President Donald Trump - J.D. Vance Administration

Imagine that you hire a financial manager, who says that they've been setting aside your money for retirement. Then you find out that they were just stealing it from you. You would rightly press charges.


Now, imagine that that financial planner came to you with a gun, forced you to make them your financial planner, told you they were setting money aside for your retirement, but just spent the money instead.

Now, imagine that someone told you it was your fault.

Now, imagine someone saying it's your fault because other people, in different neighborhoods, before you were born, selected that person with the gun to force themselves in and steal your money because that person would spend some of it on them instead of just pocketing all of it.
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No. It's the government's fault for stealing their income. They forcibly and legislatively took citizens' money, stating that they were setting it aside for their future. They then spent it on waste and power-grabbing. If the Ponzy scheme fails, that's fraud and theft when anyone else does it. Except, the people going to prison succeded through lies and sophistry. The US Gov't perpetrated it with the threat of the IRS, the judicial system, and the penal system. "You will give it to us, or we will destroy you and your family."

No. The blame doesn't go on the victims, and to claim that it does merely further normalizes the problem. You are effectively saying, "Unless you can afford to save for retirement twice, shame on you for letting the government steal from you."
Re-read my statement again….yes any individual who didn’t take advantage of the market, 401K etc. and relied solely on the government does take on blame.

Majority of Americans can afford to save, over the decades prior they just chose not to. Afford is different for everyone, some can do 20%+ per paycheck and others can do $100 a month both over the longer term have huge impacts.
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Re-read my statement again….yes any individual who didn’t take advantage of the market, 401K etc. and relied solely on the government does take on blame.

Majority of Americans can afford to save, over the decades prior they just chose not to. Afford is different for everyone, some can do 20%+ per paycheck and others can do $100 a month.
America has a culture of thinking many things that aren't necessary are actually necessary. That's why people are so in debt.

Nobody has a right to the latest cell phone. Nobody has a right to new clothes. Nobody even has a right to food, and certainly complaining that you don't have more than basic nutrition is ridiculous. We're all spoiled in the US.
America has a culture of thinking many things that aren't necessary are actually necessary. That's why people are so in debt.

Nobody has a right to the latest cell phone. Nobody has a right to new clothes. Nobody even has a right to food, and certainly complaining that you don't have more than basic nutrition is ridiculous. We're all spoiled in the US.
Absolutely…viscous cycle that seems to not get broken.
My reading of your post wasn't blaming the GROUP of voters. You were attributing blame to THE INDIVIDUALS who have been bullied and robbed by the government, pretty much every one of which who weren't around when their ancestors fell for the lie. Now, those who have been forced to "invest" into the system are demonized for saying, "Give me my damn money back, then".

Again, just incredibly simple and short sighted.

* In the spirit of the discussion, why don't you vote?

** Firstly, that's a horrible look when attributing blame to victims of the gov't because they supposedly didn't vote better. And if the reason is that you don't think it does any good, then you've just completely undermined your terrible reasons for blaming individual victims of the government (who apparently should have voted better) (and should have done so before they were born).

ETA: Also, apologies for confusing you with the OP that I responded to.
the group is made of individuals. the group changes when enough individuals make changes. hiding behind the group is how we got here. I wouldn't say I am BLAMING them, I am saying I hold them RESPONSIBLE. it may be a semantic difference, but I see it as an important one.

I don't demonize them for wanting their money back. In fact I encourage it. I have argued in this forum for an "opt out" on SS. them pushing for their money is what is going to change SS. that is part of the responsibility. but right now, the group just accepts what DC does. they don't vote out the people abusing the current system, they don't vote in new people who will change, and at least publicly don't support big changes to SS.

I don't vote because I believe our system uses it as tyranny of the masses. or at least tyranny by those elected by the masses. any winner takes all methodology of voting by its nature ignores the losing ~half. Its very flawed, and very lazy. In particular our two party system ensures that WHAT/WHO is voted on is controlled, and is never going to be someone or something that fixes problems. any system that is able to ignore ~half of the voters, and doesn't generate valid responsible fixes or changes is not a system I will contribute to. But yes I recognize what Rush said "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice". my choice is non-participation in a flawed system.

It really doesn't help that I haven't found a candidate worth a darn. and not even to a perfection point. My "bar" is about 60-70% support to get me to vote for them. Chase Oliver may cross that threshold but I admittedly came upon him too late to vote this last time. There are some locals too i am looking into.
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If it were only that simple. I did not vote this election, as a Democrat it's useless as the electoral college decides the winner.
It has been a long long time since voters had any say in who runs for office, like since Davy Crockett
As for cutting SS that's been a goal of the republican party for years, it's high on project 2025 agenda, and a goal of the new doge committee.
I have seen this said multiple times, but I haven't seen any direct quotes supporting it.

the closest I have seen is them mentioning waste in the staff/bureaucracy. Not the actual SS payments, but maybe you have seen something I haven't.
Re-read my statement again….yes any individual who didn’t take advantage of the market, 401K etc. and relied solely on the government does take on blame.

Majority of Americans can afford to save, over the decades prior they just chose not to. Afford is different for everyone, some can do 20%+ per paycheck and others can do $100 a month.
I'd venture that most people who've paid into SS would have had a LOT of trouble saving for retirement, while being overtaxed to pay for those who don't pay into SS.

In part, it's the ANY in your argument that's a problem.

My daughter is a single mom who works her ass off to still be a part of 'the working poor'. She has to manage her money so carefully just to break even every month. The gov't reaches into her pocket, forcibly takes money under the auspices of her retirement, spends it on their own mismanagement and the 'non-working poor', sends it to Ukraine, to alleviate African floods, and to bankroll the gov't's own golden parachute retirement plans. And you're saying it's my daughter's fault.

With all due respect, I'm saying you're full of ****.
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the group is made of individuals. the group changes when enough individuals make changes. hiding behind the group is how we got here. I wouldn't say I am BLAMING them, I am saying I hold them RESPONSIBLE. it may be a semantic difference, but I see it as an important one.

I don't demonize them for wanting their money back. In fact I encourage it. I have argued in this forum for an "opt out" on SS. them pushing for their money is what is going to change SS. that is part of the responsibility. but right now, the group just accepts what DC does. they don't vote out the people abusing the current system, they don't vote in new people who will change, and at least publicly don't support big changes to SS.

I don't vote because I believe our system uses it as tyranny of the masses. or at least tyranny by those elected by the masses. any winner takes all methodology of voting by its nature ignores the losing ~half. Its very flawed, and very lazy. In particular our two party system ensures that WHAT/WHO is voted on is controlled, and is never going to be someone or something that fixes problems. any system that is able to ignore ~half of the voters, and doesn't generate valid responsible fixes or changes is not a system I will contribute to. But yes I recognize what Rush said "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice". my choice is non-participation in a flawed system.

It really doesn't help that I haven't found a candidate worth a darn. and not even to a perfection point. My "bar" is about 60-70% support to get me to vote for them. Chase Oliver may cross that threshold but I admittedly came upon him too late to vote this last time. There are some locals too i am looking into.
I agree with you that voting makes little difference in our current system that will only give us the choice between douche canoes and **** sandwiches, which is why I'm much less able to blame... er attribute responsibility... to those who are getting robbed by the government, just because the robbery hasn't been repealed by the voters.

I'm not sure I understand your argument that the victims are wrong because they haven't voted out the tyrants, and also I don't vote because it's all but useless, and even when it is useful, it's useful by the masses to abuse the individual. And also, the group is made up of individuals.

It's almost like you're saying that the victims of the system are at fault for not coming to armed revolt against the tyrants. If that's the argument, then I still won't travel with you on this one, as you're still shifting responsibility/blame for the tyrrany to the victoms of the tyrrany.
I'd venture that most people who've paid into SS would have had a LOT of trouble saving for retirement, while being overtaxed to pay for those who don't pay into SS.

In part, it's the ANY in your argument that's a problem.

My daughter is a single mom who works her ass off to still be a part of 'the working poor'. She has to manage her money so carefully just to break even every month. The gov't reaches into her pocket, forcibly takes money under the auspices of her retirement, spends it on their own mismanagement and the 'non-working poor', sends it to Ukraine, to alleviate African floods, and to bankroll the gov't's own golden parachute retirement plans. And you're saying it's my daughter's fault.

With all due respect, I'm saying you're full of ****.
I don’t disagree on Ukraine, but that wasn’t the topic. The topic was SS and that being taken away (which is liberal fear again). With all due respect, all you said was excuses as to why someone cannot save. Most people live beyond theirs means not just today with higher cost but have decades. Your daughters situation unless she’s 65+ years of age isn’t really part of this topic.
if you’re relying on SS to get you by that’s your fault for trusting the Govt. Should of bet on yourself and invested.
Here's your original statement, by the way.

That's literally like saying that getting mugged is your fault for 'trusting' the guy who shoved the gun in your face.

The only way that argument works is if you're saying that the person being mugged shouldn't have been out in public, or in that neighborhood. Which has its own problems, as it normalized the mugging. Instead of saying that the neighborhood would have been safer without the muggers, you're pointing at the victim and calling them a dumbass, while shifting the blame from the criminal. Secondly, in this context, it's the equivalent of saying, "It's your own fault. If you didn't like the tyranny of our gov't, you should have been born elsewhere."

You know, it's OK to just nod your head and say, "Yah. That's a pretty ****ty thing our gov't has been doing."
I don’t disagree on Ukraine, but that wasn’t the topic. The topic was SS and that being taken away (which is liberal fear again). With all due respect, all you said was excuses as to why someone cannot save. Most people live beyond theirs means not just today with higher cost but have decades. Your daughters situation unless she’s 65+ years of age isn’t really part of this topic.
And you made a blanket statement that it's THEIR own fault for trusting the gov't. Again, it's OK to nod your head and agree that the gov't has been doing some pretty ***ty stuff, without the need to make it the victim's fault.

And Ukraine is exactly part of the debate, as the debate is that the gov't takes money I could have been saving, at gun-point, pockets a large %, and then gives it to other people, while you blame the person who lost their money. Why should we be discussing the potential of ending SS with all that **** going on, and then why should you blame the victim of it all?
Here's your original statement, by the way.

That's literally like saying that getting mugged is your fault for 'trusting' the guy who shoved the gun in your face.

The only way that argument works is if you're saying that the person being mugged shouldn't have been out in public, or in that neighborhood. Which has its own problems, as it normalized the mugging. Instead of saying that the neighborhood would have been safer without the muggers, you're pointing at the victim and calling them a dumbass, while shifting the blame from the criminal. Secondly, in this context, it's the equivalent of saying, "It's your own fault. If you didn't like the tyranny of our gov't, you should have been born elsewhere."

You know, it's OK to just nod your head and say, "Yah. That's a pretty ****ty thing our gov't has been doing."
That’s correct, anyone who relies in the government (SS) to get by and not invest has to take blame. Not sure the zig zagging of scenarios, mine is pretty straight forward.

"As singer and writer of Y.M.C.A.’s lyrics, Willis noted how the song had “benefited greatly” from use by the President-elect, eventually reaching #1 some 45 years after its release. “Therefore, I’m glad I allowed the President Elect’s continued use of Y.M.C.A. And I thank him for choosing to use my song,” Willis wrote on Facebook."
I agree with you that voting makes little difference in our current system that will only give us the choice between douche canoes and **** sandwiches, which is why I'm much less able to blame... er attribute responsibility... to those who are getting robbed by the government, just because the robbery hasn't been repealed by the voters.

I'm not sure I understand your argument that the victims are wrong because they haven't voted out the tyrants, and also I don't vote because it's all but useless, and even when it is useful, it's useful by the masses to abuse the individual. And also, the group is made up of individuals.

It's almost like you're saying that the victims of the system are at fault for not coming to armed revolt against the tyrants. If that's the argument, then I still won't travel with you on this one, as you're still shifting responsibility/blame for the tyrrany to the victoms of the tyrrany.
it doesn't have to be armed or violent revolt. just revolt at the voting booth.

the voting system doesn't align with my wants, sensibilities, or beliefs. I don't assume the same belief applies to everyone, or even a majority. Even though I don't vote, I fully support everyone's right to vote.

I see it more like a fat person than a victim of a mugging. someone who has eaten a pound of bread with every meal because the little food pyramid the government released shows more bread than any other food group. Yeah the government told them a lie, but they believed it and bought into it, and refuse to change their habits even after they see the results. they refuse to eat less bread, exercise more, eat other more healthy options, or any other option that would see them lose weight. yes, the government lie got them to gain weight; but at some point you are responsible for your own actions even if a "higher power" is telling you something else. It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that that much bread is an issue. it is within their ability to make those changes, but they don't. same thing here, the government lie stole money from them. but instead of realizing the lie and changing their lives with savings (eating less bread), or getting out and voting (exercising) people are content to sit there and complain waiting for someone else to come in and change their lives for them.

A saying I really like: you aren't always responsible for what happens to you, but you are responsible for how you respond to what happens to you.
A prime example of the task ahead of Trump when he takes office and just as important to cutting the deficit.

From the article:

With seven weeks to go before he turns the keys to the U.S. government over to President-elect Donald Trump, President Joe Biden has made history in a way only Washington’s “swamp” could celebrate.

For the first time ever, the Federal Register, which publishes all the government regulations and administration’s proposals, smashed through the record held by former President Barack Obama to set a new level that is sure to grow higher as the Biden team moves to lock in its liberal agenda.

Obama’s record of 95,894 pages held for six years. And now Biden is likely to cross the 100,000-page mark before Inauguration Day.

“As Trump prepares to take office, he inherits the regulatory aftermath of four years of major legislative enactments on infrastructure, inflation, and technology. At play now is a fusion of spending and regulation that policymakers should acknowledge. The hundreds of billions in subsidies, grants, contracts and other outlays will have far-reaching effects in their own right, as regulation may increasingly be laundered through these channels instead of notice-and-comment rule writing,” Crews wrote.

If it were only that simple. I did not vote this election, as a Democrat it's useless as the electoral college decides the winner.
It has been a long long time since voters had any say in who runs for office, like since Davy Crockett
As for cutting SS that's been a goal of the republican party for years, it's high on project 2025 agenda, and a goal of the new doge committee.
Yeah president Crockett was awesome. VP Tubbs was just amazing. Very stylish duo.
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