President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Biden/Harris made empty promises to stop migrants in Panama — but the flood continues​

PANAMA CITY — On July 1, Panama’s new President José Raúl Mulino took office on an unprecedented promise to close a major route of illegal immigration — through which at least 1.5 million foreign nationals have poured through since 2021.

Mulino said he would close the infamous Darién Gap, a 70-mile roadless jungle wilderness that South American migrants traverse on their way north to the United States.

He secured a promise from the Biden-Harris administration to help accomplish this: money and possibly even planes to carry illegally arriving migrants back to their countries.

Biden/Harris made empty promises to stop migrants in Panama — but the flood continues
But nearly two months after the US pledged a “removal flights program” to support Panama, the aid is nowhere to be found and the immigrants, after sheltering in place at home or in Colombia to see if Panama might actually deport people, are starting to flow once again through the Darién Gap.

News Flash: They lied. That's all they ever do. Lie. Lie. Lie.
Would have been so much better if trump had gotten what he wanted right? Which was the immediate withdrawl. Now I would agree those who ignored his orders should be in jail.

You seriously don't think Trump wouldn't have blown some 💩 up on the way or bombed those taliban convoys that was seen headed towards the city days in advance?
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Is she brain dead? Doesn't she know that this is a result of her & Biden's policies?

Wrong question. It is all those that support her and completely IGNORE the fact that all these problems are of her and Puddinhead's making. She absolutely knows that she is responsible for this mess.

16 times she went to North Carolina. 1 time to the border. Ask the governor.

Campaigning and holding on to power is VASTLY more important to these asshats than actually running the country.
3 years and 8 months later and Chyt-4-brains and the Cackling Ho are still crushing it!

The spokesperson for Walgreens has announced the company’s plan to close almost 700 branches throughout the country because of inflation costs.

Well, that and crime, thefts.. which I don’t blame them from pulling out.. no company, liberal or no, wants to deal with that .. I think Walgreens is pretty apolitical, but others come to mind. Edit: Walgreens does actually dabble in the political and seems to make both sides irritated 😂
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Amazing that the simpletons at CNN can figure it out but white liberal women are still fawning all over her.
it's getting even better.....liberal white woman will vote for Harris not even knowing what her agenda is......but agenda and facts do not matter for she is a female of color.....yea

"Congressional Democrats are largely content to wait until after the election for Kamala Harris to drill down on her policy agenda."
it's getting even better.....liberal white woman will vote for Harris not even knowing what her agenda is......but agenda and facts do not matter for she is a female of color.....yea

"Congressional Democrats are largely content to wait until after the election for Kamala Harris to drill down on her policy agenda."

That is literally the election version of you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it

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