Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Oh brother.....anyone knows that the NY trial was fraudulant and corrupt.....a corrupt Judge, jury and was not proven Trump broke the law, if he did it was only a misdemeanor, it had past the statue of limitations and the Dems broke the law to get a criminal conviction just so the liberal media could call Trump a 'felon' and to try and put Trump in jail for election interference. The corrupt judge knows it was a corrupt trial and knows any appeal would most likely take place after the election. All the trials against Trump prove just how corrupt the Dems are and will sink to the lowest levels.

Can you cite a LEGITIMATE case against Trump and his business dealings he had over the years?
Here's obvious fraud

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Here's obvious fraud

30 years ago, not criminal and the judge in NY way undervalued Maralago just try and find something to convict Trump on when the judge has no understanding of real estate value..another fraud corrupt trials against Trump.....

" Judge Arthur Engoron found that Trump, Weisselberg and other defendants committed years of fraud by exaggerating the value of Trump's assets and net worth on his financial statements." Pure garbage. Going to jail every real estate developer in NY for they all do it and it's not a crime?
Again, it does not matter the value Trumps CPAs put on the paper work for the paper work shows it is Trump's people's estimate of the value, for at the end of the day the bank makes the final decision on the value. The bank made the loan, Trump paid it back, the bank made money and would do business again with Trump.
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Oh brother.....anyone knows that the NY trial was fraudulant and corrupt.....a corrupt Judge, jury and was not proven Trump broke the law, if he did it was only a misdemeanor, it had past the statue of limitations and the Dems broke the law to get a criminal conviction just so the liberal media could call Trump a 'felon' and to try and put Trump in jail for election interference. The corrupt judge knows it was a corrupt trial and knows any appeal would most likely take place after the election. All the trials against Trump prove just how corrupt the Dems are and will sink to the lowest levels.

Can you cite a LEGITIMATE case against Trump and his business dealings he had over the years?

Trump literally took actual financial results, created income that did not exist and removed actual expenses and gave those fake statements to banks.

The charges for using inflated estimated property values is a huge stretch that should havent been pursued but taking actual results/measurements and knowingly falsifying them on bank forms is bank fraud in 50/50 states....
Trump literally took actual financial results, created income that did not exist and removed actual expenses and gave those fake statements to banks.

The charges for using inflated estimated property values is a huge stretch that should havent been pursued but taking actual results/measurements and knowingly falsifying them on bank forms is bank fraud in 50/50 states....
There was no fraud...the bank made the loan on its own terms and valuations, Trump paid the loan, the bank made money and would do business again with Trump.
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There was no fraud...the bank made the loan on its own terms and valuations, Trump paid the loan, the bank made money and would do business again with Trump.

There absolutely was fraud when he gave an absolutely bogus income statement and lied about sizes of properties. That's bank fraud in 50/50 states.

The stuff about inflating asset values was too much of a stretch and should have never seen the light of day...
If I drink enough to have a .12 BAC, I am committing a crime even if I dont get pulled over, if I get home safe, or people say they will ride home with me again...
Why can't you see
He's got a felony
Why can't you see the charges were all trumped up by a corrupt, judge DA and jury??? The judge even knows it will all get thrown out on appeal. This was a leftist judge who hates Trump and is doing this for election interference.
Why can't you see the charges were all trumped up by a corrupt, judge DA and jury??? The judge even knows it will all get thrown out on appeal. This was a leftist judge who hates Trump and is doing this for election interference.
Now he's got problems
And I don't think you can solve 'em
I keep my side of the street clean
You wouldn't know what I mean
--it was not proven Trump did anything wrong
--it was past statue of limitations anyway and DA had to corrupt laws to get around that
--it was just a misdemeanor but DA had to corrupt laws to get it to a felony.
--even leftist attorneys condemed what the DA has done in this case.
--it will get overturned on appeal so this was done for nothing more than election interference
--it was just pure evil
--it was not proven Trump did anything wrong
--it was past statue of limitations anyway and DA had to corrupt laws to get around that
--it was just a misdemeanor but DA had to corrupt laws to get it to a felony.
--even leftist attorneys condemed what the DA has done in this case.
--it will get overturned on appeal so this was done for nothing more than election interference
--it was just pure evil
Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter
Karma's gonna track you down
Step by step from town to town
Sweet like justice,

Left-Wing Dark Money Group Faces House investigation Over Illegal Immigrant Voting concerns​

EXCLUSIVE — A little-known nonprofit group behind a sprawling voter registration effort ahead of the 2024 election is facing congressional scrutiny over concerns about noncitizen voting, according to a letter.

On Tuesday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) sent the letter to Vot-ER, a charity that a Washington Examiner investigation revealed is funded by left-wing dark money groups and partnered with public health centers to register patients to vote. The congressman addressed the letter to Vot-ER director Aliya Bhatia, a left-wing activist, and CEO Judith Faulkner of Epic Systems, a healthcare software company reportedly linked to Vot-ER’s activities.

“I write today with concerns regarding joint voter registration efforts undertaken by your respective organizations,” Roy wrote in the letter to Bhatia and Faulkner. “Specifically, as evidence non-citizens have illegally registered to vote in federal elections mounts throughout the country, I write to inquire about the steps your organizations are taking to ensure non-citizens do not register to vote under your joint effort.”

Vot-ER, which did not return a request for comment from the Washington Examiner, was founded by Alister Martin, a physician and former adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Vot-ER staffers were present at a 2021 meeting with the Executive Office of the President, the Department of Justice, and other agencies to plan to implement an executive order issued by President Joe Biden giving agencies new tools to register voters, the Washington Examiner reported. The order, in the telling of Republican lawmakers and conservative legal experts, appears to be unconstitutional.

The Washington Examiner reported in May that outside groups planning to implement Biden’s voter registration order suggested registering illegal immigrants. The May report also revealed that Vot-ER has published content on YouTube on “what to do if your patient shares that they are undocumented.”


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