President Winfrey

She would be in the same boat as Trump was her finances...Think the media would give her a colonoscopy on who would run her empire...Doubt it
Trump slams 'insecure' Oprah - CNNPolitics

Typical Trump. He has the spine of a flag fluttering whichever way the wind blows. Good news for you Trump fans: Donald LOVES her.

"...Back in 1999, Trump was more effusive about the then talk-show host. Asked on CNN about a potential vice presidential running mate, Trump told Larry King: "Oprah -- I love Oprah -- Oprah would always be my first choice."

Oprah was "really a great woman -- she is a terrific woman -- she's someone that's very special
," he said.

"I think if she'd do it, she'd be fantastic. I mean she's popular, she's brilliant, she's a wonderful woman. I mean if she'd ever do it -- I don't know that she'd ever do it .... she'd be sort of like me. I've got a lot of things going, she's got a lot of things going."

Trump concluded then that the two of them would be a "pretty good ticket."
Trump slams 'insecure' Oprah - CNNPolitics

Typical Trump. He has the spine of a flag fluttering whichever way the wind blows. Good news for you Trump fans: Donald LOVES her.

"...Back in 1999, Trump was more effusive about the then talk-show host. Asked on CNN about a potential vice presidential running mate, Trump told Larry King: "Oprah -- I love Oprah -- Oprah would always be my first choice."

Oprah was "really a great woman -- she is a terrific woman -- she's someone that's very special
," he said.

"I think if she'd do it, she'd be fantastic. I mean she's popular, she's brilliant, she's a wonderful woman. I mean if she'd ever do it -- I don't know that she'd ever do it .... she'd be sort of like me. I've got a lot of things going, she's got a lot of things going."

Trump concluded then that the two of them would be a "pretty good ticket."

"Just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes. The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!"
President Trump
She would be in the same boat as Trump was her finances...Think the media would give her a colonoscopy on who would run her empire...Doubt it

Ya her and Bill were basically broke leaving the WH, now worth 1/4 billion or thereabouts...humm, wouldn't it be interesting to look into their finances?

Clinton Foundation appears that it 'may have' functioned , in part, as an pay-4-play if you will. Late last year, it was reported that several FBI field offices, including the one in Little Rock, had been collecting information on the Clinton Foundation for more than a year. The report also said there had been pushback to the FBI from the Obama Justice Department. The FBI has re-opened an investigation, one challenge for any Clinton-era investigation is that the statute of limitations on most federal felonies is five years, and Clinton left office in early 2013.

Could you image if they spied on the Clinton campaign and everyone they communicated with via the FISA 2 'hops' rule...wowzer.
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"Just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes. The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!"
President Trump

Yugest snowflake on the planet.
President Oprah Winfrey. 2020.

Just wanted to acclimate y'all to this real possibility. She's a billionaire and remains very popular.

As Trump has proven, anyone can become President.

Who are you and what happened to the male that was on your account?
It's just unbelievable to watch. I actually like a lot of his policy, but the bull in a China shop routine is going to eventually sink him.

We elected a reality TV show C-list celebrity to POTUS. We shouldn't be shocked at his lack of decorum and general trash behavior.

Nothing he does surprises me anymore.
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60 minutes was the last network show I still watched.

It was always liberally slanted, but I was able to enjoy most of their episodes.

That Said, they have jumped the shark with their lousy reporting since Trump was elected. Now with Orka on there I am done with it.
60 minutes was the last network show I still watched.

It was always liberally slanted, but I was able to enjoy most of their episodes.

That Said, they have jumped the shark with their lousy reporting since Trump was elected. Now with Orka on there I am done with it.

Just stick with FoxNews then... they'll spoon feed you yuge bunches of YAAAAAHHH TRUMP daily.

Ignorance is bliss I says.
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Trump slams 'insecure' Oprah - CNNPolitics

Typical Trump. He has the spine of a flag fluttering whichever way the wind blows. Good news for you Trump fans: Donald LOVES her.

"...Back in 1999, Trump was more effusive about the then talk-show host. Asked on CNN about a potential vice presidential running mate, Trump told Larry King: "Oprah -- I love Oprah -- Oprah would always be my first choice."

Oprah was "really a great woman -- she is a terrific woman -- she's someone that's very special
," he said.

"I think if she'd do it, she'd be fantastic. I mean she's popular, she's brilliant, she's a wonderful woman. I mean if she'd ever do it -- I don't know that she'd ever do it .... she'd be sort of like me. I've got a lot of things going, she's got a lot of things going."

Trump concluded then that the two of them would be a "pretty good ticket."

He also gave the Hilda-beast money....

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