President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Someone help me understand how threatening the oil industry with a additional 21% tax on profits will lower prices at the pump? All other taxes are passed onto the consumer in higher prices, why would this tax be different? Is Uncle Joe going to apply the same additional tax on every industry that has raised prices to consumers recently?
I think I put it this way before, using our business as an example.

Government will raise things like sales taxes. When businesses complain, they'll literally tell them to pass the costs along. Then when consumers complain, they'll pin it on "greedy" businesses. We saw it happen on a local level all the dang time (we had councilmen calling local micro and small businesses "greedy" during the pandemic!). The whole time the government is pointing fingers constantly away from themselves for creating the situation to begin with.

My question for the people in support of "taxing profits" is where do they think the money is going? They'll rail against the wealthy while cheering on wealthy people that don't produce stealing from wealthy people that at least are responsible for putting something out there. Plus, at the end of the day, the pool of political hacks that get the money is much, much smaller than the pool of people that benefit from commercial wealth. Are these commie/socialist types not just lobbying for further increases in the "wealth gap" and further concentration of power and money into the hands of fewer and fewer people?

EDIT: and on the tax example I listed, we can watch an implosion of a municipality in real time. People are very price inelastic in that area, so when taxes get bumped, businesses do end up having to choose between passing costs along or eating some of the new expense. The result is drastically less sustainability for businesses in the area, people and businesses vacating because they can't afford it, less tax revenue for the city followed by further decisions to increase tax rates leading to more people leaving, jobs going away, drug and crime skyrocketing, and a budget that hangs on a thread because the city has zero reserve cash because the council and unelected bureaucrats keep stealing and embezzling (literally) and funding pet projects by their mistresses and gay partners using city "grants".
Someone help me understand how threatening the oil industry with a additional 21% tax on profits will lower prices at the pump? All other taxes are passed onto the consumer in higher prices, why would this tax be different? Is Uncle Joe going to apply the same additional tax on every industry that has raised prices to consumers recently?
According to quite a few on these boards, the current Administration has done nothing to cause or prolong this oil crisis.

It’s all the fault of Putin.
I mean it’s all the fault of Oil.

This is just a common sense solution to help American citizens - by hurting American businesses. It’s science.
Someone help me understand how threatening the oil industry with a additional 21% tax on profits will lower prices at the pump? All other taxes are passed onto the consumer in higher prices, why would this tax be different? Is Uncle Joe going to apply the same additional tax on every industry that has raised prices to consumers recently?

Because economics, dummy.
According to quite a few on these boards, the current Administration has done nothing to cause or prolong this oil crisis.

It’s all the fault of Putin.
I mean it’s all the fault of Oil.

This is just a common sense solution to help American citizens - by hurting American businesses. It’s science.
It's actually Trump's fault you racist white supremacist apologist.
That goes back at least 2 decades
No. This administration has only been in 1.5 years.

Smack yourself while you are pumping gas for full effect. Or in the grocery checkout. Or used car lot. Or baby formula isle. Pretty much anywhere.

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