If oil costs too much, get something that does not use as much gas, move closer to work, make some proactive decisions. Quit worrying about nonsensical conspiracies to get you through life.
Move closer? Get a new car? That is your argument? I am paying $2.25/gallon for gas and one year later I am paying almost $4.00. And in that time your solution is getting a new car and relocating?
I'm not entitled to anything except prospering in a free market. There is a monopoly working there. It's not like I can go to a different gas station down the street and get gas cheaper.
Move closer? Get a new car? That is your argument? I am paying $2.25/gallon for gas and one year later I am paying almost $4.00. And in that time your solution is getting a new car and relocating?
I'm not entitled to anything except prospering in a free market. There is a monopoly working there. It's not like I can go to a different gas station down the street and get gas cheaper.
Move closer? Get a new car? That is your argument? I am paying $2.25/gallon for gas and one year later I am paying almost $4.00. And in that time your solution is getting a new car and relocating?
I'm not entitled to anything except prospering in a free market. There is a monopoly working there. It's not like I can go to a different gas station down the street and get gas cheaper.
Here we go with the personal insults....
I'm the only one that has seen my W2. Was Buffet lying about his secretary?
Seriously, I do not know where you live, but let me put you in touch with a tax accountant...you need help!
As for Buffet, I would venture to guess that a man that makes Billions a year, pays his secretary alot more than 60K
Uncle Sam loves you...there are tax breaks and deductions...you just said you have kids...there is one big one