Proof of the election fraud

For reference, for those not well-versed in ancient gods of the Old Testament,

Baal: an ancient god of rain/weather/climate (and, to a lesser extent, fertility, as in the connection rain gave to botanical growth)

Moloch: a god most often associated with ancient child sacrifice, often by consuming the child with fire. Was said to lead to greater material security and better quality of life for those who adhered to such sacrifices. (Assumedly, for the sacrificers, not the sacrificed.)

Ashtoreth: a god of fertility, often recognized by cultural references such as rods (poles) set out to promote sexuality and extra-marital sexual relationships.

There you have it: Climate, infanticide and sex.

Or, as has been written in ancient text:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Well done. Beat me to it.
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For reference, for those not well-versed in ancient gods of the Old Testament,

Baal: an ancient god of rain/weather/climate (and, to a lesser extent, fertility, as in the connection rain gave to botanical growth)

Moloch: a god most often associated with ancient child sacrifice, often by consuming the child with fire. Was said to lead to greater material security and better quality of life for those who adhered to such sacrifices. (Assumedly, for the sacrificers, not the sacrificed.)

Ashtoreth: a god of fertility, often recognized by cultural references such as rods (poles) set out to promote sexuality and extra-marital sexual relationships.

There you have it: Climate, infanticide and sex.

Or, as has been written in ancient text:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
NM, some things are better left unsaid.

Rep. Tom Tiffany Reveals Duplicate Absentee Ballots Have ‘No Barcode’​


Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) revealed that thousands of duplicate absentee ballots contained “no barcode” on them after officials in Madison City said the duplicate ballots had the barcode.

For reference, for those not well-versed in ancient gods of the Old Testament,

Baal: an ancient god of rain/weather/climate (and, to a lesser extent, fertility, as in the connection rain gave to botanical growth)

Moloch: a god most often associated with ancient child sacrifice, often by consuming the child with fire. Was said to lead to greater material security and better quality of life for those who adhered to such sacrifices. (Assumedly, for the sacrificers, not the sacrificed.)

Ashtoreth: a god of fertility, often recognized by cultural references such as rods (poles) set out to promote sexuality and extra-marital sexual relationships.

There you have it: Climate, infanticide and sex.

Or, as has been written in ancient text:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
You forgot the Anunnaki
You forgot the Anunnaki
Help me here. I thought the Anunnaki were Epic of Gilgamesh, not Holy Scripture.

Certainly, there is temporal and mythical (as in "sacred story", not "fictitious") overlap between some of the ancient Sumerian texts and the Old Testament, but I don't remember Anunnaki in the OT.

I know there are those who believe the Anunnaki refer to either the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis or the fallen angels who fathered the Nephilim. Is that what you are referring to? Or am I missing something else?

@Orangeslice13 may have something to say here, too, so I will tag him in.



Rep. Tom Tiffany Reveals Duplicate Absentee Ballots Have ‘No Barcode’​

View attachment 680960

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) revealed that thousands of duplicate absentee ballots contained “no barcode” on them after officials in Madison City said the duplicate ballots had the barcode.

There should be SO MUCH more of this going on right now. The scrutiny placed on this upcoming election should be entirely unprecedented and extremely technological. If there isnt a unique image of every single ballot cast, then it should not be counted...this BS in GA which was allegedly decided by only 11k middle of the night votes but they cant axcount for 380k ballots...should be 100% impossible to happen again. Impossible.

This issue is why I no longer identify as a Republican. My beliefs are unchanged but i am done with the party. There should have been a MASSIVE effort consistently over the last 4 years to change voter laws in every single more mail in ballots unless you're medically unable to vote in person, voter ID laws should be in place everywhere regardless of how many tries it took, armies of observers for EVERY voting location recruited whether volunteer or paid to make sure there is no more shady BS going on by the Degenerates, immediate and PUBLIC means of reporting ANY fraud or other misdeeds at voting locations, serious criminal penalties enforced for anyone involved in fraud, etc etc

ALL OF THIS stuff should already be done in all 50 US states. The Republican party rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars a year in donations/bribes alone just like the Dimwits. They KNOW the last election was stolen and irreparable damage was done to this nation just in illegal invaders alone. There is absolutely NO excuse for their complacency. None. It's disgusting and thats why I am done with them.

How many of you think we are about to have a fair and honest election? That only American citizens will cast votes and that they will be counted accurately to determine our next President?

What has changed that would make you think that?

Trump is clearly leading in the polls and should win comfortably. Easily. The question is, what are we to do if/when the election is stolen again? Nothing is not an option for anyone who gives a damn about this nation, has children or grandchildren etc. If we allow another stolen election without consequences Dimwits will steal them all moving forward and completely destroy this country in 20 years or less IMO.
Tom Tiffany, Republican in Wisconsin looks to be doing the great work in trying to make this coming election the most secure election in our history.
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Help me here. I thought the Anunnaki were Epic of Gilgamesh, not Holy Scripture.

Certainly, there is temporal and mythical (as in "sacred story", not "fictitious") overlap between some of the ancient Sumerian texts and the Old Testament, but I don't remember Anunnaki in the OT.

I know there are those who believe the Anunnaki refer to either the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis or the fallen angels who fathered the Nephilim. Is that what you are referring to? Or am I missing something else?

@Orangeslice13 may have something to say here, too, so I will tag him in.


Hold on.
I want to see what they say first
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Good news for fans of election integrity as NC purges ineligible potential voters from their roles.

From the article:

North Carolina is one of seven swing states likely to decide the presidential election between Vice President Harris and former President Trump. Only one Democrat this century, former President Obama in 2008, has won the state in a presidential contest, but Harris has been polling close to Trump.

The purge comes just a few weeks after North Carolina Republicans filed a lawsuit that said the state had failed to act on complaints about ineligible people on voter rolls.

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Help me here. I thought the Anunnaki were Epic of Gilgamesh, not Holy Scripture.

Certainly, there is temporal and mythical (as in "sacred story", not "fictitious") overlap between some of the ancient Sumerian texts and the Old Testament, but I don't remember Anunnaki in the OT. I know there are those who believe the Anunnaki refer to either the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis or the fallen angels who fathered the Nephilim. Is that what you are referring to? Or am I missing something else?

@Orangeslice13 may have something to say here, too, so I will tag him in.

Genesis 6:4: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

Hence, the human race was an Anunnaki creation. They are our ancestors.

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