Proud Boy Leader Is An FBI Informant

So we now have a racist group that wants to protect its multiracial culture?

We have a multi-racial culture. We have a specific culture in this country that exists. Some people want to restrict immigration because they don't want our culture to continue to change. It's a reason many people opposed immigration 120 years ago (we were multi-racial at the time) and it's still a reason today.

Imagine denying the American dream to other people simply because you don't want them and their culture to rub off on you. You asked me to choose a point on the scale. That's the point I chose. Answer the question.
We have a multi-racial culture. We have a specific culture in this country that exists. Some people want to restrict immigration because they don't want our culture to continue to change. It's a reason many people opposed immigration 120 years ago (we were multi-racial at the time) and it's still a reason today.

Imagine denying the American dream to other people simply because you don't want them and their culture to rub off on you. You asked me to choose a point on the scale. That's the point I chose. Answer the question.

The desire for immigration restrictions is multi faceted and to lay it all at the feet of racism is lazy.

What is your question again? What percent of PB is racist? Or something along those lines.
The desire for immigration restrictions is multi faceted and to lay it all at the feet of racism is lazy.

What is your question again? What percent of PB is racist? Or something along those lines.

Dude. Nobody is saying there aren't other reasons to restrict immigration. Of course, there are plenty of reasons to oppose immigration. I'm talking about people that have this specific reason. That's it.

Asking me to repeat a question that you can readily read yourself is just bush league.

What is more reasonable? To say they probably have more racists than your average organization or the same? Let's get you on record here.
Dude. Nobody is talking about those other reasons. Of course, there are plenty of reasons to oppose immigration. I'm talking about people that have that specific reason. That's it.

Asking me to repeat a question that you can readily read yourself is just bush league.

Not bush league at all, I am working and scanning this.

Dont know how many. How many are in BLM or Antifa? Evidently not that many as they allowed a minority FBI informant in.

I mean how does anyone know how many racists the avg org has? And as I stated, that is such a vague term.
Not bush league at all, I am working and scanning this.

Dont know how many. How many are in BLM or Antifa? Evidently not that many as they allowed a minority FBI informant in.

Coward. I knew you wouldn't answer my question.
Unanswerable? I'm asking you to give me your opinion about what is "probably" the case and all you have to do is say "more" or "same".

Idk. What is the average organization? I've never been around PB people. Why does it matter.

The idea that a racist organization was infiltrated by someone they would supposedly be racist against, is assinine.
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Idk. What is the average organization? I've never been around PB people. Why does it matter.

The idea that a racist organization was infiltrated by someone they would supposedly be racist against, is assinine.

If he subscribes to cultural beliefs that are acceptable to them, then it's not that weird. Like you said, there is a scale. Just because you don't think brown man = bad does not mean you are not a racist. Denying people the American dream because you don't want them to mix with you makes you a racist, does it not? Or maybe you want to play a semantics game, let's say a prejudiced xenophobe (which most people would call a racist).
If he subscribes to cultural beliefs that are acceptable to them, then it's not that weird. Like you said, there is a scale. Just because you don't think brown man = bad does not mean you are not a racist. Denying people the American dream because you don't want them to mix with you makes you a racist, does it not? Or maybe you want to play a semantics game, let's say a prejudiced xenophobe (which most people would call a racist).

Does PB state this as a tenet of their organization?
Does PB state this as a tenet of their organization?

Why are you asking me this? This is irrelevant to my question and you already said "IDK" and it seems clear you're not going to give an answer beyond that. We can be done.
Why are you asking me this? This is irrelevant to my question and you already said "IDK" and it seems clear you're not going to give an answer beyond that. We can be done.

Having laughed at the FBI infiltrated the racist org with a person of a race that is unpalatable to the group, supposedly, gives you my answer you dolt.
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Having laughed at the FBI infiltrated the racist org with a person of a race that is unpalatable to the group, supposedly, gives you my answer you dolt.

OK, so the answer is "same". Boy Scouts of America. My Mom's quilter's group. The Catholic church. The Republican party. The New York Yankees. You think of every organization that exists and you're going on the record saying an organization that professes to be "western chauvinists" with a founder who calls himself an Islamaphobe is probably not more prejudicially xenophobic than the average organization, LOL.
We have a multi-racial culture. We have a specific culture in this country that exists. Some people want to restrict immigration because they don't want our culture to continue to change. It's a reason many people opposed immigration 120 years ago (we were multi-racial at the time) and it's still a reason today.

Imagine denying the American dream to other people simply because you don't want them and their culture to rub off on you. You asked me to choose a point on the scale. That's the point I chose. Answer the question.

What is the American culture? What is the American dream? It’s not just letting anyone in, planting them in one area, and letting them make that area the same sh**hole they came from. It’s not about giving everyone an opportunity (some more so simply based on their skin color) to be successful so they can turn around and say america sucks, is racist, and so they can try to erase history. Nobody has an issue with legal immigration but it shouldn’t be easy. It should be more than saying your country is terrible, walking through 5 other ones, and trying to claim asylum here. Look no further than the alphabet groups, the race hustlers, the northwest anarchy’s, etc. They don’t give a s**t about the constitution, rule of law, or anything america was founded on. Many want to live in the worst part of the past instead of accepting change has been made and just going about their lives.
There is such thing as a meat shield. I don't think the proud boys are all racist but I do think some of them are. I do think that having a few minorities does not mean racism isn't a problem in your organization. There are also different levels of racism, ranging from "I want them to go away completely" to "I'll marry their women but I still look down on most of them."
.id say there are blm who are racist
.id say there are blm who are racist

For sure they have that problem in their ranks too, but that's just deflecting from my point. He tried to act like it was unreasonable for me to "ascribe" a racial/xenophobic tone to Proud Boys when in fact we can say with pretty good certainty that they lean that way compared to most organizations, regardless of what BLM is about.
If he subscribes to cultural beliefs that are acceptable to them, then it's not that weird. Like you said, there is a scale. Just because you don't think brown man = bad does not mean you are not a racist. Denying people the American dream because you don't want them to mix with you makes you a racist, does it not? Or maybe you want to play a semantics game, let's say a prejudiced xenophobe (which most people would call a racist).
If prejudiced were actually to equate to everyone being racist then every single human being on the planet is racist. There is a difference, I think it's long overdue we familiarize ourselves with the term and come to grips with what it really means.

Not coming at you or anything, it is just a major emphasis for me personally. I think the country would be better off if we actually came to terms with what the words mean and use the correct ones in an adult way in our conversations instead of lobbing the word racist all the time. It would bring people together instead of driving us apart if we did that IMO.
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couldn't outing this dude put his life in danger?
It definitely will. Was this retribution by people in law enforcement/military that know their colleagues may have been set up by this guy? It’s very fishy.
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