Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Christine Blasey Ford also had sworn affidavits supporting her case against Kavanaugh. My guess is that no one who doesn't already believe there has been large-scale voter fraud this election will be convinced.

Trump accused Ted Cruz of cheating in the Iowa caucus in 2016, said prior to the 2016 election that it was rigged because he was behind in the polls, said prior to this election that the only way he could lose was due to fraud, and now alleges that this one is rigged again after he lost. Maybe it's not liberals who have their heads in the sand this time.
His post is akin to a 8 year old making a wildly false claim and then as proof he decries, "Ask my daddy!"
Yeah, great analogy.....

Dimwits clutched their pearls and screamed for 4 years that Trump stole 16, just because California swing the popular vote to Dims just like this their ignorance of the fact that this is the EXACT reason the electoral college exists.. Gore sued for 37 days worth of cherry picked challenges to the results in '00...but now 70 plus million Americans must be "acting like 8yo" for challenging BLATANT, OBVIOUS fraud in AT LEAST 5 states....


That is hilarious. Really. Deny deny deny...that would be my strategy too if we got caught blatantly committing federal crimes and TRYING to steal this election.

In addition to all the blatant in precinct fraud....

And the mail in fraud.....

There is massive hacking/electronic fraud with: Dominion as well as Hammer Scorecard...

You idiots wish we had no proof. Reality doesn't care about Dimwit wishes though.
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Yeah, great analogy.....

Dimwits clutched their pearls and screamed for 4 years that Trump stole 16, just because California swing the popular vote to Dims just like this their ignorance of the fact that this is the EXACT reason the electoral college exists.. Gore sued for 37 days worth of cherry picked challenges to the results in '00...but now 70 plus million Americans must be "acting like 8yo" for challenging BLATANT, OBVIOUS fraud in AT LEAST 5 states....


That is hilarious. Really. Deny deny deny...that would be my strategy too if we got caught blatantly committing federal crimes and TRYING to steal this election.

In addition to all the blatant in precinct fraud....

And the mail in fraud.....

There is massive hacking/electronic fraud with: Dominion as well as Hammer Scorecard...

You idiots wish we had no proof. Reality doesn't care about Dimwit wishes though.
The media keeps spinning the false narrative that there is no voter fraud. Absolutely no evidence.. That is just simply false. Why are they lying?? While I am not saying there is enough fraud to overturn the election, all Americans should want to be able to trust our election system and trust that the candidate who got the most legal votes wins.

The media keeps spinning the false narrative that there is no voter fraud. Absolutely no evidence.. That is just simply false. Why are they lying?? While I am not saying there is enough fraud to overturn the election, all Americans should want to be able to trust our election system and trust that the candidate who got the most legal votes wins.

Funny how Trump’s own lawyers don’t find this Twitter “evidence” credible enough to present to a judge.

Instead we get exchanges like this:
And this (note that all law students learn the hearsay definition that Stephens gives at the end):
STEPHENS: So I want to make sure I understand you. The affiant is not the person who had knowledge of this. Is that correct?
HEARNE: The affiant had direct firsthand knowledge of the communication with the elections inspector and the document they provided them.
STEPHENS: Okay, which is generally known as hearsay, right?
HEARNE: I would not think that’s hearsay, Your Honor. That’s firsthand personal knowledge by the affiant of what she physically observed. And we included an exhibit which is a physical copy of the note that she was provided.
STEPHENS: I’m still trying to understand why this isn’t hearsay.
HEARNE: Well, it’s, it, I –
STEPHENS: I absolutely understand what the affiant says she heard someone say to her. But the truth of the matter … that you’re going for was that there was an illegal act occurring. Because other than that I don’t know what its relevancy is.
HEARNE: Right. I would say, Your Honor, in terms of the hearsay point, this is a firsthand factual statement made by Ms. Connarn, and she has made that statement based on her own firsthand physical evidence and knowledge --
STEPHENS: “I heard somebody else say something.” Tell me why that’s not hearsay. Come on, now.
HEARNE: Well it’s a firsthand statement of her physical –
STEPHENS: It’s an out-of-court statement offered where the truth of the matter is asserted, right?
Funny how Trump’s own lawyers don’t find this Twitter “evidence” credible enough to present to a judge.

Instead we get exchanges like this:

As slow and painstaking as it is, I've started following released court transcripts instead of trying to verify/debunk the endless social media claims.
The stark contrast between what's being claimed in public vs what's being presented in court *so far*, is like "bizzaro world" level.
Yeah, great analogy.....

Dimwits clutched their pearls and screamed for 4 years that Trump stole 16, just because California swing the popular vote to Dims just like this their ignorance of the fact that this is the EXACT reason the electoral college exists.. Gore sued for 37 days worth of cherry picked challenges to the results in '00...but now 70 plus million Americans must be "acting like 8yo" for challenging BLATANT, OBVIOUS fraud in AT LEAST 5 states....


That is hilarious. Really. Deny deny deny...that would be my strategy too if we got caught blatantly committing federal crimes and TRYING to steal this election.

In addition to all the blatant in precinct fraud....

And the mail in fraud.....

There is massive hacking/electronic fraud with: Dominion as well as Hammer Scorecard...

You idiots wish we had no proof. Reality doesn't care about Dimwit wishes though.

This is your most factually inaccurate post ever.

You will see case after case dismissed. Trump's team is trying to seal these cases, so his followers don't find out just how flimsy his evidence really is.

I think Trump is well within his rights to challenge the votes if he truly believes there is fraud. However, I suspect this is all about money for Trump. I know for a fact that 50% of the donations to Trump's vote challenges goes to pay down his campaign debt. I have a hunch that old Donald is personally holding a lot of that debt. Just reading the tea leaves.
Kaylee Mchottie was just on national TV with 269...two hundred and sixty nine....sworn and notorized affidavits from observers at various voting precincts where what they saw was so clearly fraud that those folks are willing to testify in federal court under danger of perjury charges that absolute, unmistakable fraud took place by the Dimwits....

You liberal sheep can keep sticking your heads in the sand and trying to shout down those who know the truth.....but every one of those affidavits and the fraud they represent WILL BE presented to the DOJ and entered as evidence in federal and state courts . These affidavits are absolutely enough real hard evidence to make the case for recounts and ballot by ballot scrutiny and vetting.

We either need to vote again with paper ballots only and in person, or check every single vote already cast and make sure signatures match drivers licenses or state ID of every single person. Those votes must be able to be linked directly to a living, breathing adult of 18years that is a citizen of the US and registered to vote in that state...if ANY ballot or vote cannot be linked to a lawful registered voter then it is fraudulent and must be thrown out. We will count all the LEGAL votes again and see who wins each state legally.

Oh....thats just the tip of the fraud iceberg. Forensic analysts will be going through all the computers finding all those stolen and fraudulent votes from the Dominion program and any other kind of computer or software fraud..
And this (note that all law students learn the hearsay definition that Stephens gives at the end):

Savage burn by that judge. I’m sure that lawyer is making 6 figures and he doesn’t even know what hearsay is. Or he thinks he can convince the judge that he does. Only the best and brightest for Trump right?

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