President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

True. It's with me, my wife, my two daughters aged two and one, and President and Mrs. Carter. Rosalynn is actually holding my one year old daughter. When that daughter graduated from GA Tech in 2020, President Carter wrote her a letter of congratulations. I framed that letter with an 8 x 10 copy of the picture for my daughter as a graduation present. She now has that on the wall of her apartment in Atlanta. Both of my daughters have also spent volunteer time at the Carter Center.
Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Ha! Well there ya go.

Sounds like a wonderful memory you and your family share and enjoy.
THEFT, Road Rage and RACISM: How Biden's new US Attorney for Massachusetts - who was filmed threatening reporters - was charged with handling stolen property, called cops 'murderers' and told colleague to shut up because he was 'white man'

  • Rachael Rollins was confirmed as US attorney for Massachusetts on Wednesday
  • She made history as the first black woman to hold the powerful role, and was cheered by progressives
  • But it has drawn new scrutiny to a variety of controversial incidents from her history
  • Motorist claimed she impersonated police officer using blue flashing lights and threatening to issue ticket
  • At age 19, she was charged with receiving stolen property, a misdemeanor which was dismissed
  • Rollins also has a history of making statements invoking race in her public remarks
  • Last year she told fellow DAs she didn't want 'white men telling me what communities of color need'
The controversial background of the new United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts has come under scrutiny following her confirmation to the role this week.

Rachael Rollins, 50, was confirmed as top federal prosecutor for Massachusetts on Wednesday in a party-line decision, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the evenly divided Senate.

But her ascension to the important role has brought renewed focus on a number of incidents from Rollins' past, many of which emerged when she was the DA for Suffolk County.

The controversies include a misdemeanor charge when she was a teenager, a row with a police union after she claimed cops 'murder us with impunity', and an incident in which she publicly told fellow DAs that she didn't 'have much time for more white men telling me what communities of color need.'

And in a shocking video, she was seen earlier this year angrily confronting a news crew after a motorist accused her of impersonating a police officer in a road rage incident.


Newly resurfaced video shows the new Massachusetts US Attorney Rachael Rollins angrily confronting reporters about an incident involving a white motorist in January 2021

Rachael Rollins: New US Attorney for Massachusetts comes under scrutiny | Daily Mail Online
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It doesn't bother me. I am no longer discussing your opinions. I am highlighting your posting, your justifications, and the dishonesty of your tactics.

Now that I understand why you post, I can approach a discussion with you more appropriately.
It’s works a lot better in dealing with his clueless disingenuous ass if you just point, mock, and laugh. Here keep this handy. You’re welcome 😎

THEFT, Road Rage and RACISM: How Biden's new US Attorney for Massachusetts - who was filmed threatening reporters - was charged with handling stolen property, called cops 'murderers' and told colleague to shut up because he was 'white man'

  • Rachael Rollins was confirmed as US attorney for Massachusetts on Wednesday
  • She made history as the first black woman to hold the powerful role, and was cheered by progressives
  • But it has drawn new scrutiny to a variety of controversial incidents from her history
  • Motorist claimed she impersonated police officer using blue flashing lights and threatening to issue ticket
  • At age 19, she was charged with receiving stolen property, a misdemeanor which was dismissed
  • Rollins also has a history of making statements invoking race in her public remarks
  • Last year she told fellow DAs she didn't want 'white men telling me what communities of color need'
The controversial background of the new United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts has come under scrutiny following her confirmation to the role this week.

Rachael Rollins, 50, was confirmed as top federal prosecutor for Massachusetts on Wednesday in a party-line decision, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the evenly divided Senate.

But her ascension to the important role has brought renewed focus on a number of incidents from Rollins' past, many of which emerged when she was the DA for Suffolk County.

The controversies include a misdemeanor charge when she was a teenager, a row with a police union after she claimed cops 'murder us with impunity', and an incident in which she publicly told fellow DAs that she didn't 'have much time for more white men telling me what communities of color need.'

And in a shocking video, she was seen earlier this year angrily confronting a news crew after a motorist accused her of impersonating a police officer in a road rage incident.


Newly resurfaced video shows the new Massachusetts US Attorney Rachael Rollins angrily confronting reporters about an incident involving a white motorist in January 2021

Rachael Rollins: New US Attorney for Massachusetts comes under scrutiny | Daily Mail Online

She's a real charming person that others can look up to. She's a great role model for children to become like when they grow up. (My blue font machine ran out of blue ink)
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How are you determining poor vs great? Biden set a goal and Trump was hitting that goal before he left office. It's unlikely there would have even been a vax had Biden been in office

Imagine if the people in some critical positions - Fauci in particular comes to mind - had been honest about what was going on in labs like the one in Wuhan how differently things might have played out. It's like the world was in the dark except there were people in key positions who knew more and didn't say anything knowing they were complicit. Let the world think this virus jumped from animals to humans with no intervention which probably would have been a much slower progression than a lab mutated virus ready made for human infection and transmission. The virus leap from the lab may have been accidental, but Fauci should have immediately come clean with Trump and the world about what had been going on because it could have made a much bigger impact than political policy by Trump or anybody else. It's far easier to deal with a problem when you know what the problem is rather than having it hidden from view by people like Fauci.
too the bold - hard to justify Trump did a poor job when he did everything in his power to get vaccines created and approved. Virtually no one thought it could be done in the time frame that it was - it's considered a miracle of modern science and Trump exerted as much influence that was in the sphere of his control to make it happen. Hard to argue that is a poor job of promoting the vaccine and the importance of being vaccinated. Once available (and when he knew he wouldn't be POTUS) he still oversaw the system that took us from approval to over 1 million shots per day being administered in 2 months. Hard to argue that is a poor job of promoting the vaccine and the importance of being vaccinated.

while the vaccine was awaiting approval Biden publicly and repeatedly cast doubt on the safety of a vaccine being approved so quickly implying shortcuts or political influence were overriding safety protocols.

the facts simply don't support your one did a great job/one did a poor job.

There's one other point though that as far as I know hasn't been addressed. That is the appearance that at least some of the medical research community has been working like intelligence agencies on black projects. Moderna, as I recall, with a little communication between researchers, had a vaccine prepped and ready to go by sometime in February of 2020. Of course, there had to be testing a trials before release. Imagine if we knew that the Moderna researchers were in touch with the "virus manufacturers" and knew what they had brewed in the lab. Is this really the start of a new medical industrial complex where they develop new diseases that they can profit from? New cures for stuff that never affected humans before? I firmly believe that Trump or anybody else in office during 2020 was simply the fall guy, and Trump overall didn't do so badly considering there seem to be a lot of withheld facts.

It was actually in Jan 2020 that Moderna had a vaccine.

Moderna's groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine was designed in just 2 days
From zero to 16.5 million vaccines in 2 months is hardly "a dismal failure"

and of course you ignored other positives from Trump and negatives from Biden (particularly pre-approval commentary).

There's the administration issue, too. How many people you can organize to inject vaccines, sites available to administer, waiting period for adverse reaction, etc means that the only reasonable approach was to phase in the vaccines with the most critical communities covered first. That was all arranged and in progress before biden took office. No doubt Trump would have loved higher numbers, and the supply chain might have been able to provide, but there is simply that bottleneck involved in sticking needles in the arms.
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Was it delivering oil?

Nope, but it doesn't matter. Oil and other commodity prices are determined before the fact in commodities markets. Cancelling the pipeline was simply a signal that a projected additional oil source wasn't happening - that's virtually the same as projecting a decrease. Further, offshore oil producers knew they wouldn't have to pump more oil to compete, so they cut production. You shouldn't have to be told this. Biden's actions weakened us and made us far more vulnerable to oil suppliers ... and we can't do without oil.

Another little fact you might as well wrap you head around is that electrical demand satisfied by non-fossil sources isn't happening anytime soon. Count on the old saying that fusion power is still thirty years away ... and in thirty years it will still be thirty years off. If you think the supply chain disruption has dinged the country, just wait for the future electric power shortages.
Imagine if the people in some critical positions - Fauci in particular comes to mind - had been honest about what was going on in labs like the one in Wuhan how differently things might have played out. It's like the world was in the dark except there were people in key positions who knew more and didn't say anything knowing they were complicit. Let the world think this virus jumped from animals to humans with no intervention which probably would have been a much slower progression than a lab mutated virus ready made for human infection and transmission. The virus leap from the lab may have been accidental, but Fauci should have immediately come clean with Trump and the world about what had been going on because it could have made a much bigger impact than political policy by Trump or anybody else. It's far easier to deal with a problem when you know what the problem is rather than having it hidden from view by people like Fauci.

This whole thing is pretty dark by Fauci and other Dr Jekyll's when you think about it. Infect millions and cause millions of deaths around the world and work hard everyday to make sure the secret isn't leaked of the truth. Divert attention long enough so that the Chinese can clean the crime scene.
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Also, miss Harris was a member of the national security council long before she got elected. That's why you don't hear from her. She's secure like that.

gas is now down under 3$ and falling.

Everything Florida man did was on debt. The future had to pay for his personal finances.

😂🤡 the only Boom the idiot in chief makes is in his pants. You don’t get to count jobs as “created” if people are forceably laid off due to a federally created crisis.

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