Proof of the election fraud

@McDad there are some pretty good videos from the 2020 election explaining why it isnt just unlikely, but a mathematical/statistical impossibility for the huge vertical lines that happen in the vote tally graphs...every single time for the blue team. One of them had 183,000 votes come in in Wisconsin between 430 and 600 am...and 100% of the votes were for Biden. I posted a graph in here where apparently it happened again in Wisconsin this time. In the middle of the night again. Yet this time Trump was so far ahead that even with all the fraud, he still had more votes. Anyone involved needs to face federal felony charges IMO.

I want nationwide fingerprint ID for federal elections ASAP. No minority is "too poor or dumb" to be able to go get the FOS Dems suggest they are pertaining to picture ID. We all have fingerprints. Best idea I have heard in a long time.

It's basically the sudden, large vertical leap that makes things suspicious?
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@McDad there are some pretty good videos from the 2020 election explaining why it isnt just unlikely, but a mathematical/statistical impossibility for the huge vertical lines that happen in the vote tally graphs...every single time for the blue team. One of them had 183,000 votes come in in Wisconsin between 430 and 600 am...and 100% of the votes were for Biden. I posted a graph in here where apparently it happened again in Wisconsin this time. In the middle of the night again. Yet this time Trump was so far ahead that even with all the fraud, he still had more votes. Anyone involved needs to face federal felony charges IMO.

I want nationwide fingerprint ID for federal elections ASAP. No minority is "too poor or dumb" to be able to go get the FOS Dems suggest they are pertaining to picture ID. We all have fingerprints. Best idea I have heard in a long time.


Except this never happened in 2020. Milwaukee came in during that time and the voted in the 66-70% range on 2020 (just like 2024)....
That basically brings me back to the first question I asked earlier...the issue is a combo of the jump, the jump overtaking DJT, and the D remaining ahead?

The issue is someone put a chart on social media with distorted axis and no context insinuating an attempted steal and people slurped it up without asking questions

With a non distorted axis and the slighest bit of context (Milwaukee), you can see it was expected and only provided further increased the confidence that DJT was going to win WI...
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Vote and donate to the democrat party. Maybe Beyonce will show up at some kind of 'rally' the next time.
Why would I do something dumb like that? Besides I am not a Beyonce fan, are you? Funny, I will bet I have donated more money to Trump over the years than you have.
The issue is someone put a chart on social media with distorted axis and no context insinuating an attempted steal and people slurped it up without asking questions

With a non distorted axis and the slighest bit of context (Milwaukee), you can see it was expected and only provided further increased the confidence that DJT was going to win WI...
It's hard for me to know when these anomalies are suspicious and when are they not.

For example, this was posted earlier today. The graph shows a sudden jump in the x axis for DJT. Is this evidence of fraud?
The issue is someone put a chart on social media with distorted axis and no context insinuating an attempted steal and people slurped it up without asking questions

With a non distorted axis and the slighest bit of context (Milwaukee), you can see it was expected and only provided further increased the confidence that DJT was going to win WI...
I’m more of a distorted axis kind of guy. Distort or die!
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Except this never happened in 2020. Milwaukee came in during that time and the voted in the 66-70% range on 2020 (just like 2024)....

Are you saying that you dont believe there are statistical anomalies and graphs with direct vertical lines in Biden votes that came in the middle of the night in 2020 at all? Or in Milwaukee? Those are 2 very different claims.

I personally stayed up until almost 3AM on election night in 2020 and when I went to bed, Trump lead in 6/7 swing states and was roughly tied in the 7th. Each state having 80% + counties reporting. When i turned the TV back on ~630-7am wed morning before work, Biden miraculously lead in all of them IIRC except GA and 1 other state (NC?) That were ridiculously still counting votes and took days to finally declare a winner.

Aside from the fact that I saw this take place with my own 2 eyes and therefore know it to be true, this entire thread exists because of the BS and there are plenty of posts in here documenting the shenanigans that took place. I dont know what exactly happened in Milwaukee, nor do I care honestly, but the fraud that took place in 2020 is well documented. Neat stuff like dozens of districts in Dimwit lead cities where ballots counted are 117% or 120% of registered voters. Which is impossible/illegal and they all just so happened to be cast for Biden. Michigan/Detroit comes to mind IIRC as an example. Thats just the tip of the iceberg though. If interested, you should read the thread.

Strangely when 50,000 observers and over 500 lawyers were deployed this time under the direction of Lara Trump with the sole purpose of preventing fraud...the Dems got absolutely destroyed in a landslide across the electoral college, the popular vote, the Senate, and House. Just a total, nationwide azzwhipping the likes of which nobody under the age of 40 has ever seen the Republicans give the Dims. What a strange coincidence. Amazing. Especially since the election was actually a referendum on the same folks, from the same parties, still running on the same issues. I hope every single person involved in election fraud this time around gets felony convictions and serves long and miserable sentences in federal prison where folks must do 85% of their sentence. Regardless of which party they tried to cheat for. Thats justice, and a deterrent for next time.

I also want Trump and company to get federal laws passed requiring hopefully fingerprint ID for federal elections...if not then state issued voter ID. I want in person voting only, on paper ballots not computers that can be hacked, and voting day should be a paid federal holiday. This is what is morally right. Its also common sense. The fact that the Democrats oppose voter ID at EVERY opportunity is absolutely disgraceful and they should be ashamed, if they still have any.
It's hard for me to know when these anomalies are suspicious and when are they not.

For example, this was posted earlier today. The graph shows a sudden jump in the x axis for DJT. Is this evidence of fraud?
View attachment 696977

Are you just being facetious as usual? Or do you actually beleive any of this is comparable? Trying to decide if you're a brilliant devil's advocate just much better at the game then Evillawyer, or an honest midwit for the record, who is deeply comitted to ignoring what everyone saw before their eyes at 4am in 2020, and when teh so called pipe burst in jawjaw.



Is a sudden jump always suspicious or only under unique circumstances?
It is about ratio of votes for each candidate in a precient. In this instance of a single drop, Harris got about 100K, and Trump got like 15-20K Mojo said, this district historically was about 70% Dem, but in this drop it was 80-85% Dem. Now it certainly doesnt prove fraud, but is irregular. Like the Philly district years ago, which was 100% Obama. I believe that was a much smaller data set, and being black district would be somewhat believable. Now not to have 1 vote for the alternative candidate, IDK.
It is about ratio of votes for each candidate in a precient. In this instance of a single drop, Harris got about 100K, and Trump got like 15-20K Mojo said, this district historically was about 70% Dem, but in this drop it was 80-85% Dem. Now it certainly doesnt prove fraud, but is irregular. Like the Philly district years ago, which was 100% Obama. I believe that was a much smaller data set, and being black district would be somewhat believable. Now not to have 1 vote for the alternative candidate, IDK.
Have we followed voting this closely and with this much scrutiny to know if this jump and ratio is historically anomalous?
Are you just being facetious as usual? Or do you actually beleive any of this is comparable? Trying to decide if you're a brilliant devil's advocate just much better at the game then Evillawyer, or an honest midwit for the record, who is deeply comitted to ignoring what everyone saw before their eyes at 4am in 2020, and when teh so called pipe burst in jawjaw.

View attachment 697600

View attachment 697601

View attachment 697602

You do know this 138K error was from a R clerk in a R county who far fingered an extra digit for Biden and the error was caught and changed almost immediately.

Only about the 20th time its been stated but you like to continue to peddle it as "fraud"...
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You do know this 138K error was from a R clerk in a R county who far fingered an extra digit for Biden and the error was caught and changed almost immediately.

Only about the 20th time its been stated but you like to continue to peddle it as "fraud"...
Uh...good post, mojo.

Very trustworthy.

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