Presidential Debate 2020

That my intelligence is insufficient to the task of deciphering that gibberish? Yes, I admit that freely and without embarrassment.
Well if your intelligence is insufficient I’d guess your recognition of gibberish is also suspect.

Sticking with stupid pettifogger
I understand, but nobody with an IQ above 80 really thinks Trump won that debate.
It was a train wreck but I do think Trump made some great points that will make for some good political ads.

Calling Biden out on Antifa being an idea.
Calling him out on Ukraine.
Calling him out on wanting to shutdown the country.
Calling him out on defunding police.
Calling him out on the Green New Deal.
Calling him out on Police Support.
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No honest person who watched it would say he crushed Biden

In fairness, Trump probably said more words and said them louder. Here is footage of Trump from the debate:

Trump CRUSHED Biden So Badly That They Will Now CUT OFF His Mic In Next Debates, Its All Rigged

The spin cycle is running on "HEAVY LOAD" with that title. LOL.

If constantly interrupting someone before they can complete a full sentence, constitutes winning an argument, then my ex-wife is undefeated against me... but trust me when I say this: SHE IS NOT!
No honest person who watched it would say he crushed Biden
My guess is honest persons would say that and some would also say the opposite. I thought it was a train wreck myself but I do think Trump made some good points that will make some good ads.
No honest person who watched it would say he crushed Biden

It's really kind of hilarious if you think about it, the disassociation from reality for guys like @BigOrangeD is clearly being exacerbated by the bias he feeds off if in the twitter-verse/youtube echo chambers.

In any other civilized debate setting Trumps behavior would have received an invitation to leave the stage by the moderator. The problem isn't with the debate rules, it's with trumps inability to adhere to them - weird how every other rational person on the planet realizes this.
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It's really kind of hilarious if you think about it, the disassociation from reality for guys like @BigOrangeD is clearly being exacerbated by the bias he feeds off if in the twitter-verse/youtube echo chambers.

In any other civilized debate setting Trumps behavior would have received an invitation to leave the stage by the moderator. The problem isn't with the debate rules, it's with trumps inability to adhere to them - weird how every other rational person on the planet realizes this.

Amazing! What great insight you have there. :)
The spin cycle is running on "HEAVY LOAD" with that title. LOL.

If constantly interrupting someone before they can complete a full sentence, constitutes winning an argument, then my ex-wife is undefeated against me... but trust me when I say this: SHE IS NOT!

For many of our low rent, trailer park tough guy friends - might makes right. They find it very impressive when bully's exert their will with impunity, they remind me of the oakley razer wearing, Dale Jr tank top guys -coal rolling their jacked up f-150's off a green light.
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My guess is honest persons would say that and some would also say the opposite. I thought it was a train wreck myself but I do think Trump made some good points that will make some good ads.
An honest person would say that Trump rendered the "debate" unwatchable, because of how much interrupting that he did. I would admit that Biden did some, and Chris Wallace holds some responsibility for not properly maintaining order, but it's obvious the Trump strategy was to bully and intimidate Biden into submission. However, Biden didn't always stop talking when Trump started... so that led to very little substantive discussion, and way too much cross talk among three people.

It was irritating to listen to.
An honest person would say that Trump rendered the "debate" unwatchable, because of how much interrupting that he did. I would admit that Biden did some, and Chris Wallace holds some responsibility for not properly maintaining order, but it's obvious the Trump strategy was to bully and intimidate Biden into submission. However, Biden didn't always stop talking when Trump started... so that led to very little substantive discussion, and way too much cross talk among three people.

It was irritating to listen to.
I think they should just have a cage match next time.
An honest person would say that Trump rendered the "debate" unwatchable, because of how much interrupting that he did. I would admit that Biden did some, and Chris Wallace holds some responsibility for not properly maintaining order, but it's obvious the Trump strategy was to bully and intimidate Biden into submission. However, Biden didn't always stop talking when Trump started... so that led to very little substantive discussion, and way too much cross talk among three people.

What else was Wallace supposed to do? What is the mod supposed to do when the damn POTUS can't maintain enough self control to let some speak without shouting them down - where do you go from there?
You are partisan full stop. Your claiming to take a nonpartisan stance in a single post doesn't make you nonpartisan. Own it.

Thanks for doubling down on the dumbassery. Move along.
ND resorting to the "move on" tactic is his way of admitting defeat without actually admitting defeat. It's Trumpian.
I was just pointing out that what you posted in no way said there was no evidence of collusion.
That's an intentional misinterpretation that many Trumpers latch onto.
Actually the intentional misrepresentation is on your side. “Collusion” is a political accusation with no basis in US code which lets HACKS like you (see reference earlier) play judge with no basis of proof.

Thanks for providing an example of your “logic” it was as useful as usual.
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