


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
I think it would have been wise for Trump to invite these players personally (that have "protested") and talk to them so maybe even if still disagree about things at very least maybe both sides can respect were they are coming from.

Having said that, I think it is in poor taste and judgement to use anthem to "protest" and do not entirely agree with most of what they say, but Trump could handle it better too for reason I stated.

Tomlin is contradicting himself when he says he would not let this be divisive, yet that is what he is doing. I know I would not stay in locker room and to make them is just that and being political which he said he did not want to do iirc.

I think the media and others purposely try to take what he has said and twist it to what they want for their agenda.

There is nothing for Trump to say or talk to them about.... what exactly are they protesting? If they want to really protest they shouldn't even be showing up for the games. These guys they show locked in arms really getting my laughing... wth is that? Haha.

Hey, I actually think its okay for them to do whatever they think they should, but its just as fair to call them out. As far as the NFL, ESPN, players, coaches, and owner... hard to worry about what millionaires and billionaires are crying about when the innocent taxpayer is funding their stupid stuff. I literally have no idea why they are "protesting" or what kind of problem they have. idk.... someone didn't separate the red M&Ms I guess or something? I started boycotting profession sports a few years ago, I started boycotting all this crazy cable TV crap like ESPN last year by ditching cable. And I don't know about you, but probably a majority of the people I know are doing similar things.... its not necessarily all for the same reason but all of these things are not going to help... cable tv or the nfl or their players.

Get rid of cable, stop going to these sport events, ad blockers in your browser, tell your local representatives to stop supplementing millionaire and billionaires income.... wait till football has its NASCAR moment.
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I'm sick of all of it. I have zero problems with the players doing it; I personally wouldn't do it, but I'm not one to really concern myself with what other people are doing when said something has zero affect on my life.

But I'm sick of ESPN treating them like heroes, and I'm sick of people making such a big deal out of them doing it. Both ESPN and people like Trump just stir the pot and making it more full of sh**.
I don’t agree with them, but Trump is a damn idiot and caused this uproar today.

I think both sides react stupidly (thanks Obama) to each other.

I long for the days when people could simply say "I disagree with you" and leave it at that. Which those days probably never existed but hell I wish they did.
I don’t agree with them, but Trump is a damn idiot and caused this uproar today.

I have a different take... people have been calling Trump an idiot for years, right? Yet, he basically almost single handedly destroyed two 100+ year old political parties... with limited funds and with the media everyone against him. Crazy, maybe, an idiot... I don't know about that.

As far as the NFL, they are in a lose-lose situation.... they are still getting money because they have long-term contract but when its time for reup.... they're going to lose tons of money.
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Just recognize it as part of the agenda by the media of dividing the country. The press has told them they will highlight their protest otherwise what would the point be? They are splashing around in the water trying to make the wave as big as possible. Don't make a big deal out of it. Just switch it off silently.
Just recognize it as part of the agenda by the media of dividing the country. The press has told them they will highlight their protest otherwise what would the point be? They are splashing around in the water trying to make the wave as big as possible. Don't make a big deal out of it. Just switch it off silently.

That cuts both ways; if the media has an agenda to divide the country, so does Trump.
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I have a different take... people have been calling Trump an idiot for years, right? Yet, he basically almost single handedly destroyed two 100+ year old political parties... with limited funds and with the media everyone against him. Crazy, maybe, an idiot... I don't know about that.

As far as the NFL, they are in a lose-lose situation.... they are still getting money because they have long-term contract but when its time for reup.... they're going to lose tons of money.

I think you give him a little too much credit. I don't think he's particularly intelligent but I do agree he's very good at manipulation.
I think both sides react stupidly (thanks Obama) to each other.

I long for the days when people could simply say "I disagree with you" and leave it at that. Which those days probably never existed but hell I wish they did.

That's kind of where I was going when I said he should invite these "protesters" personally to talk so at least can understand where each other is coming from and respect each other.

Again I am tired of this stuff too, and am mad that they choose to "protest" that way.

I also think that they ("protesting players) buy into what media tells them. They only point out when a black person is shot etc. I think the people that are racist is very small minority and racism is not limited to white people as some course at Ohio State tried to say btw (not sure if any of you heard about that) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/09/2...says-only-white-people-can-be-racist.amp.html
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I think you give him a little too much credit. I don't think he's particularly intelligent but I do agree he's very good at manipulation.

You don't do what he continues to do by being lucky. My friends use to say, "I would rather be lucky than to be good."... it took me years to figure this out, what it meant... than the light bulb went off. Basically, you saying or implying its luck, is basically your own inability to see the Truth. So, yes, Trump is lucky -- which is why you are continuously baffled by the outcome. As far as NFL or ESPN or CNN or any of them... its like a big collection of snowflakes millionaire and billionaires crying about how unfair life is -- priceless.
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I don't understand it beyond it highlighting that these players do not understand what the anthem and the flag represent.

Trump is not the anthem, he is not the flag. The flag and the anthem represent this nation, it represents the veterans who fought and died so that those players can go out and make millions throwing a football around. Every time they sit down, kneel down, don't come out of the locker room, they are disrespecting every man and woman who put on a real uniform and gave their sweat, blood and lives for our nation.

You got a problem with the president? Fine. Say whatever you want, hold up a sign, go on twitter and run your mouth off.

But these players aren't disrespecting Trump. They are insulting every single person who has ever fought for this country and that is WRONG.

They get paid millions of dollars to play a game, but they can't stand up and show respect for the men and woman who get paid change to take a bullet for their nation?

Every man who decides to sit down is a disgrace.
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You don't do what he continues to do by being luck. My friends use to say, "I would rather be lucky than to be good."... it took me years to figure this out, what it meant... than the light bulb went off.

Basically, you saying or implying its luck, is basically your own inability to see the Truth. So, yes, Trump is lucky -- which is why you are continuously baffled by the outcome.

As far as NFL or ESPN or CNN or any of them... its like a big collection of snowflakes millionaire and billionaires crying about how unfair life is -- priceless.

I'm not sure how you translate being good at manipulating people == "being lucky" but I'm starting to see where this conversation is going so I think I'm going to simply say I disagree with your assessment.

Also....your last paragraph, sure, but you can describe Trump the same way. Dude whines more than any President I've ever seen. I'm going to guess you don't see it that way.
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I don't understand it beyond it highlighting that these players do not understand what the anthem and the flag represent.

Trump is not the anthem, he is not the flag. The flag and the anthem represent this nation, it represents the veterans who fought and died so that those players can go out and make millions throwing a football around. Every time they sit down, kneel down, don't come out of the locker room, they are disrespecting every man and woman who put on a real uniform and gave their sweat, blood and lives for our nation.

You got a problem with the president? Fine. Say whatever you want, hold up a sign, go on twitter and run your mouth off.

But these players aren't disrespecting Trump. They are insulting every single person who has ever fought for this country and that is WRONG.

They get paid millions of dollars to play a game, but they can't stand up and show respect for the men and woman who get paid change to take a bullet for their nation?

Every man who decides to sit down is a disgrace.

Exactly. That's why it makes me so mad. Like you said, got a problem with president, handle it differently. Why do they and others not understand this?!
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I don't understand it beyond it highlighting that these players do not understand what the anthem and the flag represent.

Trump is not the anthem, he is not the flag. The flag and the anthem represent this nation, it represents the veterans who fought and died so that those players can go out and make millions throwing a football around. Every time they sit down, kneel down, don't come out of the locker room, they are disrespecting every man and woman who put on a real uniform and gave their sweat, blood and lives for our nation.

You got a problem with the president? Fine. Say whatever you want, hold up a sign, go on twitter and run your mouth off.

But these players aren't disrespecting Trump. They are insulting every single person who has ever fought for this country and that is WRONG.

They get paid millions of dollars to play a game, but they can't stand up and show respect for the men and woman who get paid change to take a bullet for their nation?

Every man who decides to sit down is a disgrace.

That's complete bullsh** and a narrative created that never existed.

Those men and women died for FREEDOMS, including ones you don't like. You turning around and bashing people exercising those freedoms are the ones that disgrace their sacrifice.
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That's complete bullsh** and a narrative created that never existed.

Those men and women died for FREEDOMS, including ones you don't like. You turning around and bashing people exercising those freedoms are the ones that disgrace their sacrifice.

How is it bull****?

I never said you HAD to stand up, never said they didn't have the right to protest. Just that the anthem and the flag are about respecting the nation and the military, the men and women who fought for it.

Yes they fought for the freedoms these men have to sit down and shut up. But you think you'll see a veteran sit down during the anthem? No, you won't.

Its about respect. They have the right to do what they want but if they don't respect the anthem and what it represents (our nation and veterans) then they do not have the right to demand respect in turn.
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That's complete bullsh** and a narrative created that never existed.

Those men and women died for FREEDOMS, including ones you don't like. You turning around and bashing people exercising those freedoms are the ones that disgrace their sacrifice.

No, because the anthem is to honor and pay respect for them, so do not take that time designated for them, use your own time to do that. We are not saying they do not have right of freedom of speech, just very poor judgement of how/when.
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New Orleans Saints: Running backs Adrian Peterson, Mark Ingram and ALVIN KAMARA were among a group of 10 players who sat on the bench during the national anthem for the first time Sunday at Carolina. Defensive linemen Cameron Jordan, Sheldon Rankins and Alex Okafor, safeties Kenny Vaccaro, Rafael Bush and Chris Banjo and receiver Brandon Coleman also sat. Punter Thomas Morstead, cornerback Marshon Lattimore, linebacker Craig Robertson and tight end Coby Fleener stood next to the sitting players, with their arms on players’ shoulders. No Saints had sat or knelt during the anthem before – though they did organize a team-wide display of unity and hand-holding with the Falcons after the anthem on a Monday Night Football game last season. Quarterback Drew Brees came out strongly last year saying he disagreed with Colin Kaepernick’s form of protest, though he didn’t disagree with his message. -- Mike Triplett
How is it bull****?

I never said you HAD to stand up, never said they didn't have the right to protest. Just that the anthem and the flag are about respecting the nation and the military, the men and women who fought for it.

Yes they fought for the freedoms these men have to sit down and shut up. But you think you'll see a veteran sit down during the anthem? No, you won't.

Its about respect. They have the right to do what they want but if they don't respect the anthem and what it represents (our nation and veterans) then they do not have the right to demand respect in turn.

WTF does that have to do with anything?

And it's bull**** because kneeling is making absolutely no statement on the military or veterans at all. Maybe that's why so many Vet groups have come out in support of the players doing this. Probably because all this "disrespect the military" is a narrative that was created just as much to divide as the other side.
I'm not sure how you translate being good at manipulating people == "being lucky" but I'm starting to see where this conversation is going so I think I'm going to simply say I disagree with your assessment.

Also....your last paragraph, sure, but you can describe Trump the same way. Dude whines more than any President I've ever seen. I'm going to guess you don't see it that way.

Well, all elected officials are manipulators... I mean most people don't want the truth, so? Calling him an idiot to me is delusional in nature, and is probably why you and the mass media are still perplexed by the outcome each and every time.

I think Trump does what Trump does... I can't say I like him... I used to not like him at all when he had that stupid show. :)

These players, coaches, and owners... have no need for them... they're just a bunch of crying millionaire and billionaires, and I have no idea why they are crying. As far as Trump, at least I understand his issue.
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WTF does that have to do with anything?

And it's bull**** because kneeling is making absolutely no statement on the military or veterans at all. Maybe that's why so many Vet groups have come out in support of the players doing this. Probably because all this "disrespect the military" is a narrative that was created just as much to divide as the other side.

And pulling funding for these sports teams is not disrespectful as well... including their anti-trust exemption status... there is no reason why the nfl has to be treated different than other business entities.

If people find it disrespectful, that is all that matters... perception is reality. They really have no idea what they are protesting, generally.
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Well, all elected officials are manipulators... I mean most people don't want the truth, so? Calling him an idiot to me is delusional in nature, and is probably why you and the mass media are still perplexed by the outcome each and every time.

I think Trump does what Trump does... I can't say I like him... I used to not like him at all when he had that stupid show. :)

These players, coaches, and owners... have no need for them... they're just a bunch of crying millionaire and billionaires, and I have no idea why they are cry. As far as Trump, at least I understand his issue.

His issue that he gets mad when his ass isn't kissed and gets on Twitter and b****es about it? I mean sure, throw about the snowflake label all you want, but you can't suddenly act like it doesn't fit when you agree with the guy. A snowflake is a snowflake.
WTF does that have to do with anything?

And it's bull**** because kneeling is making absolutely no statement on the military or veterans at all. Maybe that's why so many Vet groups have come out in support of the players doing this. Probably because all this "disrespect the military" is a narrative that was created just as much to divide as the other side.

That is bull ****

The kneeling is showing they won't stand in respect for the anthem. The anthem and the flag are done before every game so everyone can show respect for the nation, for the men and women who fought for it. IT is a freaking rule and men can be court martialed in the military because they don't show deference to the flag and the anthem. So by standing you are standing WITH them.

These players might think they are protesting the president but in doing show they are sitting down instead of standing WITH all the men and women who fought for our nation.

I'm sure there are some veterans who agree with the protests. But as someone who comes from a military family I can tell you right now that the vast majority of men and women who are in or were in the military find it disheartening to see these players kneeling. They get angry, they get sad. The same way they felt when they were spit on by protestors of the war they were fighting.
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His issue that he gets mad when his ass isn't kissed and gets on Twitter and b****es about it? I mean sure, throw about the snowflake label all you want, but you can't suddenly act like it doesn't fit when you agree with the guy. A snowflake is a snowflake.

He finds it disrespectful, he would have been better just telling everyone to pull public funding and their anti-trust status. imo At least I understand his issue, I'm not saying I agree with him completely... the players.. I have no idea what they think they are doing... the owners better wise up... I said it last year... this is not a good course.

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