PSA: Support Spyre and The Volunteer Club

So McDonald's doesn't need vendors to buy their potatoes?

How is spyre supposed to pay for recruits WITHOUT money??

Then you'll turn around and buy a McDonald's Chicken Mcnuggets Combo for $10. But hey you can control that...

It's conscious effort to tell yourself "I'm doing what I can to directly help the most important aspect of the program: The players ". $5. Thats all. Whatever spyre does it with it is out of my hands. But you hang on to that $5 👍

Oh and I'm an alumni and I donate over 2k a year if you want to ride that horse🙄.

What a joke

See my last post. You don't control my money. I get to choose how I spend it. I get to have my opinion. You're welcome to do what you want with your money. I just don't think it's a good business model.
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If 101,915 just donated $5 dollars a month (basically the price of a Starbucks coffee) then that’s $6 million per year. That would really help us in the recruiting game.
All they simply have to do is sign up for a month and see if they like it lol.

7 months will go buy before they realized they've only spent enough for 3/4 tank of gas.

A year will go buy and they can feel good that entire time knowing they directly helped recruiting VS complaining about "things need to change"🙄.

Simple choice. But unfortunately people believe the world is trying to sucker them.
This is the easiest $5 a month I've ever spent.
See my last post. You don't control my money. I get to choose how I spend it. I get to have my opinion. You're welcome to do what you want with your money. I just don't think it's a good business model.
Oh come on!

Your money 🤣.

Have you heard of the IRS???

Have a great night, sir. Not gonna waste my time with this.
Roger that. My money helps pay for the facilities and official visits. Or does that stuff not attract recruits. So if our facilities and stadium falls apart, recruits won't care? I'd rather pay my money so Huepel, Danny white get paid. Maybe my money contributes to that. We almost made the playoffs with a team of misfit toys bc of those two gents. They didn't need the best recruits to beat a clemson team that has out recruited us. I'm giving my money to contribute to those type of things. Not to spyre. They shouldn't be nickel and diming it anyways. But you do you and I'll do me.
Do want you want but the people you are paying are going to be getting $75Mm in TV money and just brought in $200MM+ in revenue.

The people you are ignoring are the 2nd most important thing to landing recruits besides direct coach relationships/Coach development reputation at this point. Believe me or not but NIL is right after those for most kids and the system know says the ONLY way we can beat out the competition in this arena is if private boosters and fans support collectives.
Do want you want but the people you are paying are going to be getting $75Mm in TV money and just brought in $200MM+ in revenue.

The people you are ignoring are the 2nd most important thing to landing recruits besides direct coach relationships/Coach development reputation at this point. Believe me or not but NIL is right after those for most kids and the system know says the ONLY way we can beat out the competition in this arena is if private boosters and fans support collectives.

Watching people twist themselves into knots to not embrace our NIL even though it directly contributes to our success is wild.
There are many ways to redirect $5 a month from your budget. Call your car insurance company and get a better rate, don’t buy 2 extra sodas a month, don’t buy an extra fast food burger once a month. Plenty of ways to make it happen. 2,900 members or whatever is terrible. Should be 50k plus at least with the $5/month option. People that love Tennessee athletics going through the near 15 year misery of 6-6 football probably told ourselves we’d pay to have a great team. Well that opportunity is here right in front of us. Big donors are funding the AD and the collective. Time for the fans to step up for as little as $5 a month. Also yeah it most definitely affects recruits WAY more than what some of you think. Go donate $5
There are many ways to redirect $5 a month from your budget. Call your car insurance company and get a better rate, don’t buy 2 extra sodas a month, don’t buy an extra fast food burger once a month. Plenty of ways to make it happen. 2,900 members or whatever is terrible. Should be 50k plus at least with the $5/month option. People that love Tennessee athletics going through the near 15 year misery of 6-6 football probably told ourselves we’d pay to have a great team. Well that opportunity is here right in front of us. Big donors are funding the AD and the collective. Time for the fans to step up for as little as $5 a month. Also yeah it most definitely affects recruits WAY more than what some of you think. Go donate $5
I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating in here. Spyre has not done a great job imo of communicating to the average fan what a collective or even what NIL is. In my admitedly anecdotal experience, most seem to think either it's an AD program that is trying to solicit donations from them or they have just straight up never heard of it at all.

I know someone said they are going to start advertising more at games and other places and that is greay but this really should have already been done. The average fan still doesn't know anything about our collective and that is the primary reason we are still under 3,000 imo.
I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating in here. Spyre has not done a great job imo of communicating to the average fan what a collective or even what NIL is. In my admitedly anecdotal experience, most seem to think either it's an AD program that is trying to solicit donations from them or they have just straight up never heard of it at all.

I know someone said they are going to start advertising more at games and other places and that is greay but this really should have already been done. The average fan still doesn't know anything about our collective and that is the primary reason we are still under 3,000 imo.

There was a video at halftime at last year’s Missouri game where Heupel promoted Spyre. Said the players need to be rewarded and encouraged contributions. Sometimes, people need to be receptive of it, too. I mentioned it to several friends, and a couple signed up. Surely, everyone who cares to follow UT football has at least heard of NIL. I will never tell people how to spend their money, but even people who don’t want to contribute can acknowledge that we can have power in numbers.

Additionally, it is beneficial to the fan. I have autographs of Hooker and Hyatt, and I don’t contribute a big amount.
Na that's how muchbyall sheep give to will so they buy their toys. Make them rich. Cause we ain't beating out ga and Bama for these recruits.
How are you not making millionaires richer via your method?
"We aren't getting some of these kids anyway so **** em, better to pay the already millionaires" is...a take.
I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating in here. Spyre has not done a great job imo of communicating to the average fan what a collective or even what NIL is. In my admitedly anecdotal experience, most seem to think either it's an AD program that is trying to solicit donations from them or they have just straight up never heard of it at all.

I know someone said they are going to start advertising more at games and other places and that is greay but this really should have already been done. The average fan still doesn't know anything about our collective and that is the primary reason we are still under 3,000 imo.
I’d say that could be true but I’ll tell you since I’ve become a captain, I’ve personally probably explained The Vol Club to 100s and 100s of TN fans that I am friends or acquaintances with and I’d say about 20% are actually receptive to signing up.

The overwhelming response is either, I don’t think the kids should be paid I liked it when they played for only the love of the game (LOL they’ve always been paid or I am happy they are being paid but that shouldn’t be my responsibility the school should pay them (They can’t!!!)

It will make you want to put your head through a wall sometimes and almost all of these people
Could easily afford much more than the $300 a year mark if they wanted to.
I’d say that could be true but I’ll tell you since I’ve become a captain, I’ve personally probably explained The Vol Club to 100s and 100s of TN fans that I am friends or acquaintances with and I’d say about 20% are actually receptive to signing up.

The overwhelming response is either, I don’t think the kids should be paid I liked it when they played for only the love of the game (LOL they’ve always been paid or I am happy they are being paid but that shouldn’t be my responsibility the school should pay them (They can’t!!!)

It will make you want to put your head through a wall sometimes and almost all of these people
Could easily afford much more than the $300 a year mark if they wanted to.
I understand times are tough in this economy, but as I said earlier there are MANY ways to redirect $5 a month from your monthly budget without increasing expenses. If we had 50,000 Vol fans donating $5 a month that’s 3 million dollars per year. Enough to combine with what the few big donors are already footing the bill for in their donations. We have strength in numbers if we ever do this right. Prime opportunity
I’d say that could be true but I’ll tell you since I’ve become a captain, I’ve personally probably explained The Vol Club to 100s and 100s of TN fans that I am friends or acquaintances with and I’d say about 20% are actually receptive to signing up.

The overwhelming response is either, I don’t think the kids should be paid I liked it when they played for only the love of the game (LOL they’ve always been paid or I am happy they are being paid but that shouldn’t be my responsibility the school should pay them (They can’t!!!)

It will make you want to put your head through a wall sometimes and almost all of these people
Could easily afford much more than the $300 a year mark if they wanted to.
Ive shilled it before and once they learn what it is and why it's important, they seem to be pretty receptive. In my experience though, even the ones I expected to know what it was were pretty in the dark about the whole thing. Glad it's changing though, Im excited to see the bigger advertising push this season.
I’d say that could be true but I’ll tell you since I’ve become a captain, I’ve personally probably explained The Vol Club to 100s and 100s of TN fans that I am friends or acquaintances with and I’d say about 20% are actually receptive to signing up.

The overwhelming response is either, I don’t think the kids should be paid I liked it when they played for only the love of the game (LOL they’ve always been paid or I am happy they are being paid but that shouldn’t be my responsibility the school should pay them (They can’t!!!)

It will make you want to put your head through a wall sometimes and almost all of these people
Could easily afford much more than the $300 a year mark if they wanted to.

We can call it like it is. They are very jealous of a young kid with a talent they never had making more money than they do. Some don't want a young African American especially.
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Then the same people will be the first to complain about the roster… well do you donate to helping get the roster to an elite level? “Coaching and development” is great but reality is you get 20 hours a week with these kids in 2023. Much less than what you used to get in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. We’ve got to have elite players to get back to where we belong. Been way too long

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