Agreed, and I'm nowhere near the intellectual you are, but if it were me and I was looking for the actual "chokepoint", I wouldn't focus on the ships...I'd focus on TEU throughput.
Specifically, what was the average TEU throughput 12 months ago, and in the ensuing 12 months to this point. Daily in, daily out, and by what mode (rail, chassis, etc.). Where, and when, did the pipeline get clogged. Then you can start to look at the "how and why".
And what has caused the logjam? Lack of stevedores, drivers, crane operators, or delays in end user pickup? Teamsters love 'em some Democrats, so why would they slow things down?
Still, when one steps back and takes in the view of the forest, as opposed to gender-neutral trees (thanks for that gem, Kamala)'s readily apparent to any interested observer that the current administration, all of them, have proven to be completely incompetent at the job they were elected or appointed to do. From Afghanistan to the Mexican border, and everywhere in between, everything King Midas and his minions have touched has turned not to gold, but to dung. It is what it is.
And it is going to get worse...much worse...before it starts to get better.
This particular post here, will indeed age well. At least until 2022, but more likely sometime after the 2025 inauguration.