Qanon -The Storm

I'm not the nitwit claiming to be more knowledgeable than the experts. Your butthurt is noted. Stick to your little weightlifting fantasies kid. You're out of your element.

Lol @ kid. Internet badass, I tell ya.

Many of us were right, while you and the smart “pollsters” were wrong! It’s like you JAs roll out of bed and take a daily fist full of dumbass and oxy.

I called you out on your offer but you didn’t accept. Looks like someone let their e-ass write checks that their real ass couldn’t cash.
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I'm not the nitwit claiming to be more knowledgeable than the experts. Your butthurt is noted. Stick to your little weightlifting fantasies kid. You're out of your element.
What expertise do you have in, well, anything? You're always talking about science, knowledge, experts, education, and yet you've never shown you're credentials in any of it.
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What expertise do you have in, well, anything? You're always talking about science, knowledge, experts, education, and yet you've never shown you're credentials in any of it.
It's your* credentials.
By claiming that I defer to the experts, that requires some expertise? LOL Why do you keep asking personal questions? You did that yesterday, too. Kinda creepy. This is a political forum, not some dick measuring contest. If you want to compare your participation trophies, get with Squirts.
It's your* credentials.
By claiming that I defer to the experts, that requires some expertise? LOL Why do you keep asking personal questions? You did that yesterday, too. Kinda creepy. This is a political forum, not some dick measuring contest. If you want to compare your participation trophies, get with Squirts.

*Yur still posting like a bitter ex-wife and on top of that u* haven't displayed an original cognitive thought yet. It's all butt hurt what youv* heard or seen on CNN ect crap. I didn't ask "personal" questions because I care. I asked because its funny to see your nasty woman responses. Please reply..
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Lets see why he was suspended... also, note the word suspended, its temporary.

I’ve been suspended from Twitter for calling @KatzOnEarth a “boo hoo little b****,” for tattletaling on Peter Van Buren and getting him suspended. Dan McAdams has also been suspended for RTing me.
"Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?

Trips to the WH?

What are they hiding?

Why is HRC in NZ?

Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?

Why is that relevant?

Suicide watch.

Q May 2018

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It's your* credentials.
By claiming that I defer to the experts, that requires some expertise? LOL Why do you keep asking personal questions? You did that yesterday, too. Kinda creepy. This is a political forum, not some dick measuring contest. If you want to compare your participation trophies, get with Squirts.

You're actually bypassing discussion with fallacious appeals to authority. If you want to rely on polls as evidence for your argument, it's up to you to show the polls as valid evidence instead of just appealing to the supposed expertise of supposed experts (especially if such experts are unnamed, homogeneous grouping--and especially if said polls have been shows to be untrustworthy in the past).
You're actually bypassing discussion with fallacious appeals to authority. If you want to rely on polls as evidence for your argument, it's up to you to show the polls as valid evidence instead of just appealing to the supposed expertise of supposed experts (especially if such experts are unnamed, homogeneous grouping--and especially if said polls have been shows to be untrustworthy in the past).

Polls are what they are- snapshots at a particular point in time. There are outliers, however if you follow the trends in them they can show you the direction things are proceeding.
Polls are what they are- snapshots at a particular point in time. There are outliers, however if you follow the trends in them they can show you the direction things are proceeding.

What does that have to do with my post?

TT posted a poll showing trump's approval numbers. The poll was claimed to be an unreliable reflection of actual population. TT has been on a fallacious appeal to authority and ad hominem attack since, while never going back and defending either the veracity of the poll, or his claims per Trump's popularity. I'm not saying one way or the other whether the poll is trustworthy, or what Trump's popularity is. I am, however, saying that TT is eschewing actual debate on the subject and needs to get under the hood of the poll since it's been called into question.

The funny thing is that TT's appeal to authority has undermined his ability to use the poll, as the supposed lack of expertise to criticize the poll is the same supposed lack of expertise he has to validate it. IOW, TT's criteria has made polls a black box that can't be useful in debate to anyone but polling experts.
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LOL, I sincerely hope they fail at stopping "Da Storm".

Wouldn't it be hilarious if "Q" is squashed by Trumpers, eating their own?

UPDATE: Jack Posobiec's upcoming Q-Debunking. HE HAS IT ALL FOLKS!!

But can you trust this alt-righter?


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