Possible war between China and India

I just told you, they are afraid of the US trying to bottleneck shipping lanes or destroy trade. That is why they have worked to come up with an alternative to the SWIFT system, because it would make it virtually impossible for the US to put sanctions on them and block trade settlement. It is also why they are in the South China Sea building naval facilities, because of fear of the Straits of Malacca having a potential US blockade. Also why the have established their first naval facility in Djibouti, to protect the flow of goods going to and from the Suez Canal.

except we have never done that, even when we had reason, Korean War. They are doing this stuff for force projection, because they don't have the capabilities we do so they need the bases. It has nothing to do with trade. again they are the only recent examples of shutting down trade/shipping/fishing in the area. They have established no fly and no sail zones around these "islands" that weren't there before. not the US.
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Again, when has this happened?

It has happened to other countries in the recent history with sanctions on Iran, Russia and others and in the distant past with Europeans colonizing Chinese ports 150 years ago.

China is positioning itself so that sanctions or control of port facilities will not threaten them.
except we have never done that, even when we had reason, Korean War.

And you still don't understand (or choose not to understand). China doesn't want to be put in the situation where sanctions, a blockade or some other unilateral action by the US (or anyone else) can disrupt their economy.
It has happened to other countries in the recent history with sanctions on Iran, Russia and others and in the distant past with Europeans colonizing Chinese ports 150 years ago.

China is positioning itself so that sanctions or control of port facilities will not threaten them.

So it hasn't. That's what I thought.
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they are the ones positioning themselves to cut off trade. not the other way around. their military bases are cutting off their own noses to spite their face.
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they are the ones positioning themselves to cut off trade. not the other way around. their military bases are cutting off their own noses to spite their face.

Yep. They want the minerals, oil, and fish. They are smart enough to realize that there is a finite amount in the world and they are going to make sure they have enough to live on.
China and India Agree to Ease Tensions in Border Dispute

Both sides agreed to give some ground in order to end the standoff. In a short statement, the Indian government said it had reached an “understanding” with Beijing and had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” along the border, pulling back troops who had been sent to the disputed area to block the Chinese from building a new road.

And just for the record, I see a China/India conflict being less likely right now than the two sorting all of this out on their own. This conflict would in the long term not be worth the blood or treasure of either side.

Another day, another "I told you so".
Hopefully cool heads prevail. If it does come to war, who would benefit and who would suffer?

Both have nukes, I'm not seeing a good outcome for the USA or anyone else.

The PRC and India have more to lose regardless of the outcome over a situation like this. Regardless if bullets start flying, I'd be willing to bet it's extremely localized and you aren't going to see an all out regional conflict. Neither the PRC or India can afford (or would want) a wider war.

I'd suspect it'd be something along the lines of the battles that India and Pakistan fight in the Kasmir Province.

Best thing for the US to do would be provide an non-biased third party mediator for negotiations.

The US needs to stay away from this. These two giants aren't going to slay each other over a small regional dispute. Shots may very well be fired but it will likely contain itself to the (relatively) small area around the border.

There is nothing said from the Founding Fathers about being a third party mediator, even with troubled Europe and the Far East. Obviously, it was a little more complicated in those times as the world was different and communications took far longer to get hither and dither. But, I don't think being completely reclusive was their intention either. We are a world leader and have been for over a century. I wouldn't think the Founding Fathers would object to this nation, especially in light of how powerful we are, taking a lead role in negotiating a peaceful solution to a problem between two other nations. Especially nations we trade heavily with. The first action is to let the two work it out. But if we must get involved (when we get involved), we do it from the disinterested standpoint.

Regardless, I doubt this will get as crazy as some think. Both countries have far more to lose economically if they start trading serious blows back and forth. And I doubt either one want to risk that with a small strip of land or building a roadway.

here you go Ras. and I stopped before I got to your quote. you really stepped out on a limb for this one.

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