President Donald Trump - J.D. Vance Administration

BS. The parts about conservative snobs holds true. Constantly belittling those less fortunate. The even do that in WV towns , when 85% of the snobs are on the govt tit

"Elites are assholes, especially the ones that aren't elite."

"I have every right to slur the taxpayers on whom the burden of the poor rests, just look at the elites who are the non-taxpaying burden on the other elites."

Like I said, your logic seems to be: "Sit down and shut up you elite SOBs, just give us your debit cards."

Your unwieldy, misdirected bigotry is the poster child for what is wrong with liberal logic. Those footing the bill have every right to question how their hard-earned money is being spent.

Who is John Galt? If these "Elites" that you hate so much left, who would support your beloved hand-outs? Maybe it isn't us that need to sit down and shut up, Myron.
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BS. The parts about conservative snobs holds true. Constantly belittling those less fortunate. The even do that in WV towns , when 85% of the snobs are on the govt tit
You are the same poster who is for paying illegal immigrant lower wages to keep berry prices down correct,?
If that is true...that is awesome.


It's worse. He called it the greatest trade deal of all time, when the truth was it was a slightly changed (read worse) version of NAFTA. The fact that he's clueless about the USMCA in 2025 is not a surprise at all.

It's worse. He called it the greatest trade deal of all time, when the truth was it was a slightly changed (read worse) version of NAFTA. The fact that he's clueless about the USMCA in 2025 is not a surprise at all.

I love it. I think it is hysterical.
That's not how it works. In some cases their is no alternative, how many American made shoes or socks can you find?
If chinese widgets sell for $ 10.00 each do you think American made widgets will sell for $6.00 ?Nope maybe $9.50
Are the tariffs imposed on Cambodia and Bangladesh?

There are ALWAYS alternatives. It is the arrogant leftist mind that thinks government worries business whenever they throw up taxes or other roadblocks to the way they do things. By the time the ink is dry on most of these things, they have already figured out the workaround. That is where Trump is so much smarter. He isn't going after sweatshops like the leftists do. He is going after the country. You want to keep doing business in China? Fine, but THAT costs you. Move to Vietnam? OK. No problem
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