Qanon -The Storm

Seems rather coordinated for Alex Jones to get banned on most social platforms in less than 24 hours. Like the guy or not, this is going to open up a huge can of worms.

Now for the Quintessential QTake on this.

8 chan link

"IMPORTANTWe need to create a timeline for Playboy and the mansion. >Hefner puts mansion up for sale, condition is he stays there until death>Ben Kohn (previously managing partner at Rizvi), now known as glowing in dark, installed as interim CEO in 2016>Pam Anderson visits Assange at Ecuadorian embassy in London multiple times in 2016, also during the entire shitstorm of October that year>Hefner dies '17Was Hefner CIA (quite obvious)? What are we missing here?

Bump. Everyone read this. Playboy/Hef is a worthwhile line of inquiry. This obviously begs the question of Pam Anderson and the White Wiz [Assange]. Was he being entrapped, or was he given the goods?The fact that immediately after Pam's visit, JA's internet was cut, seems to scream to me that she was giving him the goods, and the blackout was a glowboi [global] retaliation. Yeah?"


Some rich guy named Rizvi bought Playboy, left HH in charge of the CIA honeypot aka Playboy Mansion. Pamela "Boobs" Anderson, because of her stalwart history in intellectual, international communications, picks up tripcodes and other stuff given to her by Trump via HH/Playboy Mansion who has compromised Trump through the honeypot and takes it to Assange. Assange let's Misss Boobs in, takes the goodies, loses his internet connection causing HH to die or something like that I honestly cant keep up with this hot unholy mess.
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I would not be surprised if QAnon links to Russia.

How much time have you spent researching QAnon?

If little to none is your answer then you believe whatever the media wants you to believe.

Asking questions so that people can independently research and find their own answers doesn't seem threatening to me.

Are you afraid of the truth being revealed?

Why did all major media outlets decide to cover Qanon all at once?

You need to prepare yourself mentally for the possibility that you're wrong.
This sets an extremely dangerous precedent. AJ didn't do anything that bad to warrant complete shutdown. The folks doing the censoring have made it clear that these shutdowns have nothing to do with the fake news on his site, but rather "hate speech".

Now any conservative who voices opposition to Islam or states facts will now be the next targets. Leftist commies are ecstatic.
This sets an extremely dangerous precedent. AJ didn't do anything that bad to warrant complete shutdown. The folks doing the censoring have made it clear that these shutdowns have nothing to do with the fake news on his site, but rather "hate speech".

Now any conservative who voices opposition to Islam or states facts will now be the next targets. Leftist commies are ecstatic.
Whether people hate AJ is beside the point. I wonder if our resident libs love the fact that a handful of tech monopolists have the power to simultaneously purge him from the internet.
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This sets an extremely dangerous precedent.
For what company? For social media? You need to be more specific about this. Twitter, Facebook, etc are not government entities. If Breitbart wanted to take off anything they wanted, they could.

AJ didn't do anything that bad to warrant complete shutdown.
The guy admits to fake news. He has said horrible things about Sandy Hook and other tragedies. If companies warrant this as bad enough, they are in their full power to take down whatever.

The folks doing the censoring have made it clear that these shutdowns have nothing to do with the fake news on his site, but rather "hate speech".
Its both, but I'd love it see a link on this not being about "fake news".

Now any conservative who voices opposition to Islam or states facts will now be the next targets. Leftist commies are ecstatic.

States facts? Alex Jones stating facts? This is a complete red herring and nonsensical.
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This sets an extremely dangerous precedent. AJ didn't do anything that bad to warrant complete shutdown. The folks doing the censoring have made it clear that these shutdowns have nothing to do with the fake news on his site, but rather "hate speech".

Now any conservative who voices opposition to Islam or states facts will now be the next targets. Leftist commies are ecstatic.

No one is saying that he can't say those things, the private companies are simply saying they don't want him saying it on their platform.

He has a website, he can host all the crazy he wants.
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"Q"ers are a different breed, to say the least. When they are not planning World Trump Triumph, they eat each other.


ur using big words like a ******. all i know is mexicans are taking away are jobs and i hate them. obamas a muslim nigir. trumps gona save all the white people from george soros. glory thanks to white jesus. is so beautfol cri every time.

That was fun. No worries! The fake Q is now exposed!!!

I’m the real Q The real Q 08/06/18 (Mon) 11:19:17 No.2189

"Some stories have been going around and they nail an issue on the head. The Q Anon stuff you’ve been seeing is fake crap put out by leftists to fool people on the right. They’re doing this to discredit you, because they really want to move forward with their deep state/leftists agenda. You can check my IP, I’m in Virginia but I work in D.C. I’m the real deal and I can take all of you down the actual rabbit hole. The deep state has already silenced one of my closest friends at the agency I work for. It is up to you, do you want to continue to be fooled by the leftists or do you want to really expose this entire mess? If nobody else will do it, I’ll do this all by myself. I have OPSEC used to foil our plans to expose the deep state, I have parts of their trade craft used to discredit others who disagree with their agenda, and I have names (lots of names) that I will expose here for all of you to see.

I know what you think, this [fake] Q Anon has been exposing the sickos but in reality they feed their abilities to hide from all of us. Follow me, the Real Q, and I’ll take this whole thing down with the info I will expose. If you have info to compare and share, send it to me and we will do this together. I’m recruiting those brave enough to expose these people for what they are.


The Real Q"

Makes your head spin, no?
For what company? For social media? You need to be more specific about this. Twitter, Facebook, etc are not government entities. If Breitbart wanted to take off anything they wanted, they could.

Congressional Democrats had been openly pressuring Facebook and others to take him down. Also, it is extremely idiotic to compare Breitbart with Twitter or Facebook.

The guy admits to fake news. He has said horrible things about Sandy Hook and other tragedies. If companies warrant this as bad enough, they are in their full power to take down whatever.

I agree he's said awful things, and I think he's a terrible person. But, does that give you a right to completely silence him? Last I checked, we don't live in a Venezuelan or Russian authoritarian dictatorship.

Its both, but I'd love it see a link on this not being about "fake news".

Facebook, Apple, YouTube remove pages, podcasts from Alex Jones for hate speech, policy violations

States facts? Alex Jones stating facts? This is a complete red herring and nonsensical.

Ben Shapiro, a very bright and moderate conservative, has been accused of being a Nazi and advocating "hate-speech" for his views on Islam and transgenders. This opens the door for major media outlets to censor him and other conservatives in a similar fashion.
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Congressional Democrats had been openly pressuring Facebook and others to take him down. Also, it is extremely idiotic to compare Breitbart with Twitter or Facebook.

I agree he's said awful things, and I think he's a terrible person. But, does that give you a right to completely silence him? Last I checked, we don't live in a Venezuelan or Russian authoritarian dictatorship.

Facebook, Apple, YouTube remove pages, podcasts from Alex Jones for hate speech, policy violations

Ben Shapiro, a very bright and moderate conservative, has been accused of being a Nazi and advocating "hate-speech" for his views on Islam and transgenders. This opens the door for major media outlets to censor him and other conservatives in a similar fashion.
It would autrhoritain for those companies to be required to allow him use of their platform
Pick your battles better. This isn't a good one.
Let's be clear here. This isn't "conservative news" you're defending.
It's lunacy packaged in crazy conspiracy, fanatical lying, vicious bullying, and fear-mongering.
Quit trying to conflate the two.
He's a pretend character, which makes it even worse that you're defending it.

Alex Jones ‘playing a character,’ says lawyer
Pick your battles better. This isn't a good one.
Let's be clear here. This isn't "conservative news" you're defending.
It's lunacy packaged in crazy conspiracy, fanatical lying, vicious bullying, and fear-mongering.
Quit trying to conflate the two.
He's a pretend character, which makes it even worse that you're defending it.

Alex Jones ‘playing a character,’ says lawyer

I'm not defending Alex Jones. I am defending his right to free speech on any platform.
I don't think many "Q"iites like Jewish people.

Anonymous 08/05/18 (Sun) 19:34:06 No.2066[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

America is only the United States of America, but to the satanic Christ-killing child sodomists who ran Big Slavery's king/pope lie for over 2,000 years yet enslaving Latin America and Canada; whose US Beast of Gog&Babylon Rothschild/Rockefeller Mob Fifth Column promotes illegal and Muslim immigration, with Mossad did 9/11 using the same Roman Catholic CIA/FBI now opposing Mr. Trump, and is yet to hang for killing JFK&MLK to make us papal catspaw in Rome's Vietnam slave plantation, after financing Hitler and Nazism and making us papal catspaw in their Roman Catholic slave plantation of Korea.

America is credal civil religion the three tenets of which are enshrined on The Great Seal of the Covenant.

We are one People under the one God ruled only by Truth and Justice. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah's eight given signs for "Zion," God's "Promised Land," confirm only America is "Israel Restored."

Don't like it? Get out. The Wall kills Satan's pedo homo Anti-Christ long usurping us we founded God's America to escape."

Oh, forgot the accompanying avatar-image.


Pick your battles better. This isn't a good one.
Let's be clear here. This isn't "conservative news" you're defending.
It's lunacy packaged in crazy conspiracy, fanatical lying, vicious bullying, and fear-mongering.
Quit trying to conflate the two.
He's a pretend character, which makes it even worse that you're defending it.

Alex Jones ‘playing a character,’ says lawyer

AJ is the canary in a coal mine. He's just the test subject for censoring based on "hate speech".

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