President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Biden lies about the dumbest stuff, I really do believe that he has told so many lies through the years he doesn't even know fact from fiction in his own life.

Biden's tale of a 1965 Naval Academy appointment draws scrutiny

“I was told the class of ’72 is here. I was appointed to the academy in 1965 by a senator who I was running against in 1972 — never planned it that way. I wasn’t old enough to be sworn in. I was only 29 years old when I was running,” Biden said. The president added later that “I didn’t come to the academy because I wanted to be a football star. And you had a guy named [Roger] Staubach and [Joe] Bellino here. So, I went to Delaware.”
He’s already off to a great start there anyway might as well finish the job.
Once he completely kills off the oil industry, he can focus on the fall elections and declare martial law once fuel goes north of $10/gallon. Once you can't afford to drive to work, there are food shortages and babies are starving because there is no formula, there will be civil unrest. Good times are just around the corner.
This one does have me a little riled up. There are almost 5,000 Americans buried over in Europe that dies wearing the 29th Infantry Division's patch, some relatives of mine and they want to retire it because of the grey on the patch. For those that don't know what I'm talking about the 29ths patch is a blue and grey ying yang, the division was formed out of MD and VA National Guard units at the start of WWII and the patch symbolizes the melding of north and south.

Division’s blue-gray patch might get the ax
This one does have me a little riled up. There are almost 5,000 Americans buried over in Europe that dies wearing the 29th Infantry Division's patch, some relatives of mine and they want to retire it because of the grey on the patch. For those that don't know what I'm talking about the 29ths patch is a blue and grey ying yang, the division was formed out of MD and VA National Guard units at the start of WWII and the patch symbolizes the melding of north and south.

Division’s blue-gray patch might get the ax
What's the justification to retire it?

Why does is rile you so?
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What's the justification to retire it?

Why does is rile you so?
It's both right in the article and in his post:
A congressional naming commission, an eight-member panel created last year, is scrutinizing the names of hundreds of U.S. military bases, as well as “symbols, displays, monuments and paraphernalia,” to identify and retire any that “commemorate” the Confederate States of America and its causes. The 29th Division logo is under consideration.
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What's the justification to retire it?

Why does is rile you so?

There is no justification.

One of my great uncles died in WWII as a member of the division (closest relative) along with a few other more distant. Have 2 uncles that retired from the NG as members of the 29th. Several buddies from back home are still members so although not directly I do feel an attachment. Logically I know I shouldn't GAS but the thought of tossing that patch on the scrap heap because of such a loose tie to the confederacy has gotten me a little heated.
There is no justification.

One of my great uncles died in WWII as a member of the division (closest relative) along with a few other more distant. Have 2 uncles that retired from the NG as members of the 29th. Several buddies from back home are still members so although not directly I do feel an attachment. Logically I know I shouldn't GAS but the thought of tossing that patch on the scrap heap because of such a loose tie to the confederacy has gotten me a little heated.
And none of those woke assholes that want to get rid of that patch have one iota of an attachment to the military.

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