Proud Boy Leader Is An FBI Informant

I’m sure they all do. The real question is are the informants actually paid to incite civil unrest and to create criminal cases?

COINTELPRO - Wikipedia

COINTELPRO(syllabic abbreviation derived from COunter INTELligence PROgram) (1956–unknown) is a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive,[5] including feminist organizations,[6] the Communist Party USA,[7] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement or Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM), independence movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left and unrelated groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.[8]
What is the American culture? What is the American dream? It’s not just letting anyone in, planting them in one area, and letting them make that area the same sh**hole they came from. It’s not about giving everyone an opportunity (some more so simply based on their skin color) to be successful so they can turn around and say america sucks, is racist, and so they can try to erase history. Nobody has an issue with legal immigration but it shouldn’t be easy. It should be more than saying your country is terrible, walking through 5 other ones, and trying to claim asylum here. Look no further than the alphabet groups, the race hustlers, the northwest anarchy’s, etc. They don’t give a s**t about the constitution, rule of law, or anything america was founded on. Many want to live in the worst part of the past instead of accepting change has been made and just going about their lives.

The phrase used - at least before diversity became the big deal - was melting pot. The concept was that we were a mixture of the people who made the country and later immigrants blended in ... probably broadened the mix but generally became part of the mix. We never even bothered with a national language and just accepted English - I think that was a mistake not to have a nationally recognized language, but ... We went through the period of segregation to integration as a means to fix tensions, and politicians ramped up other hostile feelings with their brand of reverse discrimination rather than recognizing you have to be equal to be equal. Now the diversity movement is ripping the country a new one - not to accept people as equals but forced acceptance of different - pretty much not the definition of melting pot. I've seen 70+ years of difference, and I'm definitely not impressed with where we are going.
For sure they have that problem in their ranks too, but that's just deflecting from my point. He tried to act like it was unreasonable for me to "ascribe" a racial/xenophobic tone to Proud Boys when in fact we can say with pretty good certainty that they lean that way compared to most organizations, regardless of what BLM is about.

Im not deflecting, im say everyone accused only the right of having racist, this fake narrative is a lie. Blm have many racists too.
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Im not deflecting, im say everyone accused only the right of having racist, this fake narrative is a lie. Blm have many racists too.

This thread is about PB. You're probably the 300th person on VN to make racial allegations against BLM, so that's not true.
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For sure they have that problem in their ranks too, but that's just deflecting from my point. He tried to act like it was unreasonable for me to "ascribe" a racial/xenophobic tone to Proud Boys when in fact we can say with pretty good certainty that they lean that way compared to most organizations, regardless of what BLM is about.

What is this based off of? I’m genuinely curious as I know nothing of the proud boys beliefs or anything, so what makes you say they “certainly” lean towards racism? Provide actual evidence please.
If the Proud Boys are pro blue lives matter and pro law enforcement, why wouldn't he be a snitch. It would be more newsworthy if he's an informant that snitching on the Proud Boys or if he was supposed to an informant against the Proud Boys but he got in too deep with them ala Donnie Brasco. This video is fits this topic in more ways than one.

What is this based off of? I’m genuinely curious as I know nothing of the proud boys beliefs or anything, so what makes you say they “certainly” lean towards racism? Provide actual evidence please.

Considering the fact that blm is concerned only about black lives, it is obviously racist - otherwise it would have a different title reflecting a broader view. Since blm is obviously racist, then I guess anyone opposing anything about the group has to be racist ... to the blm movement. A strange perspective, but what else is there?
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