President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

They crowed about Trump creating jobs when the economy had been improving steadily since the recession under Obama. Don’t act like it’s a one way street.

Lol. Yea those “shovel ready” jobs were a huge hit. As big of a waste as this new stupidity they’re trying to pass. Gotta fix those racist roads and bridges 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Lol. Yea those “shovel ready” jobs were a huge hit. As big of a waste as this new stupidity they’re trying to pass. Gotta fix those racist roads and bridges 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Don’t know what to tell you about roads and bridges, man. Trump made overtures on infrastructure, and I couldn’t stand the man but I would’ve given him kudos for that. We need it. It worked to create jobs with the CCC in the 30s and it could again. Would be broadly popular but the party in power always wants to cram a bunch of amendments on every bill and the party not in power wants to bitch about it.
Don’t know what to tell you about roads and bridges, man. Trump made overtures on infrastructure, and I couldn’t stand the man but I would’ve given him kudos for that. We need it. It worked to create jobs with the CCC in the 30s and it could again. Would be broadly popular but the party in power always wants to cram a bunch of amendments on every bill and the party not in power wants to bitch about it.

If it was so important they wouldn’t have to add the idiotic racial bs along with all the social welfare. I mean you can get a huge tax credit if you buy an electric vehicle but only if if it’s manufactured in a union facility. Wonder what that’s about?
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If it was so important they wouldn’t have to add the idiotic racial bs along with all the social welfare. I mean you can get a huge tax credit if you buy an electric vehicle but only if if it’s manufactured in a union facility. Wonder what that’s about?
That’s interesting, man. Where’d you read that?
Roads are pretty bad in my area, and worse where I used to live. If they aren’t in yours more power to ya.
That’s interesting, man. Where’d you read that?
Roads are pretty bad in my area, and worse where I used to live. If they aren’t in yours more power to ya.

That’s not a federal government issue or at least shouldn’t be. I pay vehicle property taxes that is specifically for that and they even added a flat road fee to that tax specifically for fixing roads. Then again what have we been paying taxes for all along? Why does it somehow hit all at once when the taxes you pay are meant to fix, build, and maintain it all the time.
I wonder if the Iranian hostages share your admiration for him?
Wait... you're going to blame the Iranian hostage situation on Jimmy Carter?

He created that situation? Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan Carter, but there is about 25 years of history leading up to the hostage situation that is being ignored here...
Wait... you're going to blame the Iranian hostage situation on Jimmy Carter?

He created that situation? Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan Carter, but there is about 25 years of history leading up to the hostage situation that is being ignored here...

After the incident in February of ‘79, Ray Charles could have seen what was coming, so yes…I blame it on the Carter administration, and thus on Carter.
In line with what I have seen.
I'm so glad the sky is no longer falling.
Look at Trump - negative job growth - SMDH

LOL you guys are so disingenuous. You had liberal governors shutting down the the country under threats of fines or loss of license for Trumps numbers and now you SMDH after they open it back up under a Dem POTUS and act like it’s not a natural progression for people to go back to work . You can do better than that . 😂
And Joe did a fantastic job of pushing for as many to be vaccinated as possible. Had those who most had the ear of the right done likewise, the country would have seen a much quicker recovery.
And as it turns out, these 'vaccines' are complete ****. You should be ecstatic at a Trump failure, but curiously, you aren't.
lol..........I'm answering the question that is asked multiple times a day in the PF..........
"What is one thing Biden has done for this country?"

I don't care if you guys can't accept my answer, that's on you and the defense of your team.
With all the nuts on here screaming that the sky is falling (repeating what they continually hear from their right wing sources), I am more than comfortable in my role as the dissenting voice. That in no way should be interpreted as my complete approval of Biden. That would be as absurd as a complete disapproval......which we see plenty of. Those are the nuts who need the reality check.
Love that inflation do ya?
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LOL you guys are so disingenuous. You had liberal governors shutting down the the country under threats of fines or loss of license for Trumps numbers and now you SMDH after they open it back up under a Dem POTUS and act like it’s not a natural progression for people to go back to work . You can do better than that . 😂
I'm only pointing out how the table in the post above about inflation was equally as ridiculous. Who didn't know that coming out of the COVID shutdown was going to cause inflation, hell inflation was already forecasted before COVID even showed up.
Either both Biden and Trump get the COVID exemption, or neither do.

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