Presidential Debate 2020

That debate, as all other political debates, was aimed squarely at influencing the 80 iq crowd which is not far off the average dem/repub demographic.

You're right, if nothing else it entrenched people's opinions - the problem is that it's the incumbent that needs to pull the middle and independents in the swing states. I don't think anyone will argue with a straight face that he was successful.

Oddsmakers doubled Biden's chance of winning after than debate.

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I would guess he doesn’t know. And his handlers like the uncertainty because if he supports it then that will hurt with Independent voters but if he comes out against it then he pissed off the base
Biden needs to explain himself. That was confusing. Trump was so busy interrupting him, that attention was never shown to when Biden was contradicting himself. Trump's rudeness worked against him a couple of times.
No more pedantics pettifogger. It’s been covered.

Maybe it is stupid AND willfully obtuse.

Could you at least point me to where you covered how “call it whatever you want” is “relying on a political term?”

Post number, quote, link, anything would be fine.
Biden needs to explain himself. That was confusing. Trump was so busy interrupting him, that attention was never shown to when Biden was contradicting himself. Trump's rudeness worked against him a couple of times.

That's the real irony.
Except that the few times that he let Biden get on a role is when he didn’t look nearly as bad.
I would have let Biden go on and on about packing the court, green new deal, antifa, etc. Having a few of his or Kamala's quotes ready to fire back at him and let him try to explain. He would have failed miserably.

The issue is Trump can't let someone else get the credit. Had he let Fauci take the credit for hcq it wouldn't have been an issue but he wanted it. He wanted Biden to crack under his pressure and when it wasn't happening he acted like a child instead of potus.
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Biden needs to explain himself. That was confusing. Trump was so busy interrupting him, that attention was never shown to when Biden was contradicting himself. Trump's rudeness worked against him a couple of times.
No one asks O’Biden tough questions, he hides too much and the few times he does get a question he loses his temper.
Fact. Sorry. You don't read enough. Try it. Pay attention. Try doing the things educated and informed adults do...that's're a PROUD Trumper....nevemind

Yeah. Again, this is Chuck Yeager talking trash to another pilot. No mutual respect or camaraderie whatsoever....

Yep. Guaranteed he is an F15 pilot that graduated top of his class from the academy. But listens to people call him out as FOS rather than simply posting a photo of himself in the finest air superiority fighter the world has ever seen... makes perfect sense.
Trump is just not good at debating or reading from a teleprompter or reading from a written speech. He excels at being on stage in rallies. That is where his strength lies for sure. Just being off the cuff and blasting away.
He's only interested in marketing and not the real work. That's why very little gets done and people are constantly leaving. He also needs all the credit
I would have let Biden go on and on about packing the court, green new deal, antifa, etc. Having a few of his or Kamala's quotes ready to fire back at him and let him try to explain. He would have failed miserably.

The issue is Trump can't let someone else get the credit. Had he let Fauci take the credit for hcq it wouldn't have been an issue but he wanted it. He wanted Biden to crack under his pressure and when it wasn't happening he acted like a child instead of potus.
Except he explicitly said he doesn’t support the green new deal, said he wanted law and order (with justice), condemned all forms of violence, and wouldn’t answer on packing the court (which I agree, calling attention to his inability to answer that would be smart, it’s a chicken **** move). I remember he quoted Chris Wray about antifa, maybe pushing him on that would work, I don’t remember them getting into that.

Biden didn’t move at all off of his “centrist“ primary stance in that debate. Trump was crowing that he “lost the left” at some points because he was so anchored to his position. This idea that you’re going to debate him into making himself out to be AOC is not anymore sensible than Trump’s approach of saying he’s soft on crime but bad because of the harsh crime bill.

The people willing to ignore all the incongruence necessary to believe that already support Trump.
Except he explicitly said he doesn’t support the green new deal, said he wanted law and order (with justice), condemned all forms of violence, and wouldn’t answer on packing the court (which I agree, calling attention to his inability to answer that would be smart, it’s a chicken **** move). I remember he quoted Chris Wray about antifa, maybe pushing him on that would work, I don’t remember them getting into that.

Biden didn’t move at all off of his “centrist“ primary stance in that debate. Trump was crowing that he “lost the left” at some points because he was so anchored to his position. This idea that you’re going to debate him into making himself out to be AOC is not anymore sensible than Trump’s approach of saying he’s soft on crime but bad because of the harsh crime bill.

The people willing to ignore all the incongruence necessary to believe that already support Trump.
His campaign website disagrees
You're right, if nothing else it entrenched people's opinions - the problem is that it's the incumbent that needs to pull the middle and independents in the swing states. I don't think anyone will argue with a straight face that he was successful.

Oddsmakers doubled Biden's chance of winning after than debate.

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One good thing out the debate is the eradication of the false pretense of civility amongst the psychopaths that win these party nominations.
Except he explicitly said he doesn’t support the green new deal, said he wanted law and order (with justice), condemned all forms of violence, and wouldn’t answer on packing the court (which I agree, calling attention to his inability to answer that would be smart, it’s a chicken **** move). I remember he quoted Chris Wray about antifa, maybe pushing him on that would work, I don’t remember them getting into that.

Biden didn’t move at all off of his centrist primary stance in that debate. Trump was crowing that he “lost the left” at some points because he was so anchored to his position. This idea that you’re going to debate him into making himself out to be AOC is not anymore sensible than Trump’s approach of saying he’s soft on crime but bad because of the harsh crime bill.
He supported the green new deal at one time and his vp pick was a cosponsor. He just said he supported the "Biden plan" and nothing else. Trump also lost his train of thought when going after Biden on his crime bill. It's like he had a very difficult time staying in message and organizing his thoughts.

I would have made him explain how that antifa that's just an idea is burning down federal building, challenging law enforcement and murdering people in the streets

Trump was just not prepared when his single tactic didn't work
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Could you at least point me to where you covered how “call it whatever you want” is “relying on a political term?”

Post number, quote, link, anything would be fine.
It’s all been covered ad nauseam all you’re trying to do is continue to bait a pedantic retort.

You and BB were doing what you’ve done before in this topic. Trying to sell a narrative with no defined bar of proof as being proven. I believe the Esquire article referred to those doing that as hacks? It’s fitting.

You took the same details and moved them into a criteria of your definition and claimed proof that he “stole the election” those are your words. No such proof has been provided that meets any established bar.

But when you can’t win by the established levels of proof make up your own I guess 🤷‍♂️
Except he explicitly said he doesn’t support the green new deal, said he wanted law and order (with justice), condemned all forms of violence, and wouldn’t answer on packing the court (which I agree, calling attention to his inability to answer that would be smart, it’s a chicken **** move). I remember he quoted Chris Wray about antifa, maybe pushing him on that would work, I don’t remember them getting into that.

Biden didn’t move at all off of his “centrist“ primary stance in that debate. Trump was crowing that he “lost the left” at some points because he was so anchored to his position. This idea that you’re going to debate him into making himself out to be AOC is not anymore sensible than Trump’s approach of saying he’s soft on crime but bad because of the harsh crime bill.

The people willing to ignore all the incongruence necessary to believe that already support Trump.
LMFAO he clearly contradicted his own platform called out in his website!

Damn you’re having a rough couple of days pettifogger 😂
His campaign website disagrees
It actually doesn’t. And if it did, then I guess Trump should have brought that up. Maybe he has dementia.

Biden’s website outlines a plan that is based on the Green New Deal framework, but is more moderate in scope.

This is the same dishonest **** you pulled with defunding the police stuff. Bernie says X, Biden says X-Y, Democrats support Biden, you guys say Biden = Bernie. That doesn’t work, it’s too easy to see through. Find a new schtick.

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