Pro-Russia Trump Led Republicans Vote Against NATO

I don't blame Finland and Sweden for seeking to defend themselves. Weren't they both part of Russia at one time? Gotta be in Putin's crosshairs.
Several questions:
1. Does Congress vote on who is let in NATO, or is that a NATO decision?
2. Congressional reps are there to represent the people of their district; how is NATO business germane to those Americans in their districts?
3. Why do some of you care if Swe and Fin are NATO members?
4. Why do some of you agree these idiot politicians made the right choice on the matter?
“Once a country is in NATO, all other members of the alliance are obliged to go to war if it is invaded.”

TDS is real. Trump was 100% for sure going to kill all of us by starting wars with Iran/NK/Chyna. Now Democrats want more reasons to go to war. I want off this ride.

I'd prefer a vote in getting us out of NATO rather than expanding our entanglements
This is the logical approach. If you don't agree with America's alliance with NATO, you should want America out rather than not wanting others in.

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