President Donald Trump - J.D. Vance Administration

Over 20 million of the 131 million US households have an annual income of $25k or less.

View attachment 728191

Yeah thats old folks on SS...and drug dealers/thieves/people who work under the table and welfare queens of all shapes, sizes and shades.

The gas stations closest to me in NC start at $17 an hour. Start. 1st day. Fast food joints are the same. Some fast food places start at $20+ an hour . Starting wage. In Charlotte NC...same economy as Tennessee. Not in CA or NY etc.

There are 2000 hrs in a standard work year. 50 weeks, 40hrs a week= 2000 hrs.

$17 an hour is $34,000 a year with zero overtime and 2 weeks off for vacation etc

$20 an hour is $40,000 a year same normal conditions above.

There is ZER0 excuse for an able bodied person to be making over $10,000 LESS money per year than the lowest level jobs which literally ANY human being can walk in the door and get the job on day 1. No excuse. Unless those 20MM people are on SS and retired, or disabled, they are the TICKS and LEECHES that all the hardworking people like me are FORCED to pay to support because of garbage liberal policies and "entitlements" ( NOBODY is actually entitled to sit on their azzes and sell dope while I PAY for their food, shelter, medicaid, childcare etc...but I digress) Those people who WON'T work...not CAN'T...but will not work are a cancer to this nation and will be its downfall.

Theres already a 50/50 divide between the makers and takers. Half this country works our azzes off to pay for their families PLUS the other half of the population thats too lazy, stupid, lazy, criminal, or lazy to get off their couches and actually earn their way in the world. Know how I know what the gas stations and fast food places pay around here?? There are signs up. They are always looking for help. They cannot fill their positions even starting at $20 an hour. Don't get me started about the actual skilled trades that one can learn at a local community college...such as welding, CNC machine operating, regular and diesel mechanics etc. Those places are BEGGING for workers. They will pay for kids to go get training and certifications...while working them in apprenticeships over $20 an hour. They can easily make twice that once certified.

There is ZERO EXCUSE for an able bodied adult 18 or older making less than $25,000 a year in the US in 2025. None. Period. Unless they are retired or disabled. I have zero sympathy for lazy ass morons, drug dealers, and baby factories. In fact i absolutely hate carrying their dead weight my entire life. Even God says in the Bible " If a man will not work, let that man not eat." Its time we get back to that. Yesterday.
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I didn't say you did.. But you were arguing in favor of that practice correct?
No not at all, again that's a lie csouth made up. I said there would be no one to pick fruits and vegetables, home grown Americans are not willing to do that type labor. With unpicked fruits and vegetables prices will rise.

Now let's see how this will get spinned.
**** I've been considering picking up a couple of bar shifts here in town while I finish my cybersec stuff. I'm one of those maniacs who enjoys getting my ass kicked behind the stick.

There are a few places here in Knox where 2 shifts will be 800-1100. No joke.

My Gf back before I got married was a waitress and bartender (she was in college) When she got to tend bar on friday or saturday nights she could make $500 on a relatively slow Friday or Saturday night. Got close to a grand a couple times when they were slammed. I used to give her a hard time about that "stripper money" after she had 1 of those shifts. Granted, she was a hot 21yo girl...but good bartenders can make bank anywhere thats busy regardless of what they look like IMO. She consistently pulled in $200 a shift waiting tables when she wasnt behind the bar...and that was 25 years ago....
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No not at all, again that's a lie csouth made up. I said there would be no one to pick fruits and vegetables, home grown Americans are not willing to do that type labor. With unpicked fruits and vegetables prices will rise.

Now let's see how this will get spinned.
I remember. You made the argument to defend immigration so your argument was for paying cheap labor. Please be honest in discussion.

That's not spin. It's intellectual honesty.
Right. $20 an hour minimum wage is what I think you suggested earlier.

Can you tell me what should happen if a business can’t afford to pay that?
I've never suggested any minimum wage, most migrant harvesters are doing it by the piece, the harder/faster the more they make. Migrant roofers, carpenters,masons etc probably make close, and many more than that hourly wage now.
I've never suggested any minimum wage, most migrant harvesters are doing it by the piece, the harder/faster the more they make. Migrant roofers, carpenters,masons etc probably make close, and many more than that hourly wage now.
Since you know about migrant wages you must live among those nice friendly folks?
You talk about them like they're your imediate family & you have to defend them daily.
That word jumble makes no sense. But if you're suggesting there is a sufficient resident citizen workforce, willing to harvest crops or build are wrong.
The farmer will pay the wage required to harvest his crop. If no then that's on him. Don't want to hear his sob story. Same in construction. Maybe that's the solution to those poor non lazy SOB making $25,000.

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