Lucy, I'm sure you are still as lovely as a butterfly landing on a red rose....Thank you for your kind words about my wife...
As the cancer ate away at her life force, I stayed extra close to her to chase away the Angel of Death for as long as I could...She told me while she could still talk, as long as I was near her she would be OK, and she felt safe enough to sleep...
I would comb her long blond hair, even after the chemo had ravaged it...I would tell her how beautiful her hair still was and that she looked better every day...Of course, she knew I was fibbing, but it was much appreciated...
The Hospice nurse told me I was her best medicine for the transition that was going to take place very soon...Hard words to hear; harder words to live through...
The end came quietly...No words can adequately describe the empty feeling of closing her eyes for her for the last time....Even in death they were still beautiful..
She taught me to love the Lady Vols...She was a major fan and knew Pat and her different coaching staffs very well...When healthy we went to many games and she proudly showed me off to her friends and co workers.....When attending games became impossible, the television became our own Thompson Boling Arena...
When she died my watch struck 13...Someday I have to get my watch fixed, but after all, time is a jet plane and it moves too fast anyway..