That they have congenital deformity which appears in the population at a rate 2.5X higher than Swyers, and much higher rate than the SRY gene. Yet, there is no anti-science Symbrachydactyly ideological movement trying to convince us that normative fingers are objectively "anything but binary", and that people who acknowledge deformed or missing digits as abnormal, are Symbrachydactylyphobic.
And at least as of yet, there is no Democrat-based, politically-ideological group denying simple biology, trying to enlarge the Symbrachydactyly base by mind-screwing children with thoughts they may have been unnaturally born into the wrong, normative body. With Joe Camel-like rainbow colors, sparkles, and Symbrachydactyly Story Hour promo campaigns to have them think about surgically webbing, shortening, deforming, or removing their fingers to match their psychological finger orientation.
I mean, that would be really crazy, eh?
What were you hoping I was saying?