President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

With friends like this accused rapist and his enabler, you may be correct.
It's amazing how both sides quickly forgot who trumps friends were.
11 times Trump was completely inappropriate with his daughter Ivanka
‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’
‘She's got the best body.’

In 2003, while on The Howard Stern Show, Trump said:
Trump agreed Ivanka is a “piece of ass”
He said this in 2004, on The Howard Stern Show. Seems to be his favourite place to make awful remarks.
‘She’s actually always been very voluptuous.'
‘I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.’
‘I was going to say sex’

In 2013, Wendy Williams asked what two things Ivanka and Donald had in common when they both appeared on her show.

Ivanka responded "real estate" and "golf" but Trump said:

Well I was going to say sex but I can’t relate that.​
I stopped at 7​

Do you have any concerns about the entry Ashley made in her diary about the showers with Joe?
90% chance?

Also, while we're talking bad faith why is POTUS pledging that no one making less than 400K will pay a penny more in tax when the analysis you posted shows 20 - 30% of these households will?

Why can't the people pushing this bill be honest about it?
The american public would rather be told pretty lies than ugly truths. Even knowing the lies were lies.
11 times Trump was completely inappropriate with his daughter Ivanka
‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’
‘She's got the best body.’

In 2003, while on The Howard Stern Show, Trump said:
Trump agreed Ivanka is a “piece of ass”
He said this in 2004, on The Howard Stern Show. Seems to be his favourite place to make awful remarks.
‘She’s actually always been very voluptuous.'
‘I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.’
‘I was going to say sex’

In 2013, Wendy Williams asked what two things Ivanka and Donald had in common when they both appeared on her show.

Ivanka responded "real estate" and "golf" but Trump said:

Well I was going to say sex but I can’t relate that.​
I stopped at 7​
So assuming the Biden thing is real, why else would you deflect with Trump, you are saying what Trump SAID matters far more than what Biden DID.

Your priorities are all jacked up.
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Give this man a Nobel prize. 11 months and a Child tax credit is an accomplishment???

I wouldn't call a cripplingly-expensive bill full of Pork that will increase corporate taxes, cost families thousands of dollars/yr in energy costs, and put highways under the control of the federal government (i.e. Buttegieg -- see "supply chain/port disaster") much of a success.

Maybe biden's biggest lie is the one about no increased taxes for anyone making less than $400K. We all pay the "corporate tax" when we buy goods and services, so every consumer pays, and it's the most regressive tax. The wealthy have disposable income that the people at the poor end of the scale don't. People at the lower end of they scale will pay corporate tax on virtually all their income ... even if it's food stamps and other welfare income. The wealthy may very well pay more in terms of total amount, but it's almost guaranteed to be paid only on a fraction of their income - depending on how lavish a lifestyle they desire to live. The same goes for government driven inflation, and the dems certainly know how to drive inflation. On the wage side there's also no guarantee that tax brackets are adjusted to account for increasing wages driven by inflation, so the government haul is perpetually increasing because of inflated income and tax bracket creep - it's a net loss though because the government bureaucracies which produce nothing cost more - driven by inflation.
Jen Psaki Snaps at Reporter asking why Biden isn't holding a press conference after 'three amigos summit' and says you 'don't need an embroidered chair' to ask questions

White House press secretary Jen Psaki snapped at a reporter at Thursday's briefing after being asked if the press should expect a press conference following President Joe Biden's 'three amigos' summit.

'You can ask questions in any format, right? I don't think you need a formal embroidered chair for it,' Psaki told CBS News Radio correspondent Steven Portnoy, who serves as the president of the White House Correspodents' Association, the group that pushes for White House access for journalists.

Portnoy had pointed out that Biden had told reporters at a bill signing Thursday morning, 'I'll be happy to answer questions after I meet with all the leaders.'

However, the White House bucked tradition and didn't schedule a tri-lateral press conference with Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador following their late afternoon meeting.


CBS News Radio correspondent Steven Portnoy asked Psaki about a press conference at the Thursday briefing. He serves as White House Correspondents' Association president

Psaki snaps at reporter asking why Biden isn't holding a press conference | Daily Mail Online

Wait! There actually is a Portnoy complaint?
Biden may be the biggest conman of all time.
Biden touted CBO as 'gold standard' – now his White House is trying to undermine it
While serving as vice president in the Obama administration, Biden said in an interview with Larry King that the nonpartisan legislative budget scorer is the "gold standard" when it comes to their work.
In fact, the president said that no members of either party call into question the CBO’s reports.
Biden may be the biggest conman of all time.
Biden touted CBO as 'gold standard' – now his White House is trying to undermine it
While serving as vice president in the Obama administration, Biden said in an interview with Larry King that the nonpartisan legislative budget scorer is the "gold standard" when it comes to their work.
In fact, the president said that no members of either party call into question the CBO’s reports.

just one more reason people hate politicians
Biden may be the biggest conman of all time.
Biden touted CBO as 'gold standard' – now his White House is trying to undermine it
While serving as vice president in the Obama administration, Biden said in an interview with Larry King that the nonpartisan legislative budget scorer is the "gold standard" when it comes to their work.
In fact, the president said that no members of either party call into question the CBO’s reports.

The sad part is that as far as I remember the CBO has been wrong about everything it ever "scored"; and it consistently underestimates the true cost of everything congress churns out. You can bet the true cost will be well in excess of $500B spent to gain the $367B - and then there's the interest.
The official definition of gender is boy parts equal male. Girl parts equal female. Only an idiot would need a definition.
I've never been confused.
1. Open diaper
2. Penis = male
3. Vagina = girl
4. Get really creative and send a blood chromosome analysis
5. XY = male
6. XX = female
White House says social spending package would cut deficit by $112 billion over 10 years,


CBO finds the social spending bill adds to the federal deficit

Still waiting on a party, congress and president that gives me a deficit neutral budget. I would go on, but I'm already blue in the face.

I suppose a printing press, paper, and ink would work to turn a $5M investment into $5T; but other than that government spending isn't going to produce much that's measurable. Sure roads facilitate movement of goods and people but at the expense of taxes and tons of bureaucratic overhead and wasteful policies to get them built, and few people actually produce direct income from using the roads. It seems like there should be equal or more emphasis on developing government policy and easing the bureaucratic burden to build high quality roads cheaper. Roads are just an example, of course, government does many things to keep the economy rolling and people safe ... it just doesn't do them well, equitably, or efficiently because the government is bureaucratically unmanageable and there's no competitive force that requires doing it better.
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LOL. By failing at everything?

The approval ratings suggest that being able to afford gas and food, not abandoning Americans in hostile territory, making some kind of progress on CV, etc are more important to Americans than not being forced to read Tweets that hurt some people's feelings.
I haven't seen any results of a scientific poll asking if one would rather have Trump back in office.
But I'm sure it would be below 50%.

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