Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

My mom said she got an absentee ballot in the mail but didn't request one (she is over 65). She threw it away and voted in person. They didn't ask her about it at the polling station, which seems odd since shouldn't they have a list of those that got them? Did anyone else in TN get one of those?
My mom said she got an absentee ballot in the mail but didn't request one (she is over 65). She threw it away and voted in person. They didn't ask her about it at the polling station, which seems odd since shouldn't they have a list of those that got them? Did anyone else in TN get one of those?

TN did not send out unsolicited ballots. Not sure if over 65 were possibly sent applications.

Possibly was a scam.
Suppose a voter ID requirement will eliminate 10 fraudulent votes, but result in 100 fewer legitimate votes? Would you be in favor of it?

If those 100 can't acquire a valid voter registration ID, they would never be legitimate votes in the first place.
Guess what?
Turns out it wasn't the Detroit vote fraud(alleged) that beat Trump in Michigan. It was the suburban white vote that booted his ass. Sorry Rudy.
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  • "The affidavit was filed by a Texas cybersecurity expert named Russell Ramsland and laid out a number of 'statistical anomalies and red flags' that showed Michigan's election results were 'manipulated' because the number of votes cast in 19 precincts exceeded the number of registered voters.
  • But the 19 precincts Ramsland listed were in Minnesota, not Michigan. In other words, he 'was counting the population of towns in Minnesota, seeing they did not match Michigan towns, and finding fraud'."
Republican lawyers confused Michigan with Minnesota in an election lawsuit they eventually lost
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Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links

It is easy to find one side of the story when it comes to allegations of 2020 election fraud, but not so easy to get details regarding the other side of the story.
Below, you will find a variety of links to stories and information that is not being widely reported in some press circles. Too often, reporters and analysts are making incorrect claims and conclusions in their reporting, and are weighing in as if advocates rather than presenting factual information and differing views.
As you peruse the links below, it's left to you, as always, to assess the information and decide for yourself what to think. The goal here is simply to make accessible material that powerful interests are trying to censor.
Please note that depending on when you read this, some of the news links or material may be outdated so be sure and continue searching for your own information to stay current.

@SharylAttkisson - SharylAttkisson - UPDATED: UPDATED: Hard-to-find 2020 election...
Eric Coomer of Dominion: “Trump’s not gonna win. I made ******* sure of that!”, “Eric from Dominion” told Antifa members “keep up the pressure”

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