Possible war between China and India

People are giving India the short end of the stick here I think. If you don't think that India could land at least a handful of their nuclear missiles into key Chinese cities you'd be sadly mistaken. It'd be bloodshed and destruction on an epic level.

I wouldn't be surprised if the DoD perhaps would want a limited Chinese/Indian war to see how far the PLA has come in its modernization programs.
I wouldn't be surprised if the DoD perhaps would want a limited Chinese/Indian war to see how far the PLA has come in its modernization programs.

i don't agree. in the end it helps China more than it helps us.

some troops and leaders with actual combat experience. testing out equipment and finding the "missing" bits. and unless it gets beyond a limited war (still no nukes) I doubt China rolls out too many new toys.
And really the reason WWII was able to occur only 20 years after the end of WWI was that the allies took their boot off the throat of Germany. The sanctions were harsh but the country was for the most part untouched. That aversion to war played right into Hitler's hands.

This may be one of the most inaccurate and distorted views of history I have seen on VN in a long, long time.

If austerity was truly the answer after WWI, then explain to me why we had the Marshall Plan in Germany after WWII instead of a bigger boot on Germany's throat?
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Well the war has heated up to grade school levels. Red Rover and throwing rocks.


A confrontation occurred between Indian and Chinese soldiers along a disputed border in the western Himalayas, Indian officials said on Tuesday.
The PTI news agency said soldiers threw stones, causing minor injuries to both sides, as Chinese troops tried to enter Indian territory near the Pangong lak.


soldiers had to form a human chain to prevent an incursion by Chinese forces into territories claimed by India and located near the country's Ladakh region. China claims the territories as its own.
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Well the war has heated up to grade school levels. Red Rover and throwing rocks.


Thats hilarious. Red rover and throwing rocks. Lmao. Better than killimg eachother. Seems like a really crappy piece of real estate from what i can tell...nearly inaccessable mountain pass with no farm or commercial value..i dont see why they dont both just pave roads to nowhere thru there and let it continue to be deserted nothingness. Gotta fight over something though i guess...
Thats hilarious. Red rover and throwing rocks. Lmao. Better than killimg eachother. Seems like a really crappy piece of real estate from what i can tell...nearly inaccessable mountain pass with no farm or commercial value..i dont see why they dont both just pave roads to nowhere thru there and let it continue to be deserted nothingness. Gotta fight over something though i guess...

India doesn't want it paved because they know it will make it easier for China to invade some day. China has goals of world domination, and the West keeps foolishly thinking that by modernizing them that they will change their world view. Our leaders are idiots and are only helping China achieve their long term goals bit by bit.
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China has goals of world domination, and the West keeps foolishly thinking that by modernizing them that they will change their world view. Our leaders are idiots and are only helping China achieve their long term goals bit by bit.

China hasn't had any world domination ambitions anywhere in recent history.

Again, the Chinese are concerned about trade routes and access to ports. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They need free flow of trade more than anyone else.
China hasn't had any world domination ambitions anywhere in recent history.

Again, the Chinese are concerned about trade routes and access to ports. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They need free flow of trade more than anyone else.

and we have cut them off?
China hasn't had any world domination ambitions anywhere in recent history.

Again, the Chinese are concerned about trade routes and access to ports. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They need free flow of trade more than anyone else.

You couldn't be any more wrong. China wants to be the sole super power. It's all a part of their 100 year plan which is going well.
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You couldn't be any more wrong. China wants to be the sole super power. It's all a part of their 100 year plan which is going well.

Nah. China is dirt poor. Socialism ensures it. Its why the USSR's power during the cold war was way overstated. If large portions of your population can't eat, you're probably not going to be the sole world power.
You couldn't be any more wrong. China wants to be the sole super power. It's all a part of their 100 year plan which is going well.

China has no desire to do that because it is observing how taxing and demanding it is for the US to maintain global dominance.
China hasn't had any world domination ambitions anywhere in recent history.

Again, the Chinese are concerned about trade routes and access to ports. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They need free flow of trade more than anyone else.

Where the **** have you been? China has been working on world domination for the last 30 years.
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And accomplishing it one Walmart at a time.

Well, if that is you definition of "world domination" then I guess I would have to agree with you. They are looking to be the world's largest trader/exporter/manufacturer. But if you all are suggesting they want to have the same military goals and objectives as the US where we are nation building and engaged i military escapades all across the globe, then you would be wrong. Again, China is well aware of the costs to treasure and blood of having to do what the US is doing. They would much rather engage in trade and commerce.
The US right now is the most dominant force on all of the seas, so it has the capability to disrupt a lot of traffic coming in and out of China.

yup. and its been that way since WWII. depending on how you want to look at it, our power has been diminished relatively, as other nations have stepped up. Not that we are decreasing. so again what is China afraid of that it needs to step up?
I fear nothing from left wingers. You seem to not understand the difference between people like you and I. See..I live in a world where reality is understood, not one where I dream of what could be..you know..fairness..snowflakes in August..triple rainbows..etc.

And I would gladly let you be me for a day but sadly once you experienced the unfettered freedom from your pent up left wing hatred and realized you live in a world where you aren't bossed around by women you probably wouldn't leave..You'd have to learn to walk with proper posture..shoulders back, eyes forward (not at the ground)..and no shuffling of feet...

..and Luther, you might be a good guy, but I don't need a maid. :good!:

And the bends..do you think I am aquaman? That dude is totally a democrat..

a little primer on how to be a redneck? Send us a picture of the gun rack in your truck, for confirmation.
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yup. and its been that way since WWII. depending on how you want to look at it, our power has been diminished relatively, as other nations have stepped up. Not that we are decreasing. so again what is China afraid of that it needs to step up?

I just told you, they are afraid of the US trying to bottleneck shipping lanes or destroy trade. That is why they have worked to come up with an alternative to the SWIFT system, because it would make it virtually impossible for the US to put sanctions on them and block trade settlement. It is also why they are in the South China Sea building naval facilities, because of fear of the Straits of Malacca having a potential US blockade. Also why the have established their first naval facility in Djibouti, to protect the flow of goods going to and from the Suez Canal.
yup. and its been that way since WWII. depending on how you want to look at it, our power has been diminished relatively, as other nations have stepped up. Not that we are decreasing. so again what is China afraid of that it needs to step up?

is afraid of anything. It is a big country with an economy that has been booming for 25 years--and it aims to be a power. It has been spending a ton of money to build up its navy and has become assertive in a number of geo-strategic ways. China will surpass us as the world's largest economy in a few years.

For a long time we were closer to Pakistan than India. India was a non-aligned country during the Cold War and leaned toward the U.S.S.R. But over the last 15 years we've developed closer ties with India--economic, trade, military--and we clearly view an alliance with India, even if it is a soft one, as a key counterweight to China.
I just told you, they are afraid of the US trying to bottleneck shipping lanes or destroy trade. That is why they have worked to come up with an alternative to the SWIFT system, because it would make it virtually impossible for the US to put sanctions on them and block trade settlement. It is also why they are in the South China Sea building naval facilities, because of fear of the Straits of Malacca having a potential US blockade. Also why the have established their first naval facility in Djibouti, to protect the flow of goods going to and from the Suez Canal.

Again, when has this happened?
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