of whose side are we on.

India is on that tier of nations that China was on. A fairly strong regional player but no real global presence. no one in power wants to lose any of said power, another player dilutes said power. Pakistan is a much "safer" bet to play here. even though they have nukes.

the first mistake wasn't choosing a side, it was just getting involved. as Grand has said this is a great chance for us to not get involved but still lead some peace talks. show we care about the world still, instead of the whole Trump America first and only fears. while not getting tied pointlessly to another conflict. all we would do is throw gas on the relatively small fire by sending the military over there.
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Nothing wrong with helping achieve a workable resolution for both parties if that option presented itself.

What would be the problem with the US serving as a mediator and offering to host negotiations for such a thing? If the Russians and Putin offered that kind of service, you'd be happily cheering them on as a fine example of diplomacy.

Why do Americans feel the need to butt their noses in affairs that are not of their concern? Plus, how often does US mediation accomplish anything?

We've got bigger fish to fry here at home.

As far as your Russian comment, Russia would have a slightly better reason of getting involved since they have been trying to build this coalition of BRICS nations and expanding Eurasian trading. But even with that said, I doubt that Putin/Russia would stick their noses too far into this.
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Why do Americans feel the need to but their noses in affairs that are not of their concern? Plus, how often does US mediation accomplish anything?

We've got bigger fish to fry here at home.

As far as your Russian comment, Russia would have a slightly better reason of getting involved since they have been trying to build this coalition of BRICS nations and expanding Eurasian trading. But even with that said, I doubt that Putin/Russia would stick their noses too far into this.

If you read into my first set of posts, I have said "we don't need to get involved."

With the caveat of "if we were to get involved, it should be from the third-party mediator standpoint." A role which, as LV pointed out, would be beneficial to us as well as to China and India. And yet, you go off on your traditional "I hate America" stampede instead of seeing there is an opportunity to do something good on the world stage without invading another country.

And no, Russia doesn't have any good reason to get involved like we don't. Don't even try to make up some silly ass BS like "well, with BRICS, Russia is a far better solution to mediate a crisis" said in your best nerd voice. We are just as tied economically to India and China as they are, but not tied militarily in a defense pact just like they aren't. Making either of us a good choice to serve as mediator if it came up. However, if the option presented itself to serve as mediator, I'd like to see how well Trump and team could negotiate a peaceful resolution.
If you read into my first set of posts, I have said "we don't need to get involved."

I saw that. I'm not taking that away from you. Relax.

Also, I clearly stated that I don't think Russia would get involved in the dispute, even though, they do have a significant energy deal with China set up.
And yet, you go off on your traditional "I hate America" stampede instead of seeing there is an opportunity to do something good on the world stage without invading another country.

I don't hate America. I just think we can do better. I just believe we should take advantage of the geographic position we have in this world that the Founding Fathers were well aware of, in that, we have oceans on our east and west that separate us from the trivial fighting of Europe and the complexities of the Far East.
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