systematic institutional racism from the Democrats. take your pick from abortion, gun laws, war on drugs, generational welfare, you ain't black if you don't vote for a Democrat. treating a group of individuals like they are the same because of their skin color is a good way to make them dependent on the government, and thus remain in poverty. always blaming someone else ensures that instead of focusing on improving yourself you sit around and just blame others.
the current identity politics is certainly not based on an idea of improving anyone/everyone. the steal from the rich/equity bs is just another lottery system designed to take advantage of the poor by selling them on the idea that it helps them. but in the equity bs there is no big single payout so they don't even have to deliver tangible results to say they did their job.
you also have a very long history, going back to the early 1800s, of predatorial lending practices to ensure the south never developed; as well as northern monopolies that killed any competition from the south.