Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

This is certainly not “evidence” of voter fraud (I contend there will never be legally defined fraud found because election interference operates in the gray beyond legal definition. Anyway….), but this stuck me as odd.

Last week when I walked in the door do my voting location, the first thing I saw was a large yellow box with a slot on top that read “Place absentee ballots here.” It kinda struck me. Why would you have a box for absentee ballots at a place you aren’t absent from?
Gotta have a place for elderly folks in nursing homes suffering from dementia to place “their” votes, even if someone else has to take it in for them and fill out the forms.
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I dont understand how these people struggle with election fraud/interference since 2020...
We now have cases in AZ (2) over signature validation , GA has a case over fraudulent ballots going to court. GA has a case against dominion machine being hackable...and since there have been more and more "inconsistencies", humans and machine errors and more people arrested on both side for fraud..

Why would anyone believe 2020 was a safe and secure election? They cant see past Trump to realize what's really happening
Rasmussen Reports
If the late-counted 2020 mail ballots were Biden's path to victory, why were audits blocked everywhere except in AZ - where voter-volunteers proceeded to document over 200,000 non-conforming (counterfeit) ballots?

Now witness Georgia, where corrupt officials & judges are still hiding up to 150K of 2020 ballots, many of which were identified in sworn affidavits as likely counterfeit by long term poll workers.

Election fraud renders scientific polling worthless.

So we have and will continue to cover all official & court investigations into it.
I dont understand how these people struggle with election fraud/interference since 2020...
We now have cases in AZ (2) over signature validation , GA has a case over fraudulent ballots going to court. GA has a case against dominion machine being hackable...and since there have been more and more "inconsistencies", humans and machine errors and more people arrested on both side for fraud..

Why would anyone believe 2020 was a safe and secure election? They cant see past Trump to realize what's really happening

It probably goes back to similar situations in labs that process the evidence for criminal investigations being found incompetent or incapable preventing cross contamination and causing convictions based on their work to be overturned. Elections are the basis for almost everything going on at all levels of government, and to prove the process is flawed causes so much doubt that nobody in office wants to go there. If you can't run honest and competent elections, if you can't correctly identify qualified voters, if you can't add 1s and get the right answer, then WTH can you do correctly?

Do you admit the system is corrupt which in turn points out the people who run the place are corrupt? Do you admit that people running government are incapable of finding competent and incorruptible people to administer proceedings? To admit you can't do something as basic as running fair and noncorrupt elections is the kind of thing that topples empires. It basically says that your vote actually doesn't count after all.
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LOL, ya'll found the smoking gun yet?

The VN election fraud sleuths are just moments away of cracking the case I'm certain; I was sure that the My Pillow Guy and his crack team of mathematicians and elections scientists were going to solve this first. Nope - you guys and your irrefutable twitter posts and columns of numbers beat him to the punch. Kudos VN MAGA guys, kudos.
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How do you make in person votes just go away? Identification and all the other things that disallow a vote are done before a person gets a ballot. It should be the mail in votes that are discredited and discarded - not the in person votes.
Probably because it's not true.

There's a reason that this is being litigated on twitter and isn't being trotted out in front of an actual court of law.
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LOL, ya'll found the smoking gun yet?

The VN election fraud sleuths are just moments away of cracking the case I'm certain; I was sure that the My Pillow Guy and his crack team of mathematicians and elections scientists were going to solve this first. Nope - you guys and your irrefutable twitter posts and columns of numbers beat him to the punch. Kudos VN MAGA guys, kudos.
Orange defense is the only poster that possesses enough skills and knowledge to solve the mystery.
Orange defense is the only poster that possesses enough skills and knowledge to solve the mystery.

Slap face GIF on GIFER - by Tura

A bigly slap in the face to the other esteemed members of the MAGA election fraud research team here on the VNPF.
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LOL, ya'll found the smoking gun yet?

The VN election fraud sleuths are just moments away of cracking the case I'm certain; I was sure that the My Pillow Guy and his crack team of mathematicians and elections scientists were going to solve this first. Nope - you guys and your irrefutable twitter posts and columns of numbers beat him to the punch. Kudos VN MAGA guys, kudos.
Rasmussen Reports
If the late-counted 2020 mail ballots were Biden's path to victory, why were audits blocked everywhere except in AZ - where voter-volunteers proceeded to document over 200,000 non-conforming (counterfeit) ballots?

Now witness Georgia, where corrupt officials & judges are still hiding up to 150K of 2020 ballots, many of which were identified in sworn affidavits as likely counterfeit by long term poll workers.

Election fraud renders scientific polling worthless.

So we have and will continue to cover all official & court investigations into it.
You got a link to the 200k AZ ballots..I missed that story

This. What does evidence matter? If it cannot get its day in court, it can NEVER become PROOF. And that is the whole point of the carefully crafted dem machine.

There is now clear evidence that JFK was shot by at least 2 people (emergency docs have now said both front and rear entry bullets), meaning there was indeed a conspiracy, but there will never be proof because it wont end up in court. Yet anyone who considered that JFK murder was a conspiracy were laughed at as tin foil nuts.

40 years from now, some people may come forward and fess up and the media will sheepishly admit they coordinated an election fix over one or multiple states in the 2020, what a shame, and all will tut tut over something that happened long ago. But it will not matter then because they RULED during that time and made it more likely to stay in power while they did.
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You got a link to the 200k AZ ballots..I missed that story
Rassmussen maybe talking about....


Rasmussen Reports
Apr 28, 2022
New - 2020 Election Integrity: Arizona Audit Volunteer Findings Mocked By County Election Official

Only one type of paper is approved for all Maricopa counted ballots.

Ten different types/weights of paper were found by the voter volunteers who examined 2.1M ballots.


"All counted ballots" in Maricopa County were not printed on 80lb VoteSecure ballot paper stock.Hear the voter volunteers describe finding many "very, very thin" - AKA non-conforming (counterfeit) ballot paper during their personal reviews.

What's the explanation for this "anomaly?"We've asked
- who maintained total silence for 6 mos while "investigating." Since then he has said nothing about what the AZ voters in that video above found.And he's still silent. Busy hanging out with friends.


And now
friend - Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer - who is responsible for maintaining the voter files for more than 2.6 million active registered voters in Maricopa - is now personally promoting a new book mocking the time invested by the volunteers.
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A federal court in Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta Division) will allow plaintiffs to proceed to trial after they presented expert evidence which found core vulnerabilities in the Dominion voting system.

Most secure election ever...accepting for voting.machine being vulnerable, chain of custody violations. And signature verification failures
Leading Report
BREAKING: Former Maricopa County, Arizona, election worker claims many modest homes in heavily Democratic areas had exactly 25 people registered to vote at each address during the 2020 election.
Just like my Aunt and Uncle Getting several ballots. And if they drop them in the box, they would never know..or care.
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Just like my Aunt and Uncle Getting several ballots. And if they drop them in the box, they would never know..or care.

Another issue they probably want to avoid ever touching would be a person moves a couple of times and voter rolls aren't cleaned up. So ballots go out to old addresses for that person, and someone uses the ballots and returns them. The voter could be potentially accused of voting multiple times, and know nothing about it. With no real verification and ballots being sent out unrequested, it could easily happen in a few states. 2020 voting was a sloppy mess in a number of states ... just the way dems like it.

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