Cops dont need a warrant to arrest bud. Dont even need probable cause. Reasonable suspicion is all they need...and guess who gets to decide what is Reasonable at that moment? You guessed it...the cop.
A cop believed he broke the law and arrested him. He will get his day in court like everyone does. If this dude was abducted, then i have been abducted and later found not guilty myself. Never got reimbursed for my bond money, lawyer fees etc either despite being cleared on those charges in court. What reallly sucks is when i get pulled over for a tail light, go thru a DUI checkpoint etc and a cop types my license # into their computer, those arrest charges pop up on my record despite the fact I was never convicted on the crime. One of them was a drug charge that came back negative for any illegal drugs when the sample was sent to the state crime lab. So when cops see that arrest on my record from 30 years ago as a teenager they always want to search my vehicle. I have let them 3 times as an adult. If you say NO to the search, they will just call the K9 and make him "hit" on your vehicle so they can search it anyway...just without your consent.
There are definitely some problems with our legal system and cops being able to violate our personal rights, but I don't see a better solution to enact as of now. I also dont think this dude got some gross mistreatment...he got treated the same way my buddies and I usually were treated growing up when we encountered LEOs.