Proof to put the 9/11 Truthers to bed in less than 2 mins

Aren't jet fuels kerosene-based, not diesel?

We mixed 50/50 of diesel and kerosene in the winter for the tractors so they would start easier. I'm sure winter blend diesel has kerosene in it. Hence my lower mpg's in the winter in my pick up truck.

My shop heater will burn both kerosene and diesel. So their properties must be pretty close.

This should answer your questions...

So based on your experience in the field (and probably dabbled in the 9/11 report I'd bet) does the theory hold about the lateral support not holding which is what brought the building down in such a manner as to look controlled?

Start watching around the 28:00 mark. There's a detailed explanation of the collapse and the damage caused by the plane and why the floors pancaked down on one another
Again, it will be very hard to explain asymmetrical damage leading to symmetrical failure in the normal direction at close to free fall velocity.

Being difficult to explain should not be proof of conspiracy or cover up. There are literally thousands of variables in play when considering the design and eventual failure of these buildings. Physics is very simple when all variables are known and all conditions are ideal. Physics is much less simple to understand when a few unknowns are thrown in and the conditions are not ideal. There is a really good chance we will never know any real answers to the questions posed by 9/11, but that isn't sufficient to prove any cover up or conspiracy.
you guys are so gullible...everyone who listens to Alex Jones and Coast to Coast AM knows that the 911 Truther movement is a government conspiracy to divert attention from the fact that the US Army was planning to blow up the levees in New Orleans..which was in itself a cover to shut down the Area51 investigation
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How do the people in this thread feel about the Pearl Harbor attack?

definitely a cover-up all the Roosevelts are high up on the Illuminati leadership

Long before 9/11, the deadly Japanese bomb attacks on Pearl Harbor rocked a nation that had grown accustomed to being left alone, thanks to sheer geography and military capabilities. The U.S. had largely pledged to stay out of the way of Europe's ongoing carnage during World War II. On Dec. 7, 1941, however, the death of 2,400 U.S. troops at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii caused President Franklin D. Roosevelt to band together with the Allied forces to take down Germany, Japan and Italy [source: Goddard]. A serious surge of patriotism and outrage stoked the fire of imminent U.S. involvement, significantly helping FDR's case for war. So, was this changing of the tides due to an unforeseeable, catastrophic attack? Or was it a government manipulation designed to affect public opinion, and thus make it acceptable for the U.S. to take sides?

Declassified documents, publicized in a 2011 book, show that FDR and his cohorts were warned in a memo three days before the attacks that the Japanese were eyeing Hawaii as a target. Conspiracy theorists point to that as ammunition for their claim that the U.S. government knew exactly when the "sneak attack" was going to happen. However, the book's author said the U.S. government "believed the Japanese were contemplating a military action of some sort, but they were kind of in denial because they didn't think anybody would be as audacious to move an army thousands of miles across the Pacific, stop to refuel, then move on to Hawaii to make a strike like this
Being difficult to explain should not be proof of conspiracy or cover up. There are literally thousands of variables in play when considering the design and eventual failure of these buildings. Physics is very simple when all variables are known and all conditions are ideal. Physics is much less simple to understand when a few unknowns are thrown in and the conditions are not ideal. There is a really good chance we will never know any real answers to the questions posed by 9/11, but that isn't sufficient to prove any cover up or conspiracy.

However, you have 3 different asymmetrical events that day that resulted in the exact same results. It doesn't prove anything, I will agree with you on that. However, it raises questions. Like you say, there are so many variables and unknowns involved, yet, we had the same symmetrical catastrophic failures.
The reason that the building fell straight down is because of the heat that was on the interior of the building. The exterior steel, which would be much stronger and thicker steel, was not exposed to the heat that the interior was. The velocity of the airplane exposed the interior steel, which is typically a smaller designed steel, to a higher temperature by pushing the fuel closer to the center of the building causing it to fail first.

When the upper 20 floors or so fell it fell in from the inside and pulled the exterior steel in. That is the reason that the buildings fell straight down. The extra weight that fell from the upper floors basically caused a rippling effect of failed connections that continued as the weight increased from the upper floors caving inward as well.

I am no engineer but I do work in the steel industry. These buildings are designed for external forces, wind and rain, and the majority of the strength to be in the exterior frames.
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you guys are so gullible...everyone who listens to Alex Jones and Coast to Coast AM knows that the 911 Truther movement is a government conspiracy to divert attention from the fact that the US Army was planning to blow up the levees in New Orleans..which was in itself a cover to shut down the Area51 investigation

I used to love listening to Coast to Coast AM.
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So the same government who can't manage to make a proper budget somehow orchestrated the greatest cover-up in world history? Hilarious.

The same dolts who discredit the government every chance they get on every possible thing also think they are extremely intelligent and are able to pull this off. Lol
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Look up the floor load theory...

It didn't start at free fall speeds, but when thousands and later hundreds of thousands of tons of material is plopped onto a floor that's not capable of handling it, you are going to get a progressively faster destruction rate.

With emphasis on the keyword being "theory".
So we have structural engineers and steel workers who refute everything that has been said, yet you still believe in a conspiracy.

Oh, and pilots.

All the structural engineers and steel workers have noted is that steel will yield and weaken before it melts.

This is already common knowledge.

What they cannot explain is how a building can fall at near free fall velocity with a series of inelastic collisions on each floor and how it can fall symmetrically when it suffered asymmetric damage. And how it could so happen to happen in the exact same way on 3 different occasions/events that day.

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