Going back through your last 100 posts is a comedy of errors, hubris, and overconfidence. Maybe even straight trolling. You could learn a thing or two from Larry's discretion.
If there is anyone on this site that shouldn't criticize LWS, it's you. Practically all of your predictions have gone wrong, dating back to your "ban bet" offer regarding a press conference in late October.
How anyone continues to buy-in to your false predictions defies logic. But, then again, this whole coaching search hysteria has defied logic so I guess the shoe fits.
You might have real info. I don't know. But you're reckless as one can be with the way you consume and present that information. Treating this information or potential outcomes as absolute is incredibly foolish. You might be right in the end. In fact, I hope you are. Your track record, however, is Dooley-esque.