Preseason Uf

Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@May 18, 2005 10:03 PM
death valley is a dangerous place.

Just wait 'till we come to town. They ain't seen NOTHING yet. :gun:
I think its about right too. The Vols will loose one game this year, either UF or LSU. (but not both!) I just cant make a prediction just yet!
Originally posted by U-T@May 19, 2005 8:16 AM
LSU is over-rated, Death Valley is over-rated

As much as I hate to say it they are not overrated!!!! I am not to sure about their new coach though but they definately have the talent!!!!
LSU has no QB. Russell butted heads with Saban about watching and film and practice.....think he is going to do much better? I doubt it.

LSU's D can not get any better under a man whose secondary got torched all year at OU....especially when they were under Saban.

Originally posted by U-T@May 19, 2005 8:29 AM
LSU has no QB. Russell butted heads with Saban about watching and film and practice.....think he is going to do much better? I doubt it.

LSU's D can not get any better under a man whose secondary got torched all year at OU....especially when they were under Saban.

Well, I hope your right because I hate LSU but Im not sure! :devilsmoke: They also got the #1 Qb recruit this year so they could easily play a freshman like we did and get good results. But I would rather them play Russell because I dont think he's that good!! :p
Originally posted by U-T@May 19, 2005 7:29 AM
LSU's D can not get any better under a man whose secondary got torched all year at OU....especially when they were under Saban.

To be fair, Okie State did well enough considering they are in the same state as probably the best recruiting school in the last decade, and Oklahoma's recieving corps was one of the very best in the country.
Quarter til six. I just feel tired is all, though. I've been driving for almost three hours today on top of a slow day at school.

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