Biden’s Trans Policies Are Putting Men In Women’s Prisons And Kicking Christians Out Of Law Enforcement
A lot of good cops are going to be pushed out over this, but at least criminals will be referred to by their preferred pronouns.
As Americans are threatened by rising crime, the Biden administration is focused on putting men in women’s prisons and pushing Christians and political dissenters from transgender ideology out of law enforcement.
President Biden has released his long-delayed executive order on law enforcement, and it does not include the bombshell proposal to put men in women’s prisons that I
reported on back in January. Unfortunately, this cut is not because the Biden administration thought better of the idea, but because it already quietly rewrote the Bureau of Prisons
manual to allow men in women’s prisons.
Meanwhile, the just-issued executive order is a cornucopia of bad ideas, including policies that are meant to drive Biden’s ideological enemies, especially conservative Christians, out of law enforcement. Thus, Biden has ordered the government to create and implement plans for hiring and retaining federal law enforcement officers that
include “vetting mechanisms and ongoing employment screening, that … help avoid the hiring and retention of law enforcement officers who promote … bias against persons based on … sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Biden Puts Men In Women’s Prisons, Christians Out Of Law Enforcement