President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

This moron has been on vacation for so long his brain is worse off now than B4.
How embarrassing to have this clown out campaigning for anybody for the win.
Kamala looks like she's looking at him like hurry up old man & get off the stage.

He probably traded a cow for some magic beans when he was a kid …. At least he’d tell you that
This moron has been on vacation for so long his brain is worse off now than B4.
How embarrassing to have this clown out campaigning for anybody for the win.
Kamala looks like she's looking at him like hurry up old man & get off the stage.

532 days so far. Where’s all the Trump haters that screeched about him playing golf?
The democrat communist party doing communist things oh so easy ...

From the article:

Journalist Olivia Nuzzi had the rollout of her new show killed by Bloomberg after she published an article on Joe Biden's declining condition, according to a bombshell report.

The New York Magazine reporter was the target of an online campaign after she wrote about efforts by Democrats to conceal Biden's deteriorating condition in a July article titled, The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.

Semafor reports that Bloomberg had planned a splashy rollout for Nuzzi's show, Working Capital, but abruptly cancelled them after the article came out and some Democrats demanded her firing.

You guys just don’t get it! It’s not her fault. Businesses just became really mean and greedy once she took office!

Damn Corporate Greed!!! They worked against the Biden-Harris administration for 4 years while hurting the American people.

But now these same Corporations are donating to the Harris Campaign because they’ve seen the error of their ways and they respect her so so much.
The Biden/Harris Administration's liberal policies have caused this to come on us.
They can't blame Trump or conservatives on their failure to lead us to a great Nation.
This is disgusting in allowing our corrupt Democratic leaders to behave as a monster.
What a total POS this guy has been to the american people ... just like muffin top.

This guy is probably the most deceitful politician I have ever watched.
Every time someone says "No one lies as much as Trump!" I think, "John Kirby?"

I keep up with a lot of news from a variety of sources: MSNBC, CNN, Fox, Al Jazeera, The Jordan Times, BBC.....

This guy is in a league of his own when it comes to the manipulation of the public - American and otherwise.

I think I might have an acute case of "KDS." Holy Cow! :oops: Am I Patient Zero?
This guy is probably the most deceitful politician I have ever watched.
Every time someone says "No one lies as much as Trump!" I think, "John Kirby?"

I keep up with a lot of news from a variety of sources: MSNBC, CNN, Fox, Al Jazeera, The Jordan Times, BBC.....

This guy is in a league of his own when it comes to the manipulation of the public - American and otherwise.

I think I might have an acute case of "KDS." Holy Cow! :oops: Am I Patient Zero?

There is a running list of individuals in the Biden Administration that can fit that title without "blinking", probably in government in general, but the leader in the clubhouse has to be Blinken.

Blinken led the effort to get the former intelligence agents to sign off on the letter that the Hunter laptop was fake. He knew it had been verified by the FBI. He was collecting signatures eventhough he knew he was being dishonest. They all knew it was real, with the possible exception of a few usual idiots just following leftist marching orders.

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