Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

I think that there would be fewer fatalities resulting from shooting sprees, if there was a ban on assault rifles. Shooting sprees would still happen, and we would still have a lot of dead people from them. Admittedly, that's just my own conjecture, though. We don't really know if it would change anything or not. The only thing we do know, is that no such ban will ever happen in the United States. It would require bi-partisan legislation, and the Republican Party is too heavily influenced by the gun lobby, including the NRA, to take such a step. That has remained true, even though the leadership of that organization, Wayne LaPierre, has proven to be corrupt and incompetent.
The "assault" label is kind of misleading. Any firearm the public has legal access to is semi-automatic. Only things that change are form factor, caliber and magazine capacity. I've read that several mass shootings occurred with magazines under 15 rounds. The shooters just brought more magazines along. A soldier going into battle with an AR15/AK47 would last about 2 minutes (or less).
In an exclusive interview given to The Epoch Times, the recorder at the Yuma County Sherrif’s Office offered more insights into the risks of fraudulent registration forms leading up to the 2022 Primary Election and the efforts she and her team are working on to improve the process.

“Our primary is Aug. 2. We have received registration forms that are fraudulently completed,” Yuma County recorder Robyn Stallworth Pouquette, who provides oversight into the county’s voter registration and early voting, told The Epoch Times in an interview on June 7. “It’s been a prevalent problem in Yuma County, and it’s very unfortunate.”

The observed “pattern of fraudulent voter registration forms,” according to a May 11 statement made by the sheriff’s office, includes alleged impersonation fraud, false registrations, duplicate voting, and fraudulent use of absentee ballots.

While Pouquette could not provide any names because the investigation is ongoing, she confirmed to The Epoch Times that many of the anomalous cases pertain to non-profits operating on a national scale, which she believes to be “political advocacy groups.”

EXCLUSIVE: Arizona Election Worker Details Voter Fraud Investigation EXCLUSIVE: Arizona Election Worker Details Voter Fraud Investigation
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Just curious on what you are saying here. I'd love to know your theory on exactly what happened in the GA Primary. It certainly doesn't make sense that Kemp got more Primary votes now then he did 4 years ago. The passionate conservative voters who I know here in GA wanted to see him gone. I know a lot of people who voted for Kandiss Taylor who are filling out affidavits to say who they voted for. The thought is that even if they have a small percentage of people who voted for Kandiss return affidavits the number will blow the 30k votes that she supposedly got out of the water.

I’m saying that a possible outcome was that Dems used the same fraud machine used in 2020 and 2021 senate to add Dem votes (and Reps) to Kemp and Rat because they thought they would be weaker candidates against Abrams in the fall. This would have made the difference wit Ratburger but not with Kemp, who got a lot of GOP machine help.

This level of manufacturing votes wouldn’t need to be that extensive and couldn’t be really as it would flag suspicions if more than ~150k votes. Also, they would not have big tech money to support. Even so, Stacy has built a solid ops machine that could create votes out of Atlanta without any issues.

No evidence for this but if I looked at the voter data I would look to see how many Dems vs GOP voters and where they were located (big cities?). Pretty easy to confirm or deny based on data analysis but no way to prove it unless you flip a pidgeon willing to sing
The proof is in the pudding and as you can see she ate all the evidence.
Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’ Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’

Texas Republicans passed a resolution on June 18 stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected,” and that “substantial” election fraud in key metropolitan areas influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.

We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020,” stated a resolution passed on Saturday, the last day of a three-day biennial Texas GOP convention held in Houston, the Texas Tribune reported.

We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr,” the resolution continued.

“We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” it added.

The state’s GOP, the largest in the nation, passed the resolution after delegates sat through a Thursday screening of “2000 Mules,” a documentary directed by conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.
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True the Vote has partnered with Protect America now to bring citizens and sheriff's together in an effort to bring accountability together.

Gregg is saying that by the end of July they will have around 2500 sheriffs on board.

"We’ve set up a National Election Integrity Voter Hotline to help citizens in getting information and reporting problems. The hotline will be connected to sheriffs’ offices for quick evaluation of incoming information. It will go live on August 1, 2022."

Citizens, independent journalists, anons and sheriff's partnering together to fight back.

Sign up here:
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Open Records Request Shows Fulton County Made Up 17k Votes In 2020 - Election Should Be Decertified

Georgia Record was contacted earlier this month by Kevin Moncla, an independent analyst in Dallas, TX who has been submitting open records requests to Fulton County, GA regarding the 2020 election.

Moncla recently filed a complaint with the Georgia State Election Board highlighting inconsistencies found in vote totals on the night of November 8th, 2020 and the following recount in December.

You can read the entire complaint on the PDF below.

Essentially, the vote totals from the general to the recount didn’t match. The recount tally was off by approximately 17,000 votes. After being ordered to ‘reconcile’ the data by Secretary of State Raffensperger, Fulton ‘found’ the 17k votes. However, no paper trail exists for these ballots. No ballot images exist.
Investigation Reveals Operations of ‘Powerful’ Yuma County Democrat Who Admitted to Ballot Harvesting Investigation Reveals Operations of ‘Powerful’ Yuma County Democrat Who Admitted to Ballot Harvesting

An undercover video at the polls helped investigators disrupt a local ballot harvesting operation run by a Democratic operative in Arizona, in a scheme that prosecutors have described as a “modern day political machine seeking to influence the outcome” of a 2020 municipal election.

Guillermina Fuentes, a former mayor of San Luis, and her associate Alma Juarez, earlier this year both pleaded guilty to one count of ballot abuse. Fuentes admitted to illegally collecting early ballots from four persons who were not her family members during a Aug. 4, 2020, primary election in the border town of San Luis.

Investigators noted that Fuentes had apparently used her “powerful” position in the community to get locals to hand over their ballots to her or others for them to drop off at the ballot box, according to records of the Arizona attorney general office obtained by The Epoch Times through a public records request.
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In the past few days with recounts still going on in several states Trump is still carping on voter fraud. So this is your chance to share any evidence of misconduct by voters or officials. Nearly every one of you on the right have assured us that the problem is rampant. So share what you have that supports your claims.

BTW in the November 6 elections well over 110M votes were cast. So far they have verified fewer than a dozen cases of fraud. Trump claimed that 5M illegal votes were cast in '16 yet not even 100 people have been charged. This is all they have even with Trump's men in charge at the DOJ.

Please post any links to any hard evidence.

I expect this thread to die a quick death.
All the proof you need is the fact that Trump was in a comfortable lead as of 1am on election night. So much so that the media had lost hope of a Biden victory. Then the mysterious trash bags came out after most everyone was sleeping in several key states and suddenly you wake up to see those trash bags must have been full of Biden ballots.

Why were they tucked away to begin with if they were legitimate ballots? All you need is a little common sense to know this election was stolen. Biden did NOT win.
All the proof you need is the fact that Trump was in a comfortable lead as of 1am on election night. So much so that the media had lost hope of a Biden victory. Then the mysterious trash bags came out after most everyone was sleeping in several key states and suddenly you wake up to see those trash bags must have been full of Biden ballots.

Why were they tucked away to begin with if they were legitimate ballots? All you need is a little common sense to know this election was stolen. Biden did NOT win.
Is that you Q?
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All the proof you need is the fact that Trump was in a comfortable lead as of 1am on election night. So much so that the media had lost hope of a Biden victory. Then the mysterious trash bags came out after most everyone was sleeping in several key states and suddenly you wake up to see those trash bags must have been full of Biden ballots.

Why were they tucked away to begin with if they were legitimate ballots? All you need is a little common sense to know this election was stolen. Biden did NOT win.
If anyone believes 81 million votes were cast for that idiot Biden then you know they are either stupid or can’t admit the truth. Most unpopular “president” in 75 years.

From 81 million to most unpopular in our lives. Right. Sure.
Open Records Request Shows Fulton County Made Up 17k Votes In 2020 - Election Should Be Decertified

Georgia Record was contacted earlier this month by Kevin Moncla, an independent analyst in Dallas, TX who has been submitting open records requests to Fulton County, GA regarding the 2020 election.

Moncla recently filed a complaint with the Georgia State Election Board highlighting inconsistencies found in vote totals on the night of November 8th, 2020 and the following recount in December.

You can read the entire complaint on the PDF below.

Essentially, the vote totals from the general to the recount didn’t match. The recount tally was off by approximately 17,000 votes. After being ordered to ‘reconcile’ the data by Secretary of State Raffensperger, Fulton ‘found’ the 17k votes. However, no paper trail exists for these ballots. No ballot images exist.

Official allegedly sent by Georgia State Election Board to Fulton County, with orders to 'reconcile' 17,000 vote discrepancy.
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If anyone believes 81 million votes were cast for that idiot Biden then you know they are either stupid or can’t admit the truth. Most unpopular “president” in 75 years.

From 81 million to most unpopular in our lives. Right. Sure.

They believe in RUSSIA RUSSIA too
If anyone believes 81 million votes were cast for that idiot Biden then you know they are either stupid or can’t admit the truth. Most unpopular “president” in 75 years.

From 81 million to most unpopular in our lives. Right. Sure.
The votes for Biden in almost all Southern states didn't count. It's?an electoral process. Neither Trump nor Biden should be anywhere near the White House
If anyone believes 81 million votes were cast for that idiot Biden then you know they are either stupid or can’t admit the truth. Most unpopular “president” in 75 years.

From 81 million to most unpopular in our lives. Right. Sure.
This logic fails to account for how polarizing Biden's opponent was, and how much Biden's opponent stoked passion among the Democratic Party base.

The outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election had very little to do with Biden. It had to do with Trump, and how much he single-handedly fired up Democrats to turn out, in a year when it had also become easier to vote.

You are too narrow-minded in your thinking to look inward. You would rather blame fraud than acknowledge that Republicans had managed to nominate the one and only Republican, who Biden could have ever beaten. You didn't lose the election because of fraud ... You lost the election because of Trump.
This logic fails to account for how polarizing Biden's opponent was, and how much Biden's opponent stoked passion among the Democratic Party base.

The outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election had very little to do with Biden. It had to do with Trump, and how much he single-handedly fired up Democrats to turn out, in a year when it had also become easier to vote.

You are too narrow-minded in your thinking to look inward. You would rather blame fraud than acknowledge that Republicans had managed to nominate the one and only Republican, who Biden could have ever beaten. You didn't lose the election because of fraud ... You lost the election because of Trump.
100% this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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This logic fails to account for how polarizing Biden's opponent was, and how much Biden's opponent stoked passion among the Democratic Party base.

The outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election had very little to do with Biden. It had to do with Trump, and how much he single-handedly fired up Democrats to turn out, in a year when it had also become easier to vote.

You are too narrow-minded in your thinking to look inward. You would rather blame fraud than acknowledge that Republicans had managed to nominate the one and only Republican, who Biden could have ever beaten. You didn't lose the election because of fraud ... You lost the election because of Trump.
I knew you would respond. Like a bug to a bug zapper. You fall into the stupid camp that I mentioned earlier. Every single post that point is proven. And I’m sure there will be another that follows this. In 3, 2,1….

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