President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Just a Portion of the Outrageous Biden Administration Plans Outlined In This Linked Article:

One program would assist black borrowers with down payments. Most home-buyers are required to put down at least 20% of the cost of a new home to reduce the risks of default. Fannie’s plan would effectively require taxpayers to subsidize down payments for black borrowers. Revenue that Fannie earns on its mortgage portfolio is retained as capital to protect taxpayers during a downturn. Under Fannie’s plan, some of that revenue would go to reducing down payments.

Another new program would reduce “loan level price adjustments” for black home buyers. Lenders typically charge higher rates for borrowers with lower credit scores, and Fannie says reducing them can “reduce obstacles for prospective Black homeowners.”

Still another program would “support the reduction of borrower closing costs for Black homebuyers”—for instance, via appraisal reimbursements. Taxpayers would help finance this “support.” Fannie also wants to help black homeowners avoid foreclosure by helping them “deal with unexpected expenses and repairs, or temporary disruptions to income.” This suggests that Fannie may now push into funding home repairs and welfare.

Calling all of this mission creep is an understatement. The GSE equity plans would let the Administration spend billions of taxpayer dollars on housing without Congress appropriating a cent.
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I got gas one day when it was $4.54 a gallon. Went by the station the next day & it was $4.53.

Does anybody here look at this site?

Crude Oil Prices Today |

The bottom item in the middle column is "Gasoline". The number has been trending down for days to $3.896. Anybody know what the real meaning is because it doesn't seem to reflect the price at the pump, but it does seem to indicate that prices should be dropping. Just guessing it is maybe the listing on the commodities exchange. Here's a chart from a couple of minutes ago.

Maybe joe shouldn't be whipping the oil industry with the olive branch. Dems never learned much about the carrot and the stick approach - they just shove one or the other up the azz. BOHICA is the appropriate term for any new dem policy.
LOL. I've never seen the acronym BOHICA before.
Didn't this insane maniac just send them $40 Billion?


They spent $40B in the name of Ukraine; that's a far cry from actually sending Ukraine $40B of what Ukraine needs. From the list it was obvious that a significant amount of that money was bureaucratic bloat - never to leave the US. 5 for me, 4 for you, five for me, five for well, not you ....
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Well today that’s right anyway. Make no mistake DC polits are completely pissed of they can’t grab a handful off your pretax wealth you’ve played by the rules and saved to date. They will be coming for that.

In a way they already do. If you loan someone money, they the IRS has a chart dictating the interest you are supposed to collect - they penalize if you don't - their term is "imputed interest" BTW. So if you loan a son or daughter the down payment for a house, you can't do it interest free even if it doesn't affect your tax liability. Apparently the thought is that if you had the money invested it would have drawn interest or dividends that you would have to pay. At what point do they decide what the "correct price" should be for a purchase and penalize you for not spending the correct amount? Of course, states do that on car sales if you can't show a reason for paying an "undervalued" price.
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