President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Surely the Biden's rearing had nothing to do with this. In the interview Biden talks about how the girls in his family loves Cardi B music and he does as well. I'm not sure this article goes into detail. Cardi is known for her sexually explicitly lyrics and her dirty dancing.

On November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was officially elected the next president of the United States. Back in August, Cardi B got real via Zoom with the next Commander in Chief.

Cardi B: Oh, snap. Is this real? Hi, Biden, how are you?

Joe Biden:
How are you? The name’s Joe.

CB: Well, hello there, Joe.

Cardi virtually meets Biden’s daughter, Ashley, who is a fan.

Maybe this analogy will help better explain my position.
Your company is selecting a location for a mandatory two-week training class for all of it's global employees who do the same job as you. The employees went through a preliminary vote and have narrowed the choices to between Gaza City and New York. The employees will now have a final vote and the majority vote will win.
You happen to dislike both options.
You can complain about the two viable choices the employees (and company) have given you.
You can refuse to vote.
You can refuse to go and quit your job.
You can write in some other location in hopes of making some point.
Or you can vote AGAINST the one you most dislike by voting for the only other viable option.
Nope. Not even close. You are supporting the POS that has wrought disaster on this country.
Trump's kids are lying, tax evading, a-holes. Besides Barron, so far, the only one I have an iota of respect for is Ivana, mostly out of pity as her dad indicated he'd date her. Plus, he was handie on her. I sympathize with those who did or may have endured sexual abuse. Tiffany, I don't know or have seen much of her to have an, uh, what'd you call it? Oh yeah, an opine. Biden's kids, except for Hunter, I never even knew he had any until Hunter came into the public eye. So I don't know about his other kids, either. And you're doing an end run around my post's point. You want to accuse Biden of being a bad father, without knowing so for sure. I'm saying we don't know if either Trump or Biden's kids defied good upbringing or not. There's a name for what you're doing. Here it is.
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Tax evading? Really?
Ok. So Hunter has had it harder than other president's kids.

You think he needs a rigid structure to overcome his brain damage? Maybe that explains why he could manage Yale Law School but not do so well outside of academia???
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