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So your saying that the disciples believed that if they were crucified for a lie they would join the spaceship or go to Heaven?

Perhaps I was unclear. You argued that the willingness of the disciples to die was strong evidence that what they were dying for was real. I brought up the Heaven's Gate cult as a fairly recent example of a whole bunch of folks who were willing to die for a belief that is completely insane. I could have mentioned the Jim Jones people instead. Or all the martyrs in the early days of Islam.

Willingness to embrace martyrdom doesn't mean anything about whether or not the cause is right.
I believe it is getting easier and easier for people to freely discuss their beliefs and civilly disagree with each other. 50 years ago, an athiest would be terrified to have this conversation. 100 years ago a Muslim might be brutalized for voicing such opinions in a Christian forum. The first protestants were killed for their opinions. We are progressively becoming a more sane, peaceful, and respectful species.

Israel's Future, Part 2. Here is a good read on Daniel's prophecy if interested.
I have respect for any Christian who admits that there is no way to prove his or her beliefs but chooses to believe them, regardless; but in knowing that limitation, he or she also accepts that they could be wrong and therefore cannot justly act superior over a nonbeliever, because no one knows the answers to such questions.

If as a believer or nonbeliever of anything, you feel that you know best and everyone else is wrong or an idiot, then you are deluding yourself. None of us are that smart.
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I believe it is getting easier and easier for people to freely discuss their beliefs and civilly disagree with each other. 50 years ago, an athiest would be terrified to have this conversation. 100 years ago a Muslim might be brutalized for voicing such opinions in a Christian forum. The first protestants were killed for their opinions. We are progressively becoming a more sane, peaceful, and respectful species.

I'm not so sure about that. The minority is the new majority and the majority has become the minority. Being a married, heterosexual, caucasian, Christian male, i'm discriminated against everyday in favor of something, anything other than me.
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so what evidence do u have to prove the bible wrong

Job 26:11

The pillars that hold up the sky tremble,
astounded at His rebuke.

Of course w the benefit of modern science we now know what made sense to them several thousand years ago...there are no such pillars
Job 26:11

The pillars that hold up the sky tremble,
astounded at His rebuke.

Of course w the benefit of modern science we now know what made sense to them several thousand years ago...there are no such pillars
It's a figure of speech for mountains.
I'm not so sure about that. The minority is the new majority and the majority has become the minority. Being a married, heterosexual, caucasian, Christian male, i'm discriminated against everyday in favor of something, anything other than me.

Do you feel unsafe to walk down the street being proud of who you are as a married, heterosexual, caucasian, Christian male? Are you afraid that a group of single people, homosexuals, racial minorities, or Muslims will attack you and brutalize you for being who you are? I should hope you don't honestly believe that is a concern. However, if you were a Jew during the inquisition, you might. Or if you were an african american in Mississippi in the 60s, or if you were an openly gay male today in Nashville, TN, that might be a concern.
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I'm not so sure about that. The minority is the new majority and the majority has become the minority. Being a married, heterosexual, caucasian, Christian male, i'm discriminated against everyday in favor of something, anything other than me.

How are you discriminated against?
Job 26:11

The pillars that hold up the sky tremble,
astounded at His rebuke.

Of course w the benefit of modern science we now know what made sense to them several thousand years ago...there are no such pillars

for one dont know what version bible u are reading and two if ur not spiritually minded u wont understand. that scripture says nothing about pillars holding up the sky
so what evidence do u have to prove the bible wrong

apparently the earth is flat...again, not crazy back then but crazy once we found out the truth...just shows they had no special knowledge unavailable to the people of the times...'

Matthew 4:8

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
Perhaps I was unclear. You argued that the willingness of the disciples to die was strong evidence that what they were dying for was real. I brought up the Heaven's Gate cult as a fairly recent example of a whole bunch of folks who were willing to die for a belief that is completely insane. I could have mentioned the Jim Jones people instead. Or all the martyrs in the early days of Islam.

Willingness to embrace martyrdom doesn't mean anything about whether or not the cause is right.

I didn't say that the disciples went to there deaths because there cause was right. They were martyred (I wouldn't say willingly) because they believed in what they wrote. That believed in what they saw and the events that surrounded Jesus Christ.

The gentlemen asked why we don't believe that it's possible that the disciples just made it all up. Would you be crucified for something you know is a lie when all you have to do is confess that is was in fact a lie?

Oh and I also added 2 (out of many) other historical accounts of Jesus outside of the bible.
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for one dont know what version bible u are reading and two if ur not spiritually minded u wont understand. that scripture says nothing about pillars holding up the sky

KJV says it this way..
Job 26:11
King James Version (KJV)
11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.
u guys dont have a spirtual mindset so u wont understand but thanks for trying gotta go to bed. btw if a millionare scientist cant prove the bible wrong then a volnation guy aint goin to lol
for one dont know what version bible u are reading and two if ur not spiritually minded u wont understand. that scripture says nothing about pillars holding up the sky


Do you feel unsafe to walk down the street being proud of who you are as a married, heterosexual, caucasian, Christian male? Are you afraid that a group of single people, homosexuals, racial minorities, or Muslims will attack you and brutalize you for being who you are? I should hope you don't honestly believe that is a concern. However, if you were a Jew during the inquisition, you might. Or if you were an african american in Mississippi in the 60s, or if you were an openly gay male today in Nashville, TN, that might be a concern.

I'm concerned about losing my job or being passed on a promotion. I'm concerned about paying for college when my ACT score would have been enough for a full ride if I was only born a member of a different race.

I don't fear for my life at the moment, no.
What scripture?

Joshua 10:11–13 reads: ‘And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Beth-horon, that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died … Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and He said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher?2 So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.’
I didn't say that the disciples went to there deaths because there cause was right. They were martyred (I wouldn't say willingly) because they believed in what they wrote. That believed in what they saw and the events that surrounded Jesus Christ.

The gentlemen asked why we don't believe that it's possible that the disciples just made it all up. Would you be crucified for something you know is a lie when all you have to do is confess that is was in fact a lie?

Oh and I also added 2 (out of many) other historical accounts of Jesus outside of the bible.

What proof is there that the disciples wrote the scriptures. It is widely debated, and many scholars believe the scriptures were written hundreds of years after the events depicted therein.

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