Proof of the election fraud

Shocked. Totally shocked.

Why wouldnt the Dimwits cheat and fraudulently steal another election? There were exactly ZERO consequences for doing it 4 years ago in every swing state.

This is why I am no longer a Republican. Will I vote for Trump? Of course. The Republicans have done almost nothing to address the steal in 2020, and even less to prevent the exact same thing from happening again. Its shameful. It leaves no doubt that these 2 parties are just different wings of the same cancerous bird. Sadly things are gonna get much worse...for everyone...before they perhaps get better.
Shocked. Totally shocked.

Why wouldnt the Dimwits cheat and fraudulently steal another election? There were exactly ZERO consequences for doing it 4 years ago in every swing state.

This is why I am no longer a Republican. Will I vote for Trump? Of course. The Republicans have done almost nothing to address the steal in 2020, and even less to prevent the exact same thing from happening again. Its shameful. It leaves no doubt that these 2 parties are just different wings of the same cancerous bird. Sadly things are gonna get much worse...for everyone...before they perhaps get better.

You are as "independent" as LawGator....
"HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections"

You are as "independent" as LawGator....

I never claimed to be an independent. Not in a single post, ever bud. I am not. I am a conservative though. Far more conservative fiscally than Trump or any Republican presidential candidate. Not a libertarian either. I believe in a very small federal government though, like the Constitution and framers of it describe. Everything else should be legislated and governed at the state level or local in some cases.

Socially I am somewhat more liberal in my beliefs. I believe in privacy, personal rights, and personal property that should not be molested or infringed upon by the government at any level within reason. I believe 1 persons rights end when they begin to infringe on their neighbors equal rights.With rights come responsibilities.A good example of this pertains to driving. I hate seatbelt laws, a person has a right to risk dying should they run into something in their car...a man has just as much right to die as he has to live. However...if a person drives their car anywhere besides on their private property, they have a responsibility to carry insurance to pay for any damages to people or property while they drive in public. With serious penalties both criminal and possibly civil should they fail to keep this insurance. Pretty basic, simple ideas.

I am neither an independent nor a centrist and will never claim to be . I am just sick of the Republicans and their limp wristed indifference. They have been completely feckless in the face of nation destroying policies and outright Socialists openly campaiging for office. I absolutely DESPISE the Democrat party though. No sane adult with an IQ above room temperature has any excuse for voting for these leftist degenerates. Modern Liberalism is a mental disorder. Left unchecked, it will bring about the imminent destruction of the US. Hope that clears my views up a bit. Pretty straight forward IMO.
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I never claimed to be an independent. Not in a single post, ever bud. I am not. I am a conservative though. Far more conservative fiscally than Trump or any Republican presidential candidate. Not a libertarian either. I believe in a very small federal government though, like the Constitution and framers of it describe. Everything else should be legislated and governed at the state level or local in some cases.

Socially I am somewhat more liberal in my beliefs. I believe in privacy, personal rights, and personal property that should not be molested or infringed upon by the government at any level within reason. I believe 1 persons rights end when they begin to infringe on their neighbors equal rights.With rights come responsibilities.A good example of this pertains to driving. I hate seatbelt laws, a person has a right to risk dying should they run into something in their car...a man has just as much right to die as he has to live. However...if a person drives their car anywhere besides on their private property, they have a responsibility to carry insurance to pay for any damages to people or property while they drive in public. With serious penalties both criminal and possibly civil should they fail to keep this insurance. Pretty basic, simple ideas.

I am neither an independent nor a centrist and will never claim to be . I am just sick of the Republicans and their limp wristed indifference. They have been completely feckless in the face of nation destroying policies and outright Socialists openly campaiging for office. I absolutely DESPISE the Democrat party though. No sane adult with an IQ above room temperature has any excuse for voting for these leftist degenerates. Modern Liberalism is a mental disorder. Left unchecked, it will bring about the imminent destruction of the US. Hope that clears my views up a bit. Pretty straight forward IMO.

Well, you claimed not to be Republican anymore. You clearly arent Democrat. You arent a Libertarian because those are like vegans/cross fit people, they let everyone know they are. Process of elimination.....

You do know my comment was as much to poke fun at someone else's "independent" status as anything else....
Well, you claimed not to be Republican anymore. You clearly arent Democrat. You arent a Libertarian because those are like vegans/cross fit people, they let everyone know they are. Process of elimination.....

You do know my comment was as much to poke fun at someone else's "independent" status as anything else....

I am with you bud. Wasnt trying to be a deek either. No hard feelings here, ever. I do admittedly fuss with a couple lefties on here occasionally...but even then I have no hard feelings towards anyone. I think LG and similar are completely insane in their beliefs and desires for our country, but I wish them no harm and I am never going to actually get angry because of what someone posts here. Wish you the best, man.
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"BREAKING UPDATE: Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000"

"BREAKING UPDATE: Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000"

I never claimed to be an independent. Not in a single post, ever bud. I am not. I am a conservative though. Far more conservative fiscally than Trump or any Republican presidential candidate. Not a libertarian either. I believe in a very small federal government though, like the Constitution and framers of it describe. Everything else should be legislated and governed at the state level or local in some cases.

Socially I am somewhat more liberal in my beliefs. I believe in privacy, personal rights, and personal property that should not be molested or infringed upon by the government at any level within reason. I believe 1 persons rights end when they begin to infringe on their neighbors equal rights.With rights come responsibilities.A good example of this pertains to driving. I hate seatbelt laws, a person has a right to risk dying should they run into something in their car...a man has just as much right to die as he has to live. However...if a person drives their car anywhere besides on their private property, they have a responsibility to carry insurance to pay for any damages to people or property while they drive in public. With serious penalties both criminal and possibly civil should they fail to keep this insurance. Pretty basic, simple ideas.

I think we'd all be surprised with how many people's beliefs align with this in general. We have no current political party that feels this way. They all want big government that focuses on things they care about, mostly themselves.
Here's an example.. what recourse do we have?? Basically the election committee is allowing fraud to occur..with no way to track and I bet we will have missing ballots as even before the election we have possible fraud with no way to stop what?
The recourse is laid out. There is a safe harbor date to approve the electoral college votes by. You’re not going to ever get me to give in to endless contestation. From your own example of Hawaii they got it wrong and admitted it and recommended the change. That hasn’t happened since.
The recourse is laid out. There is a safe harbor date to approve the electoral college votes by. You’re not going to ever get me to give in to endless contestation. From your own example of Hawaii they got it wrong and admitted it and recommended the change. That hasn’t happened since.
I was just pointing out that the election committee is knowingly going to allow fraudulent voters to vote in the upcoming you really think those same one that are allowing this will suddenly say that they won't certify it because of the fraud they allowed to occur.?? This is why there are doubt about the elections..the fail-safes are ignored or flat put violated
I was just pointing out that the election committee is knowingly going to allow fraudulent voters to vote in the upcoming you really think those same one that are allowing this will suddenly say that they won't certify it because of the fraud they allowed to occur.?? This is why there are doubt about the elections..the fail-safes are ignored or flat put violated
We disagree on the veracity of your examples. If the issue were real any impacted party needs to have litigation or contestation in place and acknowledged by the state officials by the safe harbor date or a higher judicial authority if required (state supreme/federal circuit/SCOTUS)

You seem to me to keep wanting open ended contention of results after the state and federal constitutions have been followed and the counts are certified. I won’t agree to that probably ever.

And frankly I’d submit Gore had a better argument in 2000 than Trump had in 2020.
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"On September 26, Georgia citizens filed suit in Federal Court against Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State. The plaintiffs argued that according to data from Georgia state voter rolls and U.S. Postal Service (USPS), there are many individuals who have moved out of the state, but remain registered to vote in Georgia. This violates the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Their suit demands that Raffensperger follow the NVRA and Georgia law to maintain accurate and timely registrations in Georgia’s voter rolls. The lawsuit seeks to enforce laws that protect Georgians’ right to vote from dilution."

Thanks for that info. The issue I have, and many Trump voters have, is that when i went to bed at 2-230AM after watching election coverage all night...Trump lead in ALL 6 "swing states" of GA, WI, MI, PA, AZ, and NC? NC doesnt seem right for the 6th one. Its been a long time since then. Anyway, Trump lead in every single 1 of them with extremely high % of votes/precincts reporting. Then 4 hours later when I got up....magically Sloppy Joe had somehow had massively disproportionate votes come in for him in the middle of the night ...massively Biden votes by % unlike any other cross section of time when votes were being take ALL of those states allegedly except GA and AZ which were allegedly somehow still counting votes the next day....but somehow he just so happened to win both of those states as well. The whole thing stunk to Hell from the get-go...everyone not a leftist knew it immediately.

Nevermind the fact that we find out later that in a HUGE, sweeping concerted effort in the couple years leading up to the vote...the Dimwits and their owners/donors spent millions of dollars and countless hours by lawyers etc to get the laws regarding voting changed in many states. To allow mail-in voting with basically zero means or effort to verify those ballots were not fraudulent...while ANY American with an IQ above room temperature can tell you that OF COURSE mail in ballots are gonna have MUCH MORE fraudulent votes since they can be sent anonymously and in bunches by 1 person. Then theres the REAL BS which again any honest adult knows: that the only reason that the Dimwits fight voter ID laws requiring that anyone who votes for president to show a drivers license or state ID is clearly so they can cheat. So illegal aliens can vote. So people can vote more than once at different voting centers. So the Dimwits can cheat and steal elections. There is NO logically defensible position to say that American voters should not have to show ID in order to vote. You cant have a bank account, a legitimate job, cash a paycheck, tax return, or welfare check without a picture ID. You cant drive a car, fly on an airplane, or start cellphone service without an ID. You cannot rent an apartment, get a mortgage, buy a house, or rent a car without an ID. In cannot live a normal life or anything close to one without an ID. Yet the Dimwits say over and over that requiring an ID to vote for the most powerful leader in the world is racist and too much of a burden. Because they are FOS. As always. Yet some of you say that we should all trust them that they didnt conspire to steal the election....and that they are not INCREDIBLY desperate to keep Trump out of office again. They are liars who only know how to lie, devoid of any morals or character. They would steal their own mothers blind in order to gain or keep power.
What if the roles were reversed? Would there have been outrage?
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What if the roles were reversed? Would there have been outrage?

Of course. If the roles were reversed it would have been the ONLY thing discussed on TV news or talk shows for months or even years afterwards. This is of course because ALL of the major news media are owned and operated by Leftists. They are nothing more than the single largest PR team in the entire world...the Democrat Public Relations Networks. Even the CCP in Communist China only has a channel or 2 of state owned media. The Democrats literally control the entire MSM in the US and the West in general.

If the roles were reversed right now today, and the Republicans were the ones that owned the MainStream Media, the only 2 stories the American people would ever hear about would be the intentional invasion of at least 3 million illegals per year through our southern border alone, the ~40 million illegals already here now, and especially the Voter ID laws which are insanely opposed uniformly at every single turn by the Democrats who specifically imported all of these illegals in order to rig all future elections in this country. Effectively reducing our government to permanent rule by the Democrats in DC and their ever larger bloated federal government. That isnt AN issue to those of us bright enough to is THE issue that makes all other issues obsolete and makes our entire federal government a fraud. A fraudulent, illegitimate government that was not elected by only legal US citizens is no government at all.

If the roles were reversed, and the MSM was controlled by Republicans there really would have likely been an insurrection, or perhaps a revolution even, after the rigged election in 2020. The media wouldn't have carried water constantly for the thieves, or refused to report all of the false ballots and misdeeds by election officials. It wouldnt have simply accepted this embarrassing illegitimate administration. We could have fought it tooth and nail.

If roles were reversed, the 2 (two) separate assassination attempts on Trump in the last 2 months would be the biggest news in this country at least since the stolen election in 2020. Instead of dead silence regarding them...and total failure to hold the SS and FBI to account for their misdeeds. We still dont have any answers really about the 1st attempt...much less the 2nd one. Yet **crickets**.

What a damn joke. The liberal abortion of an administration, the liberal stranglehold on the Senate stopping any good and decent legislation from being passed, and the overt and blatant import and fraud involved in the former and current elections are an insult to the intelligence of anyone who isnt brainwashed by the Leftists. This nation is becoming a failed a Banana Republic. Where nobody trusts the media or the government in any way...because they shouldn't. Both are crooked, both are FOS, and both are controlled by Leftist liberals destroying this country.
We disagree on the veracity of your examples. If the issue were real any impacted party needs to have litigation or contestation in place and acknowledged by the state officials by the safe harbor date or a higher judicial authority if required (state supreme/federal circuit/SCOTUS)

You seem to me to keep wanting open ended contention of results after the state and federal constitutions have been followed and the counts are certified. I won’t agree to that probably ever.

And frankly I’d submit Gore had a better argument in 2000 than Trump had in 2020.
Your account been hacked?? Your posts are starting to wander in wtf land. Lol

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